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December 19, 2015

Irish Times: 50 Things Ireland Needs in 2016.

This appeared in Saturday's The Irish Times by Ireland historian and author Diarmaid Ferriter: "50 things we need in Ireland in 2016". Excerpts:

5. A new government committed to the idea of a republic.

8. A narrative of 1916 that is honest, evidence-based and complicated.

12. A solution to the homelessness crisis.

13. Cyclists to be treated with more respect and subjected to less abuse by bullying motorists.

15. Those who do not clean up after their dogs to be interned in Frongoch, joining the commemoration hijackers.

21. Women’s sporting achievements to achieve the recognition they deserve.

22. Further subversive speeches from President Michael D Higgins.

25. Children able to attend their local schools regardless of religious faith or belief.

28. An Irish soccer team scoring goals in France. Lots of them. Don’t laugh.

30. Oscars for Irish films and actors. Just a few will do.

32. A new style of politics in Northern Ireland.

36. The staging of more plays by women.

38. Fewer tweets.

39. A greater number of handwritten letters.

46. More satire.

Posted by JD Hull at December 19, 2015 08:21 PM


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