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January 28, 2015

CPR's New Cross-Border Arbitration Rules

Bravo, once again. New York City-based CPR (International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution), now in its fourth decade, has released its Rules for Administered Arbitration of International Disputes for use cross-border business disputes. They are effective December 1, 2014. I was first introduced to CPR ten years ago by Michael McIlwarth, a well-known in-house GE lawyer and author on cross-border resolution based in Florence, Italy. As an organization and resource, CPR is a general counsel's dream. It champions super-quick, efficient and sane resolution of business-to-business disputes internationally. It is in our view the best-kept secret in international business litigation. For all its talent, member resources and potential clout worldwide to make business arbitrations "faster, cheaper and better" as originally intended, however, you'd expect more companies working abroad to know about CPR--but they don't. Go figure. One of the few truly innovative and worthwhile legal organizations on the planet.


Posted by JD Hull at January 28, 2015 12:35 PM


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