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September 18, 2007

King's Lynn, Norfolk, East Anglia, England

It's located primarily on the east bank of the River Great Ouse, which flows into the nearby Wash, a huge estuary and shallow bay of the North Sea. A port about 120 miles north of London, it's also about 50 miles northwest of Lindsey, Suffolk, a tiny village from which WAC?'s mother's family emigrated to Massachusetts in 1634. King's Lynn, or "Lynn", is at least 1000 years old. There are references to Lynn (where locals harvested salt from salt marshes) in the Domesday Book, commissioned by William I to get a handle on just what he and his fellow Normans had conquered in 1066. Lynn appears in "Little

Domesday", the independent work covering Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. Originally named "Bishop's Lynn", the town was part of the manor of the Bishop of Norwich in the 12th century. St. Margaret's Church was founded in 1101. By the 14th century, the town ranked as the third port of England. Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries in 1538, the town and manor became royal property. And the name changed. Today industries are fishing and seafood, chemicals, glass-making, light manufacturing and food processing.

Posted by JD Hull at September 18, 2007 10:57 PM


It's a beautiful town. But don't come for the nightlife.

Posted by: Ruthie at September 22, 2007 02:53 PM

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