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February 24, 2017

Jack London on Inspiration.

You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.

--Jack London (1876-1916)

John Griffith "Jack" London in 1905

Posted by JD Hull at 04:29 AM | Comments (0)

February 21, 2017

Trump in Florida on Saturday.

Donald John Tump certainly has some rough edges. A proven salesman, he still exaggerates too much for even a POTUS. He gets things wrong. He name-calls almost daily. Sure, some days I wish he were classier. But on Saturday President Trump in Melbourne, Florida gave one of best speeches you'll ever see or hear a pol give. And, technically, of course, he's a political novice. One month in office and already back into campaign style. But--for him--it worked. He hit every policy and cultural issue of his controversial 4-week presidency. Hostile news coverage. Fake news. Jobs. Replacing Obamacare. Defeating ISIS. Sanctuary cities. Trump is just learning how to develop his gift for for politics. Like him or not, the guy's a natural. And smart. If you can't court the press, go back to your base. And I think he knows at this point that disgruntled Democrats, the Left and Main Stream Media are pushing people over to him. Folks--including me--used to worship NBC, CBS, CNN and ABC. No more. Or not as much. Right now, as much as I hate to admit it, right-leaning Fox News seems "fair and balanced" compared to the spastically partisan coverage by the other big news outlets. I'm watching Fox most evenings now for the first time--because the other media outlets are openly losing it. Everyone, from coastal elites to average American families, are beginning to have second thoughts about news institutions we watched, followed and wanted to trust since the 1950s. Trump can be flaky, loopy, mean and ugly. But we're starting to see some ugly colors and cries for help in the Fourth Estate, too.

Posted by JD Hull at 06:29 PM | Comments (0)

February 19, 2017

39 Things Long-Divorced American Lawyers Know

Paris 1952.jpg
Paris 1952: Willy Maywald, Mannequin en tailleur quai Saint-Michel.

1. Never swive anyone named Zoe, Brigit or Natasha.

2. Let no one leave anything at your house.

3. Don't buy cheap shoes.

4. Shoe trees. Cedar. The most expensive.

5. Sorry. The Havard Bluebook is always important.

6. British women don't really like British men

7. Have a coworker in same room if you interview someone.

8. Completely legal interviews are not very informative.

9. Don't jump to hire law grads with blue collar backgrounds. Some think they've arrived and are done.

10. Women make better associate lawyers.

11. On documents Rules 34 and 45 do different things. Know what.

12. If you travel, cats not dogs.

13. Very attractive women think they're ugly.

14. Very attractive men are delusional.

15. Irish, Welsh, Finnish and Afro-American women are totally and forever in charge. They are heroes.

16. A disproportionate number of Irish people are drunks.

17. A disproportionate number of Irish people are verbally and lyrically gifted.

18. Jewish doctors do not get Irish, English or German drunks. Have a cookie instead?

19. Jews and Italians are the best drinkers. They have rules. They have the genes.

20. The Jews really are it. Consistently awesome and world-changing tribe for 2500 years.

21. Well-dressed Russian women are cheap, treacherous and insane.

The Cardsharps, Caravaggio, c. 1594

22. Most lawyers dislike being lawyers. It shows.

23. Lawyers are less well-rounded every decade.

24. Super-smart and super-nice kids--without lots more--make lousy lawyers.

25. There are at most 35 truly excellent American colleges and universities. It shows when you meet their grads.

27. Parisian men are not as insecure, jealous or violent as other men. Let's just talk about this, Luc, okay?

28. Never be impressed by Phi Beta Kappas.

29. Always be impressed by Marshall scholars, Rhodes scholars and Wesleyan grads.

30. Have at least 4 impeccable suits. They should be expensive but need not be tailored.

31. Don't wear bow ties every day. Almost every day is fine.

32. Cuffs on all long pants except jeans and tuxes. Khaki? Summer only.

33. Twice a month you should dress like a pimp from a New Orleans whorehouse.

34. Saabs can be driven forever. They like to go fast.

35. Know who you are. Learn if you can family history back 8 generations at least.

36. Talk to people on elevators. All of them.

37. Don't do Europe with other Americans.

38. Just 2 cats.

39. Trust no one in Budapest.

Source: 11.25.15

Posted by JD Hull at 12:57 AM | Comments (0)