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August 25, 2008

Denver: Gavel Time

The only way for a reporter to look on a politician is down. --HLM

Both major party conventions affect You--and they showcase new U.S. leaders and party "comers" in both camps. Wednesday night is worth watching: our friend Wild Bill, and Delaware's Joe Biden, the VP choice, who started his job as freshman Senator the year before a wide-eyed WAC? worked in his first paid "desk job" on Capitol Hill for Gaylord Nelson. Plus some smart if less interesting politicians. If you are an American, be grateful you live in a country where we have 1000 Tony Blairs--all willing to endure the brutality of U.S. national politics.

Other than that, be skeptical and acerbic, like the Baltimore master.

H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)

Posted by JD Hull at 12:35 AM | Comments (0)