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April 21, 2007

Generation Weenie

I'm in Los Angeles, where it's tough to offend anyone about anything. Weird, wild and angry are given a wide berth here. So for a change of pace, for some fun, and if you think as I do that Don Imus, Alec Baldwin and the First Amendment are all having an unduly rough month, see Generation Weenie, for humans "who tend to be insulted, outraged, offended, or traumatized". According to the definition section, you may be one if you: (1) utilize the words offended, outraged, insulted, or traumatized whenever possible, (2) believe nothing is your fault, and you are a victim of circumstance, (3) wear a dorky little ribbon in a half figure eight pattern to signify your solidarity, and (4) sue everybody because you have been wronged.

Posted by JD Hull at April 21, 2007 12:10 AM


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