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September 28, 2007

Lawyer resilience: Two tough Brits weigh in.

As a follow up to our recent post on lawyers' lack of stiff-upper-lipped-ness, see a January 2006 GeekLawyer piece called "The Personality Type of a Lawyer" and, from earlier this week at Ruthie's Law, "Are You Tough Enough?". And SRV, of course.

I would walk ten miles on my hands and knees--
Ain't no doubt about it, baby, it's you I aim to please.
I'd wrestle with a lion, and a grizzly bear
It's my life, baby, but I don't care.

Ain't that tough enough?

--SRV/Fabulous Thunderbirds

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at September 28, 2007 11:48 PM


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