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June 24, 2008

Does Michelle Obama make us uncomfortable?

Speaking of American growing pains, see in Salon Erin Aubry Kaplan's piece "Who's Afraid Of Michelle Obama?". Excerpt:

What would a country that had criminalized blackness for 350 years do when it woke up and realized it was seriously supporting a black man for president? I tracked the bad signs big and small, from the Jeremiah Wright crisis to reports that Obama's young campaign workers were getting shellshocked by racism in Pennsylvania.

Posted by Holden Oliver at June 24, 2008 11:59 PM


I don't if the whole country reacts rather than certain parts of the country react in different ways.

The big news to me is that there is a whole new generation out there that doesn't think even in the ways of people my own age (disco generation) but has progressed much further.

Posted by: Paul, Obama Blog at June 24, 2008 03:50 PM

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