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August 28, 2009

We Americans? We lawyers? Too normal?

So, Justin, did you ever have an original thought in your whole damn life? Go ahead. Go crazy. It's Friday. Wear those spats for ten minutes. Americans, as much as any creatures on Earth, do have a passion for routine and ritual. And what of Lawyers--and other Dweeb Breeds? A recent WAC study of lawyers in Milwaukee, Indianapolis and Cincinnati--I have strong family and life ties to each of these Midwestern cities--states that True Lawyer Wildness, Originality and Flashes of Personal Anarchy are reflected in clothing: i.e., wearing a bow-tie, tasseled loafers and a trench coat--but all at once, and on the same day. But you never know. We always need to look beyond the veneer, and day-to-day patterns. "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" (1972), by Surrealist Spanish director Luis Buñuel, is about the ritual of dining, and its more revealing and darker undercurrents.


Posted by JD Hull at 06:22 PM | Comments (0)