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March 03, 2011

Bang Bang for Customers: Step Up. Sound Off. Change It All.

Warner Bros./Columbia Records

The very best reformers commence on themselves. -- George Bernard Shaw

Break out of captivity...your heart's still wild. -- Patty Smyth

No time for Weenie lawyers--of either (a) the Lazy Blowhard or (b) Skittish Dweeb variety. It's time for lawyers to lead. Put clients first.

Tell clients what you really think. Give advice--not just options. Stop covering your ass. Take risks.

Stop pretending you are "special". (That's over.) Minimize clubbiness. Stop making the law about your convenience and schedule. Fire bad clients. Fight mediocrity. Fight mediocre lawyering.

Stop writing documents which sound like hopelessly incurable mental patients talking to themselves.

Surround yourself with strong talented people who challenge you. Fire employees who who don't buy into your goals--or who don't or won't get it--and stop pretending they'll see the light.

Demand that law schools give you minimally functional, motivated, self-reliant graduates who can think on their own--and who believe that any kind of work is an honor and privilege to perform.

Think like a business person and not a mere academic. Practice discipline and structure. Help clients control costs. Become a trusted consigiliere.

Change the way people think about lawyers. Stop being Passive Weenies and Ineffectual Dorks. Act. Serve.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)