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May 29, 2014

Much beloved, charismatic, handsome trial lawyer "trained as a spy."

Today I am coming clean with everyone that, during summer breaks at college and law school, I was "trained as a spy". Training took place at government facilities in Durham, North Carolina, Washington, D.C. and Cincinnati, Ohio. Also at a special counterintelligence school operating in downtown Cleveland. There. I said it. That's all I should reveal at this point. I am tired of living this lie. I'll provide some details, and answer questions, in future posts.

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Shameful decades-long ruse.

Editor's Note, June 2, 2014: Apparently, we need to disclose that this was a joke. The idea was to diss young Edward Snowden's probably untruthful and certainly grandiose statement to NBC's Brian Williams last week that he was "trained as a spy." We are fond of Snowden but his statement, even if true, was ill-advised. Not enough context and wrong time and place. However, we are advised that, in the years 1982-1986, Hull regularly (i.e., nightly) drank and consorted with a portly male Russian spy at a Georgetown bar called Garrett's. The bar, not the Russian, was named Garrett's. Hull claims he thought that the Russian was just another D.C. drunk.

Posted by JD Hull at 08:51 PM | Comments (0)