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June 03, 2009

Important Habits of Highly Lame Outside Counsel

As we've explained in several past posts, "Ernie from Glen Burnie" is a life-long friend. He played football for one of the Ivies. Smart. Guy's guy. Ladies man. Renaissance human. Playful rogue. Lawyer's lawyer. And a real friend. Imagine an Anglo-Irish Scott Greenfield. Or a hopelessly irreverent Whizzer White.

He is now a partner at a well-known Washington, D.C. law firm with clients much like my own firm's: large, publicly-traded and presenting complex problems. You can read Ernie's breathtaking story--it's about an old parchment he claims was discovered in Alexandria, Virginia around the same time we both began practicing law in The District--at "The Seven Habits of Highly Useless Corporate Lawyers".

Lawyers who won't take a stand: a time-honored tradition.


Stand-up guys: Ernie (looking vaguely like Neal Cassady) and WAC during the Beat years.

Posted by JD Hull at June 3, 2009 12:00 AM


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