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June 11, 2011

Work-Life Balance = Expensive.

Today is Saturday.

On Thursday morning, I spoke briefly with a well-credentialed if young California criminal defense lawyer about a matter our firm must refer out involving a long-standing client of ours. Time is very important. In this "white collar" matter, fees have been estimated to be in the $50,000 to $150,000 range. (I think more like $250,000.)

Also on Thursday, later that day, I followed up our live chat with a voice message, asking him to call when he could.

Yesterday, Friday, I received this e-mail from that attorney. He won't be hearing from my firm again:

Mr. Hull: I wanted to email you and let you know that I am willing to assist you with your matter. I am available to talk about the situation in more detail any time after 10am on Monday, 10-2 on Tuesday, or after 10am on Wednesday. Feel free to give my office a call at your convenience. Thank you and have a great weekend.


Posted by JD Hull at June 11, 2011 11:59 PM


Is he in trial or on the beach? For some, saying they are available on a Monday morning at 10am, is saying a lot. If the time line is late afternoon on your message and early am on his Friday response, it doesn't seem that bad. I would guess most lawyers wouldn't feel bad about that kind of response time.
But, sounds like there has to be more to the story or maybe it's just to point out how much he is missing out on.
If you got a hold of him for a reason and he will take care of the client, you might consider at least asking about the issue. I would hope that any client of mine, would at least do that.

Posted by: Mike Bryant at June 11, 2011 03:20 PM


surfer dud is no Mick Haller

Posted by: Moe Levine at June 12, 2011 05:06 AM

Thanks for comment, Mike--but I think I know enough. Can't say more about the matter because of that pesky A-C privilege thing. The lawyer in question was told enough. We'll find someone a bit more on fire. Know it when I see it.

And Mike--Please don't stand up for lawyers. Stand up for clients. :)

Posted by: Dan Hull at June 13, 2011 12:22 AM

Who cares what the lawyer was doing. There's two simple reasons to kick him to the curb. First, criminal defense lawyers don't have "matters." Clients facing the government's wrath are not "matters." They are clients in need of a defense.

Second, the request was for a phone call, not an email.


Posted by: BRIAN TANNEBAUM at June 13, 2011 07:12 AM

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