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October 16, 2015

In Miami New Times: John Pate's Venezuela.

See feature in the Miami New Times this week on the killing of expat American lawyer John Pate two months ago in Venezuela. Thanks to my friend, international IP lawyer and fellow Ohioan Richard Holzer for sending this. I would not have seen it otherwise.

John Pate Library.jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

Presentism, Evil Depraved Christopher Columbus and Real Life.

Presentism should be self-explanatory. Think of it as the tunnel vision you get using a stuck or broken kaleidoscope. A broken kaleidoscope for time instead of for space. You judge long past times and human actions with conventions and values of 2015.

This week New York City criminal defense lawyer Scott Greenfield at Simple Justice wrote a blog post on the real if arguably witless controversy about continuing to observe Columbus Day given some of Christopher Columbus' predatory activities in Hispania and the New World. Ever since The Great Neutering, and in English-speaking nations in particular, some perspective-challenged white liberals--the kind of visionary folk who using a 2015 baseline would demonize uber-Virginian Robert E. Lee given his leadership of Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War--have had a big problem with Chris Columbus and his long-respected holiday.

There is apparently a name for this syndrome. Our mutual friend Stephanie West Allen, lawyer, writer, speaker and how-your-brain-works blogger who from time to time colludes with a neurologist and physician in Denver circles known only as Dr. Quaalude, introduced Scott and I both this week to a term for this historical perspective dysfunction and possibly new mental disorder: "Presentism." Presentism. As a scientific term or DSM label, granted, it's a bit goofy. But it's hands down more viable and appropriate than my past candidates brain damage and Grosse Pointe voodoo.

Presentism should be self-explanatory. Think of it as the tunnel vision you get using a stuck or broken kaleidoscope--but a broken kaleidoscope for time instead of space. Below and indented is my verbatim if imperfectly-worded comment (one of 38 Simple Justice readers have made to date) to Greenfield's able piece, entitled "Columbus Day at the Outrage Factory." I'd have spent more time polishing my comment to his post but The Twins came over unexpectedly that morning with new purchases from extremerestraints.com.

However, and not to excuse my imperfect prose, if you read Greenfield's Simple Justice piece and some of the other comments, you will get the idea. Also featured in the main Greenfield post is one Marc John Randazza, an Italian-American and respected 1st amendment lawyer who owes me $20, a case of Diet Coke and the number of a new brothel hidden away in east Georgetown. Finally, my comment to the Greenfield article:

I majored in southern American history (and later Japanese history to get a different perspective) at Duke University. I fled the Duke English department and switched majors because the history courses I had dabbled in were better, I thought, for teaching 19-year-olds how to think.

My family here in America is white European English and German. We have been in America nearly 400 years on one side and a mere 265 years on the other. All were devout Protestants or at least claimed to be.

As lowly English artisans and trades people in the New World we killed-–and were killed by, some of us dying very bad deaths–-Indians in Massachusetts. In the American south, we were at first poor German farmers and eventually owned slaves in Virginia in a number of businesses. We freed slaves voluntarily, too–-but we might not have but for a move west to Missouri by one family branch.

All-–yes all; no exceptions-–white liberal academics and political pundits in 1900 would have been considered racists and in most cases vile racists today. It would be good to expand our minds a bit. This should not be a difficult concept for bright people in 2015. Time changes what is “offensive, hurtful and wrong.” All who commented here-–yes all; no exceptions–will be regarded as racists and in most cases vile racists a hundred years from now.

(Especially Greenfield because I’m told that among other things he secretly hates and wants to exterminate all philandering WASP fucks like me and because he heard that I once said to my wife at a Jewish wedding I attended at Tavern on the Green in 1990 that “Muffy, these people really got rhythm.”)

Anyway I’ll tie my cultural horse to all of the forgoing and honor my “vicious” European ancestors in America. I’m proud of them all. They were doing the best they could with their circumstances. Their parents were different and their own ancestors were different. They were all religious people, for fuck’s sake. And they were creatures and to some extent prisoners of the mores of the time they inhabited-–just as we are now.


Columbus by Sebastiano del Piombo c. 1519

Posted by JD Hull at 08:14 AM | Comments (0)

October 15, 2015

Heroes: ARH

My Mom, 87, just told me on her cell phone that she's driving over to her 10:00 AM workout class and will need to call me back "around noon." Check.

Lindsey, Suffolk, England

Posted by JD Hull at 11:42 PM | Comments (1)

Memo to Millennials: Rock 'n' Roll before The Great Neutering.

Satin shoes, plastic boots, cocaine eyes and speed-freak jive. Hey GenY, the no-launch generation. You're being passed over. We're not going to let you screw up (1) the Work Ethic or (2) Rock 'n' Roll. You will never have either.

Posted by JD Hull at 06:05 PM | Comments (0)

October 14, 2015

Sensitive Litigation Moment: The "C" word.

Pre-trial pro-trip for adepts. Some days lobbing the "C" word into brief chat about obvious differences between Rules 34 and 45 with a talented if lazy 35-year-old female opposing counsel plaintiff's lawyer gets more done than 10 Baby Boomers on Crack. Consult manual closely before attempting this.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:02 PM | Comments (0)

Fair, balanced, pissed off: Fox News says Hillary owned stage in first debate.

Like a big dog again, Hillary. Where you been? And where oh where were you, Senator Jim Webb? I expected my fellow Gaelic poet-warrior to whup some serious weenie ass of the non-Hillary participants. Try that again please, sir. Anyway, a Fox News piece by contributor and RedState.com editor Erick Erickson this morning says Hillary Clinton won the first Dem U.S. presidential candidate debate in Las Vegas last night. Excerpt:

The Democrats’ plan for a Hillary coronation is going to go ahead as scheduled. Mrs. Clinton made no terrible missteps. The other candidates rallied to her on the email situation. She had the best command of the stage and played up being a woman.

Clinton’s dismissiveness of the email situation probably draws Joe Biden into the race. Her public trust numbers will not benefit from her answers. The latest Fox News poll already shows that Hillary Clinton is performing worse against Republicans than Joe Biden.

But Hillary won the debate. She did not make any missteps, was not thrown off her game, and allowed no other candidate to outshine her.

Posted by JD Hull at 05:40 AM | Comments (0)

October 11, 2015

The Manhattan we loved long-time: "It's Chinatown, Your Honor."

Just 20 years ago, before The Great Neutering had squeezed the last bit of edge and play out of Western males, a first-chair lawyer in the middle of a four-week commercial trial defending the hallowed likes of Lever Bros, GM or IBM in the Southern District of Manhattan could still walk a few blocks north and set all his chickens free during a short court recess:

If it weren't for the massage parlors on Mulberry and Bayard Streets, I would not have been a successful trial attorney. I cannot count the numerous times I trekked to those establishments during a short recess or lunch break in the middle of a trial. After my happy ending, I would come back to court reinvigorated and re-energized. I really miss the pre-Giuliani days of NYC.

--Partner Emeritus, October 2, 2015 at Above The Law

Before Guiliani and The Great Neutering: Mulberry Street, NYC, c. 1900.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

Unpublished novels or memoirs, anyone?

If you do, visit Double Bridge Publishing. Double Bridge uses crowdsourcing to get unpublished books critiqued, edited, cover-designed, published, marketed, sold and distributed. I am general counsel to start-up DB, which published six titles in 2015. This quarter we are interested particularly in biographical works about sport-philandering Baby Boomers who claim they helped deliver the first baby born at Woodstock or swived either Grace Slick or Alvin Lee before either was famous or developed a drinking problem. That should be legions of you. What's not to like here?


Posted by JD Hull at 12:45 AM | Comments (0)