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May 27, 2009

The Greatest American Lawyer: Out With His Posse.

A glimpse into Traverse City's small but colorful underground. See "I Could Be an Idiot, but You Would Never Know It Because I Look Good In a Suit" at GAL.


South Union Street, Traverse City, Michigan

Posted by JD Hull at May 27, 2009 12:00 AM


Dan: Thanks for the post. I think the most the most ironic thing is that it was so shocking for me to actually see someone in a suit in Traverse City. I guess that says a lot about where I live, huh?

Summer is here, so you should try and get up sometime soon. Winter is almost over!

Cherry Festival starts in about a month (July 4). Michael Moore's film festival is at the beginning of August. Traverse City continues to grow and prosper despite the other economic troubles facing Michigan. In fact, we seem to be enjoying more tourism as a result of the fact that people are flying less and driving more. If you ever get to town, I'll buy you a beer at Brady's Bar.

Posted by: Enrico S at May 27, 2009 01:40 PM

Thanks...and am ashamed. Fixed it. Grew up partially in Michigan and fished those parts. Yes, Cherry Festival. Grapes/wine there, too. Forgive me. Edit us any time. We are often excellent--but only rarely perfect.

Posted by: Hull at May 26, 2009 07:22 PM

It's Traverse City, not Taverse City. It's almost cherry season isn't it?

Posted by: phidda at May 26, 2009 06:36 PM

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