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May 10, 2008

Wanted: "A fool in the forest".

Which is the name of a site of a talented California lawyer named George Wallace who has been working too hard, even by WAC?'s brutal standards. We miss his playful yet erudite Renaissance man's perspective. We need more lawyers writing about Salvador Dali.


Posted by JD Hull at May 10, 2008 11:45 PM


Speaking as an ex-art historian and current lawyer, it is my considered opinion that we don't need more lawyers writing about Salvador Dali. In fact there is a distinct lack of need for anybody, of any profession or none, to write about Salvador Dali.

There is a desperate need for lawyers writing about Marcel Duchamp, however, and a distinct gap in the market for lawyers musing on Luis Buñuel.

Posted by: Nearly Legal at May 10, 2008 04:10 AM

Thanks awfully for the kind words and the gentle nudge to "get back to posting already."

By fortunate happenstance, the two trials that were the main source of my overwhelmitude have resolved themselves in the past 24 hours, so there's definitely cause to hope for a reemergence of this Fool in short order. I might even write something about the law again, but where's the sport in a lawyer doing that?

Posted by: George Wallace at May 9, 2008 05:14 PM

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