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August 01, 2010

Organized Religion: Best crowd control on Earth.

Ah how shameless--the way these mortals blame the gods. From us alone, they say, come all their miseries, yes, but they themselves, with their own reckless ways, compound their pains beyond their proper share. --Zeus

Catholicism, by the way, is Wonderful Done Right. It's the first Christianity, and the cult I'd convert to if I wanted or needed one. Especially if I got hit on the head, went screaming showtunes mad, and just had to have Father Brad by nightfall. --WAC/P

Do you need religion to check hubris? Does it matter who or what you use to curb folly and excess? We think not. Anyway, that's Zeus speaking above--in a rare public appearance--in Homer's Odyssey. He's the last anthropomorphic god we ever let take liberties with us. But at least he says interesting stuff and gets correctly quoted by the ancient press.

Once again, we ask you to get up off your damned knees. Embrace life. Your religion is quite likely doing you and yours more harm than good. You're not lazy, right? You're not a peasant, correct? So how about coming up with a little spirituality on your own? It's all there inside you. In short, please do your own work. Think your own thoughts. And have your own feelings.

Have some self-respect. Start over. Invent your own spirituality.

But work at it. Read, slow down, talk to people, travel, look at art, study the history of art--and do crawl, pounce, creep and run around in the woods like a wild animal or angry Druid warrior on speed. Read the Gita and the 'Shads. Study Wordsworth. And Daniel Pinchbeck. Carl Jung. Some Blake. Talk to the crazy guy in Krogers. Experiment with some bad. Flirt big time with Holden Oliver's gorgeous young wife. (Seriously, do do the Antler dance at least once like you mean it.)

Martin Luther, one of our favorite madmen, and who was truly wild, would like you to do all of the above. Same with Ted Turner. Same with Kate Hepburn. And Ben Disraeli. Get off your knees. Un-weenie yourself and your life. You were born a true original. Don't die "a copy".

However, should you view world religions as more than first-rate crowd control devices to keep you and yours in line, Zeus (also below) is seen either negotiating with you or practicing his aim with his lightning bolt.

In that case, you must love the peasant life: 1. Be "good". 2. Don't be "bad". 3. Always follow someone else's rules. 4. Listen to Huck Finn's demented Aunt Sally so she can "sivilize" you.


P.B. Persinger: "Semele and Zeus with Thunderbolt" (2007) 10" x 8" Oil

Posted by JD Hull at August 1, 2010 12:00 AM


Uh, excuse me?

Posted by: Holden Oliver at July 31, 2010 02:45 PM

I don’t know that there’s a dichotomy between religion and spirituality. A difference maybe, but not a dichotomy. Ignatius of Loyola confronted that difference. You can read about that here:

Posted by: Ray Ward at July 31, 2010 09:08 PM

Ray, thanks, and we always listen to you. You are one in three million and you are one of the only people in the Happysphere I have ever wanted to meet, have not yet, and am 100% sure I won't regret making that effort when I do meet you. (I've met several US bloggers who have disappointed: too isolated, delusional, fragmented, or too unambitious as humans to keep up relationships with. They have no or low standards. E-mail me and I will tell you who they are so you won't waste time. Qualified privilege.)

But on "religion" we're not that far apart. But pretend you're not Catholic for a flashing moment--it's my favorite religion by the way, the "real" Christianity, and one I'd convert to if I wanted or needed one and especially if got hit on the head, went screaming queen-showtunes on everyone and just had to get with a really cute priest by nightfall...:>)--when you read what we're writing here. Seriously, in all our posts:

1. "Religion" = Organized or Institutional Worship models/modes others devised and we all more or less adopt or follow.

2. Spirituality = Being a Real Person Getting Your Own Doctrine with your own godhead(s). For short, call it "Getting one with the Cosmos". You do it yourself. But you develop and work at it.

Posted by: Hull at July 31, 2010 09:56 PM

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