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January 30, 2006

"Can Lawyers Be Taught To Market?"

Ellen Freedman at Law Practice Management has a thoughtful and fairly extensive post about whether marketing can be taught to lawyers, including the vast majority who may not be naturals. Her answer is clearly "yes". Her post follows recent commentary, including posts by Arnie Herz, Larry Bodine and Patrick Lamb, over the past few days in reaction to Dr. Larry Richard's comments to the Marketing Partners Forum in Florida noting that about 80% of lawyers aren't marketers by nature. (I chimed in, too.) Ellen starts out talking about developing networking skills early in a lawyer's career--and she's specific about how to do that. She promises more on learning to market in future posts. She seems to support the notion of some of us practicing law (including me) that everyone in a firm can effectively lend a strong hand to market--if not to "sell".

Posted by JD Hull at 12:25 PM | Comments (0)