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January 28, 2016

Full Dan Hull Interview by Mirriam Seddiq and Assorted Sidekicks at new NGNW Podcast Show.

Think Howard Stern for lawyers, politics junkies and free expression warriors. It's right here--or on the embedded graphic below. Last week I was honored to be the first guest of immigration and criminal defense lawyer Mirriam Seddiq on her Not Guilty, Now Way podcast show at its studios in Upper Marlboro, Alabama. We covered lots, including Donald Trump, free expression, immigration, 2nd amendment, Jewish doctors, Finnish women, neutered men, correct receptionists, Duke writers and Irish drunks. She was assisted by three smart people: Justin the Lawyer, Steven the Law Clerk and Katie the Hot Receptionist. Show founder and producer Seddiq does quite nicely--in addition to being a trial lawyer, she's a natural journalist, and will get even better; this was her first show--as an interviewer. More importantly, she's good-looking and doesn't talk all the time.

NOTE: Seriously, if you want to hear why I think all Americans owe Donald Trump a huge debt of gratitude for what he has done--purposely or inadvertently--for American elections, their media coverage, free expression and advancing our national dialogue on both 2nd Amendment and immigration policy, listen to this podcast. My interview starts at about 27:00 minutes.

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Posted by JD Hull at 06:39 PM | Comments (0)

January 26, 2016

What About Clients/Paris? endorses Hillary Rodham Clinton for Dem ticket.

Love her or hate her, Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most qualified U.S. presidential candidate in decades. And she clearly deserves the Democratic Party nomination. This country is fortunate to have quite a few people who can serve well as POTUS. Most (no, not all) of the GOP folks are presidential timber. But HRC, whose career I have followed for years, is the strongest of any candidate in 2016 hands-down. As much I admire Donald Trump recently--I think Trump has already greatly advanced and improved the election process, election media coverage, free expression generally and debates on issues like immigration and the 2nd Amendment, possibly on a long-term basis--HRC is not only the most qualified candidate but also the most accomplished public leader in my generation. A born manager, she's smart and tough. And she's a natural wartime president. (Yes, I believe we are at war here, now and on American soil.) Elitist? Sure. But she's an elitist who cares about the folks. Think FDR, but much, much meaner. And wonkier. Adlai Stevenson with balls, my friends. See Sunday's piece by the Boston Globe's Editorial Board, Hillary Clinton deserves Democratic nomination. Fair call, Boston Globe, which turns 144-years-old this year and is (we should mention) owned by The New York Times Company. The Globe's Sunday piece begins:

America looks different in 2016 than it did the last time Hillary Clinton ran for president: The economy has come out of free fall, the military has left the quagmire of the Iraq war, barriers to equality have toppled, and universal access to health care has become a reality. Tumultuous as they’ve been, the Barack Obama years have proved transformative — and the priority for Democratic voters should be to protect, consolidate, and extend those gains.

Today, the nation has new challenges, which require a different kind of leader — someone who can keep what Obama got right, while also fixing his failures, especially on gun control and immigration reform. That will require a focus and toughness that Obama sometimes lacked. This is Clinton’s time, and the Globe enthusiastically endorses her in the Feb. 9 Democratic primary in New Hampshire. She is more seasoned, more grounded, and more forward-looking than in 2008, and has added four years as secretary of state to her already formidable resume. Democrats in the Granite State should not hesitate to choose her.

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Posted by JD Hull at 12:12 AM | Comments (0)