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April 05, 2024

Real Women: Natalie Portman.


“You don't need the money with a face like that.” Born in Jerusalem in the summer of 1981, she is a citizen of both Israel and America. Natalie Portman is now 42. Based on a performance she gave at age 28, she won the best actress Oscar for her performance in Black Swan. She’s also a 2003 Harvard grad. A film and stage actress at an early age (she was “discovered” at the age of 10), she was a serious and precocious child. Ambitious. She has loved languages since she was a schoolgirl growing up in New York and DC. She’s studied French, Japanese, German and Arabic. She’s been in our WAC/P Pantheon since 2015.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

The Slackoisie

Urban Dictionary: Slackoisie


Prounounced "Slack-wah-zee".

This term was coined by J. Daniel Hull, Esq., author of the "What About Clients?" blawg, and popularized by Scott H. Greenfield, Esq., author of the "Simple Justice" blawg. It refers to:

(1) a class of narcissistic young professionals, particularly attorneys (usually Gen Y/millenials), who believe that having a job is an entitlement, rather than a privilege. They often complain about the work they have (if working), opine the lack of "real lawyer" jobs available in the market, and are critical of the long hours and inadequate pay found at most small firms. They believe they are entitled to work/life balance, that their opinions on any subject are inherently important and that whatever benefits they enjoy are inadequate. The Slackoisie are more interested in having a place to go in the morning and some spending money than committing themselves to their clients and the profession; or

(2) a slacker with an exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement.

(a) Attorney 1, "OMG, like I got a job at (insert name of any law firm) and they expect me to work like a hundred hours a week. I did not go to (insert name of law school) to work all the time."
Attorney 2, "Stop being such a slackoisie, and appreciate the opportunity you have! There are tons of people graduating law school who would love to have a job doing (insert type of law practiced at Attorney 1's law firm)."

(b) Anyone who claims to be a social media expert/guru;

(c) Anyone who posts on "JDJive" and "JD Underground"; or

(d) Anyone with a graduate degree who lives in their parents basement and is unemployed because they cannot find an employer who "appreciates their uniqueness" or demands that they actually produce quality work before being given a raise, the corner office and a convertible sports car.

by SI_Counsel February 28, 2010

Urban Dictionary.jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)