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November 23, 2012

Vary the Customer Experience, Tweak the Markets, Fly the Colors: Do Instead Small Business Saturday Tomorrow.

Part aggregator, part pundit, Business Insider started up in early 2009 and is now edited by come-back kid Henry Blodget. We follow it here because of its breadth and generally non-partisan coverage of business and politics. Today, on Black Friday, BI has this suggestion for tomorrow in "It Makes Way More Sense To Shop On Saturday Than Black Friday", by Jill Krasny and Mandi Woodruff, who succinctly but deftly give a push to AMEX's Shop Small campaign for small business, launched in 2010. We agree. Stay home today. Go small Saturday. And to their reasons we would add these two. First, almost all businesses start up small. Many of them fail in the first few years--but more of them create jobs. Give them a shot. Second, if this is the Age of Nearly Limitless Choice for buyers, let's start acting like it. Go small, and help stir the cauldron a bit, folks. At least try it for one day.

My all-time favorite: Roland's of Capitol Hill, 333 Pennsylvania Ave SE.

Posted by JD Hull at November 23, 2012 02:48 PM


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