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June 07, 2012

Bloomberg: Recession-spooked Americans cling to their current jobs.

This involves everyone working in, for or with an American-based business. It's about the saddest news Americans can get: a hard right jab to our spirit, moxie and ideal. See "Americans Cling to Jobs as U.S. Workforce Dynamism Fades". Excerpts:

The deepest economic slump since the Great Depression has left its mark on both job seekers and job creators, making them more wary about taking risks in a slowly recovering labor market.

Spooked by the severity of the recession and stuck with underwater home mortgages, Americans are less inclined to leave their jobs and less willing to strike out on their own to build businesses, government data show. Even with swelling profits, companies are holding back on hiring, complaining that they can’t find skilled workers for positions they do have open.

As a result, the labor market is losing some of the dynamism for which it’s long been known. And the trend predates the recession: An aging population and the growth of two-income households have reduced Americans’ mobility to about half of what it once was, while technological gains and globalization have led to a loss of middle-income jobs. The economic slump only exacerbated the loss of vigor.

Rootbeer Brothers - Moxie Bottle & Can.jpg
Make yours Moxie anyway, Yank.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 10:51 PM | Comments (0)