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December 24, 2015

Partner Emeritus: On Half-Windsor Knots, Bow Ties and Real Men.


Last week, in the comments of an article at Above the Law by Shannon Achimalbe entitled Guess Who Else is Reading Your Legal Blog?, our muse, hero and law god Partner Emeritus was asked out of the blue (and by yours truly) about half-Windsor knots versus full-Windsor knots in straight ties for men. He answered:

Full Windsor is credited. If you were with a "10" model, would you give her a "half" or "full" effort?

As subsequent comments that day reflect, I and many others were grateful for the answer and advice.

But that apparently got the Great Man thinking about bow-ties, which unbeknown (hopefully) to him I've worn myself frequently over the past 30 years. An hour later he also commented:

For the record, I always thought males who donned bow ties (exception: Nation of Islam) and half Windsor knotted ties were queer and it was a subtle call sign to other like minded depraved monsters. So Dan, perhaps the folks you see on K Street sporting the half Windsor are looking to swallow or ride the baloney pony; after all, AmeriKa has been on the buggery express ever since the Kommissar seized the reins of power.

So I am rethinking bow ties. And to be honest, I felt funny when I wore a bow tie one day last week and two days this week. Normally I don't care about what anyone says. But with PE, it's just different. As you know, Rhodes scholars, SCOTUS clerks, polymaths and Renaissance men around the world would kill for his fleeting approval on anything. Word is that even Brad Pitt looks to PE on how to dress his children.

I keep thinking. Bow ties. Is there something wrong with me?

Bow tie budapest JDH.jpg
J. Daniel Hull, Budapest, before the Great Neutering.

Posted by JD Hull at 03:13 AM | Comments (0)