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August 08, 2007

Tom Kane: Listening

Like any number of lawyers, or people you'll find in a U.S. law school, I don't listen that well, even though it's part of my job. As a first child, I was encouraged to "achieve"--but also to talk-talk-talk, not listen. In my case there are other character flaws in play too numerous or disturbing to list here. But on a bad day, and especially if I am excited about something, my poor listening skills border on both rudeness and world-class dumbness. Well, the always-even keeled Tom Kane reminds us that listening is an art. And Tom even mentions that our mutual friend Jim Hassett, who also writes and coaches on listening, turned him on to the International Listening Association. Blimey! Say what?

Posted by JD Hull at 11:29 PM | Comments (0)