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February 23, 2008

The UK's Justin Patten: British Reserve, Human Law and Intelligent Mediation.

A year ago this week I spent an hour or so in Mayfair (near the Marble Arch on the northeastern corner of Hyde Park) with my friend Justin Patten of Human Law Mediation, a firm he founded six years ago. If you are an American or European business lawyer, and you don't know this English gentleman, solicitor, mediator, and thought leader, you should get to know him. Justin himself specializes in HR and employment disputes mediation--but offers a wide variety of mediation training programs to businesses and law firms. He's an original and loves what he does. Visit his website or ground-breaking blog, which was up, running and really singing, to borrow from a U.S. country and western tune, "when bloggin wasn't cool". He didn't ask for this post; Justin is a creature of Brit reserve and never asks me to do anything for him. I just admire him. I think of him as a sane version of his friend GeekLawyer: a mega-talented southern Englishman "in trade", yet less likely to upset your mother, your wife, your girlfriend, or all three.

Posted by JD Hull at February 23, 2008 11:00 PM


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