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September 18, 2012

"The Obama Movie" made me like and admire President Obama even more. Go figure.

Me? I thought the movie portrayed the President as a savvy internationalist who understands that the current acceleration in the collide of world cultures means that the U.S. and the entire planet need to be something other than waring tribes.

For a partisan movie, "2016: Obama’s America" was 16 times better and classier than, say, anything Michael Moore has done on the left. The problem is that this anti-Obama documentary--co-written and deftly narrated by an accomplished ex-Dartmouth Review writer and former 1980s Reagan Kid we can't help but like and admire--made me like and admire Obama (who I did not vote for in 2008) even more than I do now. I think what Dinesh D’Souza wants us to take away from his Obama part-pyschobiography and part "Roots" Road Trip is that, by virtue of his family roots, education and past associations, the current POTUS has a deeply third-world anti-colonialism bias that makes him dislike America and tend to advance the agendas of other countries, even those of our enemies. So don't vote for him. Me? I still don't know who I am going to vote for--but I thought the movie portrayed the President as a savvy internationalist who understands that the current acceleration in the collide of world cultures means that the U.S. and the entire planet need to be something other than waring tribes. And that U.S. foreign policy should also at least recognize and start to develop that goal, as difficult and challenging as that notion is. My take is unusual, sure. Most of the people in the theater in the conservative 'hood I saw this in clapped at the end of the movie. They likely will not be voting for Obama in November. Still, everyone should see this movie and decide for themselves. See this take last month in the Wall Street Journal.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)