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May 25, 2008

Saturday and Sunday's Charon

London's Charon QC, a man with a velvet voice, was kind enough to interview a Paris-bound WAC? last year in London near the Marble Arch, aided by his stunning 26-year-old sound assistant, and we've been intimate friends ever since. I've grown close to Charon as well. The lawyer-prof-writer does take time away from interviews and lengthy stays at The Bollo and The Swan to write his well-known blog. He generally writes a review of the past week in his Weekend Review and recently introduced Charon after dark... Tonight he nods to London's new eccentric young mayor, Boris Johnson, an Etonian*, and muses on "The Thirteen Horsemen from Eton".

*An Etonian is a person who attended Eton, which is a boarding school for young men in Britain and has produced English statesmen for nearly 600 years. Eton is a bit like the fine American private boarding schools, Phillips Andover, Deerfield or The Hill School, except it's "public"--and with far more extensive and imaginative cross-dressing. (The new London mayor, in that respect at least, is normal.)

Posted by JD Hull at 02:32 PM | Comments (0)