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May 28, 2008

The Greatest Generation interviews the Lamest.

Or, Work much? About a 60 Minutes segment on Generation Y, originally aired in November and updated this past Sunday, Scott Greenfield at Simple Justice has a few thoughts in "Millennials: It's Awesome to be Us". Excerpt:

One of my issues with 60 Minutes is that, while they court controversy well, they rarely challenge the self-serving statements of their interviewees directly. As the video shows, the consultants who are busily earning some very good fees from companies by advising how to make Millennials "feel good" about their work, the only thing that seems to matter to the members of this group, attribute some wonderful qualities to them.

Are Millennials really so wonderful? Let's see: They're well educated, but inherently lazy. They are techno-savvy, but don't see themselves as serving anyone but themselves. They are the most talented generation? Says who? Are they talented in treating your clients with respect? Not that I can see. And they have to be taught how to eat with a fork and knife? They have to be cajoled into showing up for work every day?

Ah, the new Slackoisie.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at May 28, 2008 11:59 PM


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