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April 05, 2012

In The American Prospect: Ohio's Rob Portman as Mitt's Running Mate.

Ohio's first-term U.S. senator, and Cincinnati golden boy, does make sense for a Romney GOP ticket. And, while staid, Portman (in our view) is still way more exciting than Mitt Romney. See "Romney's Veep Calculations" by Patrick Caldwell, who otherwise nails it in his piece of two days ago. Talented Portman would help Romney govern.

March cover

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

Cross-Border Smarts: Getting past whether to "kiss, bow or shake". How do different foreign nationals actually think about doing deals?

So what happens when Americans do business with the English? English trading with Germans? Or Germans with Japanese? Why do the Spanish and Finns view the concept of a written contract so differently

Richard D. Lewis's When Cultures Collide. Buy it, read it, refer to it and link to his blog. When Cultures Collide (Nicholas Brealey 3d edition), by Richard D. Lewis, is our favorite book on doing business internationally. We've been gushing over it for years at WAC/P? and Hull McGuire. Practical, expert, non-touchy-feely advice by a man who studied and consulted on international business before it was cool. First published in 1996. Well-written, often very funny. We've bought about 10 copies over the years. If there is ever a movie version, we'll stand in line to get tickets.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)