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April 02, 2013

Un-PC Mrs. Patton of Princeton: You got moxie, Sweetie.

And you are right, too. Read the piece in Jezebel, follow the links, read her letter to the Daily Princetonian and tell us we're wrong. This 1977 Princeton grad says to Princeton women to look around for a spouse while they are still undergrads on the basis of this hard cold fact: you will never be around this many talented people again. Assuming the same goes for men (we have no reason to think it does not), we agree wholeheartedly with her advice. We do admire this lady. And she's destroyed just about every adversary she's had in her flash rounds of television interviews. "Elitist"? Maybe. But true. Bravo, Mrs. P, for bucking the cookie-cutter thought police.

Big Ones: Susan A. Patton, '77, is a Mensch.

Posted by JD Hull at April 2, 2013 02:43 AM


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