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September 26, 2008

FDIC seizes, and starts selling, Washington Mutual.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. sells most of WaMu to JPMorgan Chase & Co. See Bloomberg, WSJ, New York Times. Meanwhile, on our pages WAC?'s Holden Oliver cruelly savors, and celebrates, the brutality of the return of the work ethic.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:29 PM | Comments (1)

Simple Justice for Clients and Customers?

Did you have the stones to fire this man?

When a young person has no clue what to do with his life after clutching that liberal arts sheepskin in his sweaty hand, he goes to law school. This isn't exactly the best reason to chose a career in the law. It tends to produce lawyers who lack much interest in doing the job...

If we were to stop worrying so much about the young lawyer, and worry a little more about the client who is subsidizing the young lawyer's education, would that be wrong?

--Scott Greenfield, "Simple Justice"

The Value Movement gets a boost? Hopefully, there's this silver lining in the Down Economy: a renewal of the notion that workplaces exist to serve and give value to Customers and Clients, and the companies organized to help them. Not to serve and cater to Employees. As we see it--and most states have traditionally seen it--it's a privilege to work. Not a right. And it's a special honor to learn and practice the law.

1. Another radical idea: Employees--no, not just associate lawyers, but all employees--should treat Employers themselves as valued customers and clients. How an Employee treats you--the Employer--gives you a preview of how he/she will treat your best client.

2. If they can't or won't, those employees should just leave. They are of course free to start their own "businesses" which cater to the needs and desires of their employees, and make a go of it. We suggest relocation to Europe, Mexico or maybe the former Soviet bloc nation Borat came from.

3. Is it okay now to start talking about how Employees should conform to Employer requirements--and not the reverse? Too soon?

4. Are you, the Employer, hiring and retaining Looters and Watchers--or Producers and Doers?

5. Are you off your knees yet, Employer?

6. By the way, what has your Employee done for you, the Employer, lately?

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 07:49 PM | Comments (0)