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March 09, 2017

Paternity Leave: Do we really want it?

Paternity leave is silly. Seriously. It goes way too far. It hurts the entire human race. Degrades women and men. Let's celebrate instead the differences between the sexes and that the sexes are good at wonderfully different things. Repeat: women and men--the same as different tribes and cultures--are different. Sure, every dad should help in parenting. Every dad should be a hands-on baby carer. The question? How much? And when? The word is dilute. We are so quick to dilute what's wonderful and what works between the sexes. Let's not destroy & dilute the strengths and elevate and cover up the weaknesses. Let's not dilute the greatness of the human race with yet more new age nonsense asking for equality when equality demands only serves to kill merit and excellence. People are not equal. Never have been. Never will be. And we don't even want them to be. Men and women are different. They are good at different things.

Posted by JD Hull at 10:04 AM | Comments (0)

March 08, 2017

The Problem Now.

My 3 cents? The problem is Americans don't know each other anymore. We've been making assumptions about our co-citizens on coasts/cities versus people in flyover land/rural areas that were not true. The latter was patient for a long time while we celebrated & rewarded Anyone Different, Disenfranchised, Weak or Powerless. (Nice idea we took too far.) The latter group elected Trump. Their turn. They have had way more class in victory than the Dems have had in defeat. Our press and more liberal elites--who I once admired--have shown their real stuff. And it's ugly,

Posted by JD Hull at 11:51 AM | Comments (0)

International Women's Day.

Why? And why oh why does the Women's Movement keep degrading all Humankind by insisting Women are veritable gimps, misfits & retards who need special help?

Posted by JD Hull at 08:55 AM | Comments (0)

March 07, 2017

2017 Edition: 107 Wild Men. And Wild Women.

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Wild Men. Wild Women. The Rankings 1 through 106 as this blog sees them in 2017. Wild Men and Wild Women are people who listen only to the little voice in their head. They get things done. They build things. They don't care what you think. Uncertainty and turbulence--in the economy, stock markets, governments, the weather, bad odds, you name it--only get their juices flowing. True, they often have dark and self-destructive sides, but we seem to like giving them a pass. A few lawyers on this list--but not enough. Lawyers. Are we just risk-averse uber-weenies? Sideline players? Bag carriers? Are we not Men, and Women?

1. Ben Franklin
2. Ted Turner
3. Dr. Johnson
4. Dr. Thompson
5. Theodore Roosevelt
6. Carl Bernstein
7. Michelangelo
8. Ayn Rand
9. Ana Marie Cox
10. Japan
11. Boudica
12. Winston Churchill
12. Benjamin Disraeli
14. Arianna Huffington
15. Bucky Fuller
16. Nino Scalia
17. Bill Buckley
18. Bill Clinton
19. Steve Jobs
20. Christopher Columbus
21. Nick Nolte
22. Jerry Lee Lewis

Plato (#27) was way Wild. Read the Timaeus.

23. The Welsh
24. Jann Wenner
25. Sean Penn
26. Ken Wilbur
27. Plato
28. Catherine the Great
29. Val Kilmer (way wilder than Jim Morrison)
30. Harry Dean Stanton
31. Scott Greenfield
32. Julius Caesar
33. Pete Seeger
34. John Lennon
35. Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.
36. Peter Sheridan
37. Christopher Hitchens
38. Jerry Brown
39. Warren Beatty
40. Jack Nicholson
41. John the Baptist
42. Rahm Emanuel
43. Robert Mitchum
44. Joan of Arc and Charles Barkley (tie)
45. Dylan Thomas
46. Quentin Crisp
46. "E"
47. Boswell (he was Wild, too)
48. Ben Jonson
49. Mae West
50. Daniel Pinchbeck

Zelda Fitzgerald (#90) was Wild. So was her childhood friend Tallulah Bankhead (#91).

51. Daniel O'Connell
53. David Boies
54. Elizabeth Wurtzel
55. St. John of Patmos
56. John Henry "Doc" Holliday
57. Genghis Khan
58. Alexander
59. Charles Bukowski
60. Gordon Liddy
61. Malcolm Lowry
63. Keith Moon
64. Charlie Munger
65. Babe Ruth
66. Chrissie Hynde
67. Colin Farell
68. Warren Zevon
69. Kim Jong-un (unknowable but one far-out little dude)
70. Billy Martin
71. Joe Namath
72. Guy de Maupassant
73. Grace Slick
74. Edna St. Vincent Millay
75. Mickey Mantle
76. François Villon
77. Friedrich Nietzsche
78. Rep. Bob Eckhardt (Texas-D) (gifted, eloquent, exotic)
79. Rachel Maddow
80. Ray Davies
81. Marc Randazza
82. Jennifer Randaza
83. Alec Baldwin
84. John Huston
85. Australia
86. Gertrude Stein
87. Oscar Levant
88. Ava Gardner
89. Frank Sinatra
90. Zelda Fitzgerald
91. Tallulah Bankhead
92. Ted Kennedy
93. Frances Farmer
94. Richard Burton
95. Elizabeth Taylor
96. Marion Barry
97. Racehorse Haynes
98. Ben Bradlee
99. Davey Crockett
100. William Randolph Hearst
101. Steve Bannon
102. Donald Trump
103. Smokestack Lightning III
104. Ronald Coleman
105. Clark Hat
106. The Scofflaw Mayor of New Orleans
107. Bobby Knight

Meet Ted (#2). He never cared what you thought.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:50 PM | Comments (0)

March 06, 2017

Appropriate This.

All American language and culture is a mass appropriation. Always has been. And a strong suit too. The cross-appropriation around and inside the English Language alone is thing of beauty. Biggest players? English. German. French. Native-American. African Slave. Next issue, please? :)

Posted by JD Hull at 10:45 AM | Comments (0)