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October 25, 2007

Nashville Cats...

play clean as country water,
play wild as mountain dew
been playin' since they's babies
get work before they're two.

--J. Sebastian

Like, say, Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Richmond, and the whole state of North Carolina, Nashville, Tennessee on the Cumberland River is a well-kept secret. It has just about everything humans need: beauty, learning, music, commerce. It's a big center for the health care, publishing, and transportation industries. Founded in 1779 as Fort Nashborough, it was named after Francis Nash, a North Carolina lawyer, merchant, and brigadier general killed during the American Revolutionary War. Probably due to its proximity to Cincinnati, where I attended high school, I twice almost went to college here. Sometimes I wish I had. I'd be a much nicer, and better-mannered, person. Due east of here, especially at the far end of the state, there's heap of Hulls and other relatives I've never met. When I finally met them, I'd talk a bit less like a Yankee, and greet them with "You doin' okay?".

Posted by JD Hull at October 25, 2007 06:42 PM


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