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January 19, 2017

I'm an HRC voter. I wish our new POTUS Donald J. Trump well.

I wish our new POTUS well. A few things:

1. I've worked as an employee for Congress twice--a Democratic Senator and GOP Representative, both from large northern diverse states.

2. National politics and particularly civil rights activism have been a big part of my life as a doer and writer since I was quite young and continued into my grad student and lawyering years.

3. I've voted for a GOP candidate only once: 2008.

4. Until recently, I was a registered Democrat.

5. After I registered GOP for first time in 2016, I still voted for HRC. I helped raise money for her.

6. I'm excited about the next 4 years--but also a little sad.

7. Several of my friends on The Left and even longtime Dem colleagues either have become temporarily unhinged or--and this is more likely--were never Liberals to begin with.

8. It's hard to watch. I'm still a liberal. And I'm optimistic--as I am about everything--that liberals will find their way and voice again.

9. Right now? Many liberals dislike free speech and expression, new and different ideas, open discourse and honest news reporting. Many have them have no clue about who their fellow Americans are. They have not traveled. They haven't met people who are different from them or who live in different parts of America. And they don't even talk to them.

10. We can do better.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:13 PM | Comments (0)

January 18, 2017

The Goal of the Women's March?

Is there a reason for the Women's March in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, January 21? Has a reason even been given yet? If someone will lend me a camera with an attached audio-video professional, I'd be happy to interview Saturday's marchers on why they march. I promise you the funniest video footage since my 6th grade girlfriend farted like a deckhand at Indian Hill Dancing School during a Righteous Brothers song.

Posted by JD Hull at 08:34 AM | Comments (0)