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June 30, 2010

The post-Soviet Russia spy novel: Eric O'Neill on "The Ten"

Good morning, American workers. George Stephanopoulos interviews O'Neill on yesterday's Good Morning America.

Posted by JD Hull at June 30, 2010 12:34 PM


Does anyone believe this was more than a diversion by Russia, designed to lead us away from really serious efforts to acquire valuable information (mostly commercial)?

We spend a fortune in time, energy, resources, etc. and catch minnows so small we are lucky to have found a net that would filter them from the water.

The great part of the spy business is that there are games, within games, within games.

Look at the bang Russia got for, what, $50,000 a month in costs? This "ring" was nothing more than disinformation. We were even able to convince one of the "spies" that they should communicate with us.

The news coverage of this is so lacking in altitude and perspective . . .

Posted by: John Davidson at July 1, 2010 11:39 AM

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