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November 15, 2010

Atlantic Review: Is the War on Hysteria now Transatlantic?

Our friends at the Atlantic Review--the Berlin-based press digest founded in 2003 by German and American Fulbright alumni--write that "Like America, Germany Needs More Sanity, Less Hysteria". Excerpts from this piece, by mainstay and co-founder Joerg Wolf:

Where are the German Jon Stewarts, who could restore some sanity over here? The debate in Germany about multiculturalism and Muslims, immigration and integration is full of hysteria. [The] debate now includes Halloween and nuclear energy.

One leader of the conservatives in the German parliament sees Christianity threatened by Halloween. Another one is concerned that protests against nuclear energy and against a train station in Stuttgart could lead to the building of minarets in one's front garden.

Christianity in Germany is not under attack by Islam or Halloween. The real problem is that more and more Christians lost interest in practicing their own religion. [more]


The Brandenburg Gate, completed in 1791, is the last remaining Berlin gate. It is still a German symbol of peace, stability and wisdom.

Posted by JD Hull at November 15, 2010 11:59 PM


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