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January 30, 2011

Heroes: Charlotte Rampling.


Great gifts, persistence and drive are hard to beat. If you don't know who Charlotte Rampling is, do some work to find out.

We get tired of your endless passion for TV, Bad Food, Never Exercising, Not Going Anywhere, Hatin' Life, Not Reading Anything Good, Meeting the Same Person Over and Over Again, Becoming Larger and Larger--and, sorry, even Your Tacky Home: The-Look-of-Real-Wood-and-Pleated-Vinyl. You don't need Money. But you do need Class.

But, ah, Charlotte. You made up for many of the rest of us. You started with much--so you worked even harder. Into The Pantheon, Enduring One. "Still smoldering" after thirty plus years in three languages. Even Paul Newman was blown away. We're not worthy. Please stick around and help for another thirty years.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at January 30, 2011 11:48 AM


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