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October 29, 2008

Update: Special Report from The Desert.

As I was saying, earlier this week I was in The California Desert--stalked by Death, Destruction and a monthly Smith Barney report nasty enough to put Pollyanna on Lithium for a year--and waiting for a vision to deliver us all. What I received was so pedestrian and simple that the rapture almost killed me. This Guy, a gardener with the Two Bunch Palms resort, and named Raphael, comes up to me and says:

1. Focus on existing clients, and on their current projects.

2. Stay friendly with GCs, client reps, influential people and "referrers" that you already know.

3. "Network" for brand new clients and contacts later, Dork. Now is not the time.

4. Finally, Work-Life Balance? Dude, that's so 2006. Think of it all as "work-life mix." Keeping life and work separate misses the point. Live smart and work smart. But be ready for anything. Life and Work both come at you when they are ready, and on their terms, not yours.

Go in peace. Dork.


(Left to right:) Raphael and WAC? in The Desert.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (1)

Blawg Review #183: California gets serious.

If you work back Back East, some partners actually want you to shy away from Ninth Circuit or California cases in your research. California, America's chief social and cultural laboratory, often gets dissed for being cutting edge about, well, everything--and in the law, "good" change is supposed to come slowly. A "hard law" blog called The UCL Practitioner hosts this week's Blawg Review. No. 183 does an exemplary, serious, studious and way-Back East job of covering last week's best law posts, with a special and sensitive spotlight on California bloggers.

However, one Kevin Underhill post featured reports that a Scranton, Pennsylvania woman who swore in her own bathroom (at a fixture there) using the "F-word" last year was cleared by the City of Scranton, with some help from the ACLU. WAC?'s warning: Pennsylvania men and women swear wonderfully, and it's a birthright. Californians cannot, and never could, swear worth a good golly darn--and certainly shouldn't try the "F-word" anywhere, at any time, under any circumstances, including at home, without expecting to pull a hamstring, or at least harshing their mellows.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 10:19 PM | Comments (0)