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January 28, 2014

At Cross-Culture: "How European are the Russians?"

Don't miss this article at Richard Lewis's consistently-excellent Cross-Culture: "Russia and the EU". Excerpt:

What is remarkable about Russians is that they seem to possess all the European characteristics, while many other Europeans seem to exhibit only some of them. The loquacious, emotional Italian is almost the opposite of the modest, humorous Englishman, but Russians seem to adapt well to either. It is a question of breadth of vision – itself a Russian trait. This is a basic Russian quality – one that they have possessed for hundreds of years. This breadth of vision is enhanced by one or two Asian traits – stoicism, self-sacrifice, adaptability, face protection.

If one had to sum up Russian psychology and abilities in one word, “versatility” would come to mind. Being a natural land bridge between East and West, they have a certain facility in dealing with neighbours from both sides. With land borders with 14 different countries, remoteness from other nationalities is never an option. Whether Russians like it or not, leadership beckons at all turns.

Peter_der-Grosse_1838 (1).jpg
Peter I of Russia, 1838, Paul Delaroche (1797-1856)

Posted by JD Hull at 03:11 PM | Comments (0)