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July 11, 2015

Help Wanted: Texas local counsel in Dallas-FW-Arlington area.

Singers of songs and dreamers of plays
Build a house no wind blows over.
The CPAs—tell me why a hearse horse snickers
hauling a CPA's bones.

--Carl Sandburg (mainly) from The Lawyers Know Too Much, ABA Journal, Vol. VII, No. 1 (Jan. 1921), p. 23 (see jump below)

We usually represent corporations unfairly accused in federal courts of something bad (contract, patent, trademark or copyright issue), sloppy (spilt fossil fuel/CERCLA/drive-by littering/RCRA) or plain low-down (fraud/insider trading felony murder) by either another corporation by a government. It's defense side work and pans out best when the company has at least one sophisticated in-house lawyer who knows the difference between Rules 34 and 45. That client will be paying for two lawyers to nip the dispute in the bud and 3 or 4 lawyers to work on their case if it escalates.

But when we don't do the above, we represent plaintiff corporations. The best causes of action? Cases against CPAs or stockbrokers, hands down. There are almost as many sleazed-out mail-it-in accountants and brokers as there are lawyers of the same ilk, Jack. And suing them? Suing them is the second most fun you can have.

And this case we have both a CPA firm and stockbroker as defendants. Personally, I am licensed in California, DC, Maryland and Pennsylvania (three of which are real states or districts)--but not Texas, where I have appeared pro hac vice five times in 20 years but not in last two years.

So we need local counsel. We have a case against an accountancy and a stockbroker on behalf of a young (10 years) aggressive Texas DFW-area construction company that sounds in tort and contract. Needed quickly is a local civil litigator with great federal court chops who also knows two county courts: Parker and Tarrant. Add solid, reliable, responsive and trustworthy. Aggressive.

Respond in the comments. Thanks.

00000001 (1).jpg
Me in 2009 with Texas CPA and Texas stockbroker. This is what Texas pros often look like. Neither here is a defendant in above case.

The Lawyers Know Too Much

By Carl Sandburg

The lawyers, Bob, know too much.
They are chums of the books of old John Marshall.
They know it all, what a dead hand Wrote,
A stiff dead hand and its knuckles crumbling,
The bones of the fingers a thin white ash.
The lawyers know
a dead man’s thoughts too well.

In the heels of the higgling lawyers, Bob,
Too many slippery ifs and buts and howevers,
Too much hereinbefore provided whereas,
Too many doors to go in and out of.

When the lawyers are through
What is there left, Bob?
Can a mouse nibble at it
And find enough to fasten a tooth in?

Why is there always a secret singing
When a lawyer cashes in?
Why does a hearse horse snicker
Hauling a lawyer away?

The work of a bricklayer goes to the blue.
The knack of a mason outlasts a moon.
The hands of a plasterer hold a room together.
The land of a farmer wishes him back again.
Singers of songs and dreamers of plays
Build a house no wind blows over.
The lawyers—tell me why a hearse horse snickers
hauling a lawyer’s bones.

Carl Sandburg
American Bar Association Journal
Vol. 7, No. 1 (January, 1921), p. 23

Posted by JD Hull at July 11, 2015 04:15 PM


Thanks, Jim. Appreciated. Already in touch with 2 people in your fine firm (IBLC and one other window) and I will reach out to you. JDH

Posted by: Dan Hull at July 14, 2015 12:53 AM

We do this sort of case all the time. Glad to take a look at it.

Posted by: Jim McCarthy at July 13, 2015 07:22 PM

Thanks, L.D. and always good to hear from you. I do love people who sue insurers. I will follow up with this. Glad you like the 12 rules. I like them, too. 20 years of me in them. Dan

Posted by: Dan Hull at July 12, 2015 01:23 PM


What a creative way to identify local counsel - We have a Dallas office, and our lead commercial litigator there is Stewart Clancy. See https://www.mcguirewoods.com/People/C/D-Stewart-Clancy.aspx

We have several accounting firm clients (yes, I know, I read your post), so I am not sure we can take this one on. If you want to explore further, let me know if you would like me to link you up with Stewart.

Keep the posts coming. I have made your 12 rules mandatory for our associates.



Posted by: L D Simmons at July 12, 2015 09:32 AM

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