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November 19, 2008

Law students have an International Day?

Blawg Review #186. Yes, really. It was Monday, two days ago, and WAC? of course looks dimly upon celebrating the birth of yet more global law cattle--all self-esteem and no work ethic--who in twenty years will rock back and forth in their chairs mumbling "I am so totally way special". But the host of Blawg Review this week at Res Ipsa Blog gathers facts and writes well, for a lawyer, or for a law student, for that matter. Which he apparently is. Besides, he's a law student in Texas. We do love Texans. A good Texan regularly will say and do things other humans just get nervous about.

Meeting of local insurance defense bar, young lawyer division, 2004

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at November 19, 2008 11:43 PM


Moe, solely by chance, was reading Goleman's Social Intelligence last night (especially about Narcissism and Machiavellism) only to read this sentence "I am so totally way special," from Holden

Following the link one is lead to the Twitter Wars, where one finds that the reason to Twitter is to be a narsistic lazy freerider, according to Kevin O'Keefe whose #1 reason to Twitter is so that, he "can gain immediate expertise from a thought leader across the country by asking a general question or sending a direct message via Twitter."

Only people who are "totally special" believe that, rather than get the answer by the sweat of their own brow, they should be able---sans compensation---to Twitter for a free ride to a fee.

Hopefully, someone is left in this business who understands that the fee is charged for knowing where to hammer, a life long skill earned by real client service, not Twittering

Posted by: moe levine at November 19, 2008 10:39 AM

I'm at a total loss on the point you are making.

I guess you never called a mentor while in trial asking for feedback on strategy. And God forbid the President elect asks for counsel from those with more experience on a niche.

Posted by: Kevin OKeefe at November 20, 2008 12:11 AM

This is a worthless post. ok, you don't like law students. Or lawyers. You are so totally way special.

Posted by: wtf at November 20, 2008 10:33 AM

The only people that aren't given pause by Texans are people from New York and New Jersey. Generally, these latter people look at Texans and think Texans haven't done enough to alienate and harm people. New Yorkers/Jerseyers truly set a standard for caring, class, intelligence, and insanity.

Posted by: Tommy at November 20, 2008 10:46 AM

Tommy--You're an artist and a seer.

WTF--You should just read our blog more. Or get with Tommy...

Posted by: Holden Oliver at November 20, 2008 12:43 PM

To Kevin O'Keefe

there is a real difference between mentoring and free riding. you blog in favor of the later

i thought the first rule of this business was do you best to find the answer first, only then ask

Posted by: Moe Levine at November 20, 2008 11:03 PM

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