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September 01, 2012

Work, Workaholics and Dreams: When did hard work become a loathsome disease?

So it's safe for driven folks to come out of the closet? Really? There is one thing some of us really love about The Recession, which slogs seemingly forever into its 5th year. It is simply this: no one seems to be telling us anymore how many hours or how intensely we should "work". See this 2006 classic by our friend Stephanie West Allen, a vindication (and explanation) of Ben Franklin, Tom Edison, Steve Jobs---and other "sick" folks. Her article is "Hot Worms and Workaholics: Let the Workers Be". It's inspired in part by a study which showed that some simple life forms thrived in conditions that would harm, and even destroy, fellow members of the same species. Excerpt:

I have met many hot worm lawyers and I suspect there may be whole firms composed primarily of hot worms. These lawyers thrive on conditions that might prove injurious or even fatal to other lawyers. I am concerned for the hot worm lawyers and the damage that might be done to them if someone decided that these torrid wigglers needed to swim in cooler waters, to achieve life balance as defined by some other worm.

Denver-based Ms. Allen

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:44 AM | Comments (0)