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September 21, 2010

Rule Four: Hardest One.

Rule Four: Deliver Legal Work That Change the Way Clients Think About Lawyers. It's the hardest one. From our annoying, in-your-face but enduring 12 Rules. Excerpt:

Why "try to exceed expectations" when the overall lawyer standard is perceived as low to mediocre?

If your clients are all Fortune 500 stand-outs, and the GCs' seems to love you and your firm, is that because your service delivery is so good--or because other lawyers they use are so "bad" on service? Why have a low standard, or one that merely makes you look incrementally more responsive and on top of things than the boutique on the next floor up?

Why not overhaul your "services"--your firm's mix of (a) problem-solving substance and (b) services deliveries--and re-create the whole game?


Aspire, anyone? Exceed being the Best Looking Maiden in McLaw Land?

Posted by JD Hull at September 21, 2010 11:59 PM


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