April 02, 2024

Euripides on Speech, Expression, Humor, Satire.

This is slavery, not to speak one's thought.

— Eurípides (480-406 BC)


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 31, 2024

The Judgment of Paris

Paris was a bold man who presum’d
To judge the beauty of a Goddess.

--John Dryden


The Judgment of Paris, Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 24, 2024

I'm OK - You're a Narcissist: “Narcissism” is the Newest Cooties

We all like to feel special, unique and, at times, superior. It doesn't mean we are insular, evil or bonkers. It doesn't mean you need to meet with your shrink Dr. Quaalude four rather two times a week. It means we are flawed, insecure, competitive and desperate for the Universe to acknowledge, and somehow validate, each one of us.

Narcissist. Narcissism. Narcissistic. These have been hot labels in the past few years. Lots of articles and pop psychology pieces in which writers bandy these terms around. There's been some name-calling, too. Boomers and Millennials are called narcissistic. So are certain bosses, public figures, artists, entertainers.

To name a few famous people who've been so accused: Pablo Picasso, Eva Peron, Warren Beatty, Sharon Stone, Charlie Chaplin, Margaret Thatcher, Christian Barnard, Donald Trump and William Shatner. Even Elvis. Then there are legions of more obscure folks who we see as uber-selfish, unfeeling, too full of confidence, grandiose. And a few who just make us feel uncomfortable or we just don't like.

What going on here? Is Narcissism the new Cooties, the dreaded but fictional disease you got from opposite sex classmates on the playground? If it is, let's find some other way to trash people. Let's trade in the entire narcissism lexicon for something that's fairer and we can all understand.

Because we are in over our heads, folks.

In conversation and writing, lots of non-experts--I am not an expert on this, are you?--employ the narcissism lexicon glibly and confidently to describe all kinds of bad behavior as if everyone knows exactly what they mean. One problem with this is that nearly everyone who does it (like Tony Blair's talented friend in the article linked to below) seems to have no idea what they're talking about. Even worse, people who use the terminology often lump everyone with narcissistic traits together without making distinctions between "healthy" narcissists, garden variety egotists and deeply malfunctioning humans.

Not making those distinctions is not just silly, sad, ignorant and irresponsible. Given the powerful stigma narcissism carries with some people who are just as clueless, it's a dangerous assessment.

Retired Alpha male pol having fun. Narcissist? (Adrian Wyld/AP)

You may think, as I do, that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and other mental health authorities--which at this point have made almost every activity, eccentricity and wondrous human foible a "disorder" or condition which requires, or will soon require, professional treatment--went slightly batshit itself years ago. My favorite is the relatively recent addition to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) of caffeinism. There are five (5) types of caffeinism. One is Caffeine Withdrawal, which for a few years now has been a mental disorder. I expect to see jetlag very soon.

However, the APA and these other bodies continue to have the power to flag and define sickness and disorders. The power to define mental illness in our society is the power to suggest what is moral, immoral, good, bad, acceptable, unacceptable. With respect to medical expertise especially, we are at heart compliant and conformist. We remain happy to let others do the thinking for us.

And narcissists in the public mind are very bad. In addition to the usual suspects noted above, some of the worst villains and head cases in human history make the famous/infamous people list: Stalin, Hitler, Lee Harvey Oswald, Ted Bundy, Joseph Mengele, O.J. Simpson, Jim Jones, Ike Turner and, last but not least, Simon Cowell.

Although I will never be an expert on anything scientific, I did do some homework. Apparently, we should think of narcissists in three groups. The first group includes each human being who has ever lived. We all have a touch of narcissism--and we need it to survive. It's healthy.

The second group is actual narcissists. These are people who score high on tests based on traits (symptoms) listed in the DSM. Think politicians, many execs and entrepreneurs, 1980s-era bond traders, actors, writers, surgeons, go-getters, workaholics, a good chunk of the freshman class at Dartmouth College, all AUSAs and nearly every effective trial lawyer you will ever meet. You get the idea.*

The third group is comprised of those with a clinical diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). These are the few, the miserable, the hardcore. See my listing in the paragraph above. It's the same kind of folks--but now, according to the psychiatric community, they're stuck in the wild blue yonder, and can't get out. Their selfishness and self-absorption prevent them from ever having a meaningful relationship with another human being.

The traits for this group: (1) expectation to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments, (2) expectation of constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others, (3) envy of others and believes others envy him/her, (4) preoccupation with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence, (4) lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others, (5) arrogant in attitudes and behavior and (6) expectation of special treatment that are unrealistic.

The problem? On any given day, the above traits/symptoms for NPD describe most of your "enemies", and certainly every one of the insane, miserable and unreasonable opposing counsel you are putting up with. It's the candidate you are running against. It's the woman who just dumped you.

In my reading, lack of empathy stands out as a key trait shared by at least those in the second and third groups. To be honest, in my life I've met no one with zero or little empathy. However, lots of people I know seem to have trouble, at least initially, of "feeling the pain" of others. Most of them are men. I doubt that anyone who has read this far considers empathy to be a male trait. It's clearly not. So are most men narcissists?

The Narcissus, Karl Bryullov, Russian, 1819

Other traits listed in the literature were success-orientation, a sense of superiority, and seeing oneself as unique and/or special. However, we regularly see these three in people we know and love, and we still think of them as flawed but healthy. To be fair, such traits are shared by a good chunk of the student body at lots of highly selective colleges, laws schools and medical schools.

Above I used Dartmouth as an example--and to tease a couple of good friends who went there--but there are thirty or so colleges and universities in America alone which seem to hatch grads which regard themselves as "special" if not genuinely unique or elite. These people are not narcissists.

For example, have you ever talked to a Boomer-era Oberlin graduate about being an Obie? She's very glad you asked. Her eyes will light up as she thoughtfully lights up a Camel non-filter, and she may speak in hushed tones about taking off a semester to work in California with Cesar Chavez, Delores Huerta and the National Farm Worker Association, or with a SNCC voter registration project in Mississippi. Even if she is grateful or feels lucky to have taken part in these parts of the civil rights movement, often with other Oberlin people, the Obie indeed does see herself as special and unique and even somehow superior for her participation. It's a point of pride. But she is not a narcissist.

I count as friends four Rhodes scholars, two Marshall scholars and a few former SCOTUS clerks. While they are all very different from one another, I am very sure that not one of them thinks of himself or herself as just another face in the crowd. They've stretched, worked their asses off and quietly think of themselves as special indeed. A few of them might be considered overly-opinionated and difficult. But they are not narcissists.

We all like to feel special, unique and at times superior. It doesn't mean we are insular, evil or bonkers. It doesn't mean you to meet with Dr. Quaalude four rather two times a week. It means we are flawed, insecure, competitive and desperate for the Universe to acknowledge, and somehow validate, each one of us

The inability to gracefully accept criticism is another narcissism trait you read about. But how many of us are graceful and happy when we are taken down a notch or two?

Again, with each of these traits, it's a matter of degree. See the DSM-IV-TR (or the newer DSM-V) and traits from other sources to see what they are, and see how you and your friends rate.

True story: About ten years ago, I needed to cross-examine an ousted executive who sued our client and had put his mental health in issue in the case. This was new territory for us--so we bought a couple of DSM-IVs. That summer, three young litigators and a litigation law clerk in our Pittsburgh office got a hold of one of the DSMs. For fun, they went through each of the NPD symptoms. Three of the employees were amused--for lack of a better word--that they seemed to have all or most of the symptoms. One had almost none, even though she seemed to actually want to have them. Despite everyone's joking around about the self-diagnosis exercise, the non-narcissist, an ambitious young woman, was disappointed by her "low" score and reportedly envious of her co-workers who, oddly, "aspired" to some level of narcissism. No, I can't explain this. The hubris of uber-ambitious youth, maybe. Me? Yes, I took their test, too. To the amazement, or disappointment, of several people in and out of the office, I had a "low" score. Also, I got high marks for empathy. But some folks still think I cheated.

This week, certainly, narcissism in making the news again. Today The Independent, the British national morning paper, reports that a famous British novelist and longtime friend of former Prime Minister Tony Blair is now calling Blair a "narcissist" with a "messiah complex" who has abandoned Britain to make money and "hang out with a lot of rich people in America" (other narcissists?). On the quality of life side of things, those of you with serious narcissists in your life (or office) can read "How to Make the Narcissist in Your Life a Little Nicer", appearing yesterday in The Atlantic. It's about "compassion training" for the working narcissist.

One last question. Why are there so few articles over the years addressed to narcissists themselves? Can they not be saved? Or is it that we all just need a few blustery folks to look down on?

*I'm 100% serious about this list--as humorous as the list might be. Moreover, these are the kinds of people I tend to like, admire and hang out with. They challenge me, stretch me and make me feel alive.

Original post: June 6, 2014

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (1)

March 22, 2024

Newly Improved and Righteous: 107 Things Long-Divorced Amoral Lawyers Know

WJC and writer, January 1, 2009, noon, Charleston

1. Date no one named Zoe, Brigit or Natasha.

2. No one you just met can leave anything in your home or hotel room.

3. Don't do the au pairs.

4. All British women are named Lucy, Pippa or Jane.

5. British women never like British men.

6. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, the most widely used legal citation system in the United States, was first published in 1926. It is always important.

7. Legal or woke interviews don't tell you much.

8. Have a co-worker in same room if you interview someone.

9. Don't jump to hire law grads with blue collar backgrounds. Some think they've arrived and are done.

10. Women make better associate lawyers.

11. On documents, Rule 34 (Production of Documents and Things) and Rule 45 (Subpoena) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure do very different things. Know what they are.

12. Dogs are the best thing about this planet.

13. Cats not dogs if you travel.

14. Great looking women think they're ugly.

15. Pay attention to little things.

16. Irish, Welsh, Finnish, Ethiopian and Afro-American women are heroes. Forever in charge. Enduring.

17. A disproportionate number of Irish people are drunks.

18. A disproportionate number of Irish people are verbally or lyrically gifted.

19. Jewish doctors do not understand Irish, English, German or Russian drunks.

20. Jews and Italians are the best drinkers. They have the genes. They have rules.

21. The Jews are It. A consistently awesome and world changing tribe for 2500 years.

22. Russian women are cheap, treacherous and insane.

23. For decades the wrong people have gone to law school.

24. Lawyers are less well educated, less well rounded and less culturally literate every decade.

25. Narcissists get stuff done.

26. There are at about 40 exceptional American colleges and universities.

27. Do one absurd or silly thing every day.

28. Never be impressed by Phi Beta Kappas.

29. Always be impressed by Marshall scholars.

30. Have at least 3 impeccable suits.

31. Don't wear bow ties every day. Almost every day is fine.

32. Cuffs on all long pants except jeans and dinner jacket trousers.

33. Wear khaki pants and suits or seersucker suits in summer. Summer is Memorial Day to Labor Day.

34. Twice a month dress like a pimp from a New Orleans whorehouse.

35. Learn your family history on both sides back at least four generations. Know who you are.

36. Talk to people on elevators. All of them.

37. Don't do Europe with other Americans.

38. Just 2 cats.

39. If you drink, master Sheehan's Rule: "If I don't remember it, I didn't do it."

40. When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can. ~ Hugh Grant (b. 1960)

41. Always attribute. Especially when you think no one will notice.

42. Leave the campsite better than you found it.

43. Never let anyone tell you how to feel, think, act, write or speak.

44. Never let anyone tell you who you are.

45. One juror will always surprise you big time. Learn who that is before you close

46. Always talk to jurors post-verdict.

47. Never communicate in any manner ever with that one female juror who seemed to like you.

48. Women are meaner, more vindictive and more treacherous than men.

49. The dumbest woman is 100 times more complex than the smartest man.

50. Men are simple. There is not much going on.

51. Rule 36 (Requests for Admissions), my friend.

52. Rule 56(d) (When facts are unavailable to the non-movant) is misunderstood.

53. Civil RICO is an unintended consequence. Use it the right way.

54. Seldom watch television.

55. Every Mom suffers.

56. Your Mom is your best friend.

57. Buenos Aires has the best looking people on this planet.

58. Great lovemaking cannot be learned.

59. Love can be learned.

60. There are no lapsed or recovering Catholics.

61. Don't buy cheap shoes.

62. Shoe trees. Cedar.

63. Jewish women never have great legs.

64. Japanese women are the best helpmates.

65. Slightly insane WASP women are the best lovers.

66. People born after 1980 should not have babies, jobs or dogs.

67. Brown shoes go well with gray suits. No one knows why.

68. Your handkerchief should never match your tie.

69. Nothing good takes just 10 minutes.

70. Being right is expensive.

71. No prayer is imperfect.

72. The best prayer says thank you.

73. Not caring what people think is a superpower.

74. The English look down on anyone non-English. This will not stop.

75. The French and Irish are playful.

76. Eastern Europeans are not playful.

77. When your mouth is dry, you know you're plenty high. ~ George Thorogood

78. Don't tell people you just met your problems.

79. Copy someone on every letter.

80. Never write a letter. Never throw one away. ~ Unknown

81. Jewish men are overly-suspicious. There are reasons for it. Work with it.

82. Irish men talk too much. There are no reasons for it. Work with it.

83. Never needlessly anger the Irish, the Welsh, Scots or Sicilians.

84. Be nice to people who just had a downfall. Don't pile on. They'll be back.

85. Avoid people with no enemies.

86. Beware of the lily white. ~ J. Dan Hull, Jr. (b. 1900)

87. Employees who say they'll double-check never checked the first time.

88. Don't celebrate victories too long.

89. Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton worked harder than you did.

90. Attitude is more important than facts.

91. Employees either help you or hold you back. Nothing in between.

92. Persian women make too much noise.

93. Tribes are always important.

94. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff. ~ Ellen Jane Bry

95. Nothing is more important than a first kiss.

96. Don’t hire broke or broken people.

97. Write prompt handwritten thank you notes.

98. The arts are central to life. They are not optional. ~ Julian Barnes

99. Plan for surprises.

100. Resist perfectionism.

101. Each person has a thousand selves. ~ Hermann Hesse

102. Men say the vilest possible things to each other they don't mean.

103. Women say the nicest possible things to each other they don't mean.

104. Everyone you meet is not in your mood.

105. You will never know anyone's entire story.

106. End everything on a high note.

107. Trust no one in Budapest.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 20, 2024

Cultural Literacy. Is it time yet, America?

Education is not just about getting a job.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:43 PM | Comments (0)

March 03, 2024

Balking at America

“Once they let you get away with running around for ten years like a king hoodlum, you tend to forget now and then that about half the people you meet live from one day to the next in a state of such fear and uncertainty that about half the time they honestly doubt their own sanity. These are not the kind of people who really need to get hung up in depressing political trips. They are not ready for it. Their boats are rocking so badly that all they want to do is get level long enough to think straight and avoid the next nightmare.”

--Thompson in Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72


Posted by JD Hull at 07:03 PM | Comments (0)

March 01, 2024

Redux Online Lolita: Real Life Facebook Messenger Romances.

A youngish, attractive female human —between 18 and 25 from “her” photo — recently friended me on Facebook. I apparently accepted thinking she had some personal connection to me; she does not. Today she privately messaged me to chat via Facebook Messenger. We chatted while I was still at my office--I'm a youngish energetic Boomer lawyer; we're all like this, even on Friday nights--in my last half-hour at work. I unfriended her at 7:26 PM.

Look, there is nothing more dangerous/ unsexy than this kind of human you meet on the Net. Okay, a bit funny to me maybe. However, if you're a regular homely and/or sexually-frustrated married guy unskilled in philandering, or a part-time or novice cad, this is NOT fun, funny or safe. Do not try this at home; you'll just screw it up, end up on a Chris Hansen NBC show. Am correcting typos/punctuation of her English prose for clarity in this post. Otherwise verbatim:

(Chat Conversation Begin 6:56PM)


ME: Hi, what's up? Can I help you?

[longish pause]

HER: How are you doing?

ME: Fine. And you?

HER: I am doing well. I am looking for a good man.

ME: That would not be me. I have had 2 or maybe 3 wives and scores of girlfriends and cheated on every one of them. Besides you are way too young for me. Way.

[moderate pause]

HER: You mean you cheated on your wives and GFs?

ME: Yes. I just typed that. Every one of them. I think there's something wrong with me.

[No pause at all but then this non-sequitur response...]

HER: But I believe with love 2 people can overcome age and distance.

ME: Well, I don't. I'm looking for (1) Smith College, (2) brilliance, (3) wit, (4) Anglo-Gaelic breeding, (5) athleticism, (6) world-class beauty, (7) a flat in London and (8) really big trust funds. And (9) right here in DC. Must have all 9.

[another longish pause]

HER: Really?

ME: Yes. Absolutely. How did we get to be FB friends? I may be the wrong Dan Hull. There are lots of Dan Hulls and most are lazy hillbillies like me. Half of us are in jail.

[short pause]

HER: Uhhh...ok.

[Chat Conversation End 7:25pm]


Original post: September 5, 2018

Posted by JD Hull at 12:34 AM | Comments (0)

February 12, 2024

State of the West

Based on my various news aggregators and feeds, Western culture is now so fragmented and degraded that we’ve raised minutia and trivia to high art forms, and made heroes out of turds. Am going to ditch my devices and spend more time outside. You’re welcome.


Posted by JD Hull at 01:29 PM | Comments (0)

February 11, 2024

Super Bowl Now

I raptly watched the first Super Bowl with my dad and brother in 1967. To us, a jock clan, nothing was cooler. Now Americans also celebrate passivity and sloth. But some violence, even in play, is what humans do, and have always done. Below: Jack Kerouac playing for Columbia


Posted by JD Hull at 09:30 AM | Comments (0)

February 10, 2024

Modern Alcoholics Anonymous: Springboard? Or Permanent Cocoon?


When will my beloved AA get back to getting people clean and sober to participate in real life?

Posted by JD Hull at 11:34 PM | Comments (1)

February 05, 2024

One Night/One Person: Season 9: It's Cold Again, Campers.


Damn. It’s getting cold again in the northern hemisphere. Cold as a witch’s tit, Jack.

The purpose of this post—which over the years I keep annoyingly if faithfully revising—is simple. To keep these homeless humans alive during the 30 coldest nights of the year by doing something simple and effective for others. And without holding pressers about what great people we are when it’s cold and we help.

Those nights are coming back.

Bear with me.

As a Yankee, Eagle Scout, outdoorsy dude, lifelong camper and all-weather philanderer, let me assure you that spending a night outside in colder weather has unique challenges. Even in the Fall. And generally in the period October through March.

Exposure. The Elements. And hypothermia. Call “it” what you will. Authors Jack London and Hans Christian Andersen each wrote well-known stories about it. And you can die from hypothermia well above 32 degrees F.

You say you would really like to help the urban homeless on both cold and super-cold American Northeastern and Midwestern nights? Chilly, plain cold and the bitterly cold, there are unpredictable nights that many cities are prepared to accommodate more homeless residents at shelters but for a number of reasons (both good and bad) thousands of Americas's rough sleepers take their chances outside?

Good. So see our inaugural post about our One Night, Person (March 5, 2015) campaign and our follow-up March 7, 2015 post. No, we don't have time to go over all of this again; we're working stiffs like you. Just read the posts.

Once again, and in short, here is the idea and the rules:

You're a Yuppie, professional or other generic dweeb between the ages of 22 and 82.You live in towns like New York City, Philly, Boston, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Wilmington, DC or Chicago.

Or similar cities in Europe. Or Asia. Generally? Think Northern Hemisphere. Planet Earth. Wherever Yuppies roam. You may live in the suburbs or in a downtown neighborhood of these cities. But if you work during the day in a downtown area of any of them, you and yours will go forth and do this:

1. Pick out and ask a homeless woman or man what articles of warm clothing she or he needs that you already have at home or in storage--thermal gloves, wool scarfs, warm hats and beanies, big sweaters, winter coats, thermal underwear, socks, etc.

2. Ask just one person at a time.

3. Agree on a time to meet (preferably at the same place) later that day or the next day.

4. Find the winter stuff you have at home or in storage.

5. Bring said stuff to the homeless woman or man as agreed.

6. Nine out of ten times, your new friend will be there when you show up.

7. Wait for forecasts of the next super-cold night--and repeat.


Posted by JD Hull at 10:46 PM | Comments (0)

February 04, 2024

Doing Rome

Comparisons between old Rome and modern U.S. are exciting and instructive. ~ What About Paris?

When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can. ~ Hugh Grant

Rome. I don't like working here--charitably put, work-life balance is totally out of balance in some regions of Italy--but I love being in Rome. You can walk in this city. You can frolic in it. You can play all day long in and around the The Forum and Palatine Hill, where antiquities are still being found. There's a guy with a shop at the Piazza Navona--2000 years ago the Piazza was a Roman circus (i.e., track) you can still see if you try--who sells me these unique old prints, beautifully framed, that I bought for my father in Cincinnati. I go to that shop on every trip. The Tiber River is still gorgeous and, like the Seine in Paris, steeped in history, and a bit melancholy and mysterious. Lots happened here--maybe too much--and it's as if the river can remember it all.

pannini_1743_ruines et statue de M Aurele.JPG
Pannini (1743): Ruins, Chiostre, Statue of Marc-Aurèle

In the West, our strongest ideas and institutions, including what became English law, were conceived or preserved by Rome. The increasingly-made comparisons between Rome and the U.S.--no, they are certainly not new--are still exciting and instructive. The Romans were competent if grandiose empire builders who borrowed their best ideas and forms from a previously dominant Greece, while America's cultural debt is chiefly to western Europe. Like Rome, America tended to overextend itself in all spheres. Like Rome, America was globally aggressive. (Other peoples resented it.) You get the idea.

But you can't see, experience and "do" Rome on one trip--same thing with New York, London or Paris--and you shouldn't try. Our advice: do several trips, and "live in it" each and every visit, taking small bites. And spend your trip with anyone but those from the same nation and culture as your own. If you go there with Americans, break out of that bubble. Politely say goodbye--and disappear into the streets on your own.

Original post: September 15, 2013

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

January 22, 2024

Oppression Joe

“Oppression Coffee” is a startup I’ve joked about but I am now thinking seriously about launching it. Unlike 'fair trade' coffee products you see in Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods, beans will originate from the most sorry and hopelessly oppressed parts of the Third World. What do you guys think?


Posted by JD Hull at 10:57 AM | Comments (0)

October 30, 2023

The 3 days of AllHallowtide starts October 31. Get ready, y’all.

Allhallowtide is a Western three-day observance (or triduum, a word I learned today) between October 31 and November 2 when we remember and honor the dead. The days are All Saints Eve (Halloween) on October 31, All Saints' Day (All Hallows') on November 1 and All Souls' Day on November 2. Although a tradition associated with Christianity for the past 1000 years, Allohallowtide is hardly recognized outside the Catholic church, and even Catholicism seems to have increased its distance over the centuries. The observance, especially the first day of Halloween, a contraction of "All Hallows' Evening", seems to have deep pagan roots, with many of its celebration traditions like those of Celtic harvest festivals. Culturally, however, it's still a big deal with most Westerners, especially their kids. Little kids. Big kids. Those celebrating that first day of Allohallowtide seem to get older every year.


"Snap-Apple Night", Daniel Maclise, 1833. It was inspired by a Halloween party Maclise attended in Blarney, Ireland, in 1832.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:23 PM | Comments (0)

October 15, 2023

St. John of Patmos: Craziest Man in the New Testament.


Looking into the Void. Saint John of Patmos writes the Book of Revelation in this Hieronymus Bosch painting (1505). Whoever wrote Revelation--no one really knows--was Out There. One King-Hell Flake. But he could write and tell stories. Wow.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:43 PM | Comments (0)

October 12, 2023

Redux: Blawg Review #65

We live in a world that never sleeps.

Most mornings, lawyers at my firm get e-mails from people in all manner of time zones: Hanjo in Bonn, Michael in London, Giulio in Rome, Paul in Cardiff, Angel in Madrid, Claudia in Pretoria, Ed in Beijing, Christian in Taipei, Greg in Sydney and finally Eric, a DC trial lawyer. Two or three times a year, I see Eric, a partner in an international litigation boutique of 35 lawyers. But I've never seen him in the US. Ever. In the eight years I've known him, Eric has had a plate full of international arbitrations. He could be anywhere when he e-mails--just probably not in this hemisphere. His client could be German with a claim against a Dutch company at a Brussels arbitration venue applying English or American law.

Lawyers sell services--and services are increasingly sold across international borders. In fact, services generally are becoming the new game. In 2004, services, sold alone or as support features to the sale of good and products, accounted for over 65% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the US, 50% of the United Kingdom's GDP and 90% of Hong Kong's. Our clients sell both goods and services. The growing "global economy", the expansion of the services sector, the Internet and the resulting ability to partner with people and entities all over the world permit our smallest clients to do business abroad. And lawyers in all jurisdictions can act for interests outside their borders. You, me, our clients and our partners are now international players. Every day we meet new ideas, new markets, new regulatory schemes, new traders and new customs. Our new world may not be exactly "flat" yet. But it's certainly become busier and smaller very quickly.

In Blawg Review #65, we'd like to introduce you to some people we've met. All of them are listed on the left-hand side of our site if you scroll down a bit on a directory we first published on our May 26 post The Legal World Outside America: Non-US Blawgs. The blogs on your left fall into 2 overall categories: (1) legal weblogs which originate outside of the United States and (2) blogs from all over which comment on international law generally, or on a particular subject matter, jurisdiction or region of the world. You can't meet all these people in one day. But here's a few:

Hail, Britannia!

Meet first Delia Venables, a well-known consultant in East Sussex, in the southeastern corner of England. "Delia central" is Legal Resources in the UK and Ireland. Our favorite is Blogs, News Feeds, Podcasts, Video Blogs and Wikis with UK and Irish Content. Delia also offers an Internet Newsletter for Lawyers. My friend Justin Patten at Human Law, subtitled "Law, Technology and People" combines, in a novel and interesting way, IP and Employment Law. This is an active, well-written and often provocative blog by a lawyer in Hertfordshire, just north of Greater London. Justin is one of the few non-American members of Law.com's Legal Blog Watch. See his recent post "How Interactive Do You Want to Go?", musing whether blogging lawyers can help create new terms, conditions and billing policies in the legal services market by using the blogosphere to assess and scrutinize them. And Nick Holmes's Binary Law, previously "What’s New on the UK Legal Web?", is consistently excellent and alert to new developments. See Nick's post "Sincere flattery or blatant affrontery?" on copy theft. For fun, charm and wit, also see Charon QC...the Blawg, who is the product of the imagination of Mike Semple Piggot.

Brits Who Love Tech. How can you not love a people who prize eccentricity, love poetry and words and still--judging from their number of Nobel Prize winners over the past 50 years--excel at science and technology? Meet Geeklawyer, an IP lawyer who once did R&D in the US for a company in the "evil American empire" and who blogs about IP, civil liberties, the UK legal system, and "angry liberal" things. He's got a motorcycle called The Terrible and Inexorable Wrath of God, a co-writer named "Ruthie" and--well, just go his site. Words fail me--but never Geeklawyer. A wonderful combination of the substantive and the absurd. See especially his and/or "Ruthie's" recent posts "Darling we're all working class now" or "You Cannot Fucking Swear in Dover". And TechnoLlama, published by Andres Guadamuz in Edinburgh, Scotland, will be blogging this week from Australia, where Andres is attending a conference on "Unlocking IP". Department of I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke--or a Pepsi--Whatever: British blogger Jeremy Phillips, who is popular on more than one continent, turns his eye toward Atlanta and weighs in on the Great Coke Heist in last week's last news at his IPKat-fishing for IP stories for YOU. His post is It's Not The Secret, Silly!


France, my second favorite country, and which in my view has more in common with the US than any other nation, had a bad day yesterday at the World Cup in Berlin at the hands of Italy. We'll start by going to straight to Ca’Paxatagore, with its permanent home-page and truly spectacular view of...the Grand Canal in Venice, of all places. So beautiful though that it's got to cheer anyone up. But blog-wise, the French have lots to be happy about other than the fact that all of the French blogs we've listed to your left are beautiful to look at even though you don't read French anymore. The French still have attitude, too. They wait patiently while we Yanks and Brits either learn or re-learn our French, which is still an official United Nations language. We, for our part, wait patiently while they translate more things into English. In the meantime, we must be happy with Droit en Enfer, with another great title page, and the quote:

God Bless Law

“Law is the ultimate backstage pass. There are more students in law schools than there are lawyers walking the Earth.”

– John Milton/Satan (L’Associé du Diable)


Three German Fulbright Scholarship alums in Hamburg, Berlin and Seattle publish the Atlantic Review, a press digest on trans-Atlantic affairs which won the 2006 award for the Best German Blog in the 2nd Annual European Weblogs Awards sponsored by none other than A Fistful of Euros. AR was founded in July 2003 out of a concern for the deterioration of the US-German relationship. Note the last two posts: German-American Relations on the Eve of President Bush's Visit and What? Germans Sing Nazi Anthem in World Cup Stadium?. There are other fine German blogs, many available in English. One favorite is Transblawg, by Margaret Marks, a British solicitor and translator who lives in Bavaria. Another is the German-American Law Journal, published by a consortium of mainly German lawyer-writers. See last month's post "Forum Shopping in Germany", which in discussing "Internet torts" likens the issue to the one faced by American courts. Nanotechnology Law, by Mohamad Mova Al 'Afghani, in Goettingen, assesses "legal implications of nanoscale technologies and the emerging molecular nanotechnology". Hey, no problem.


Bellissimo! Nice going in Berlin! Italy wins the World Cup: Italy Beats France for Title on Penalty Kicks. Enough said. Harvard publishes the Harvard International Review, which for its 100th post ever brings us Why the FIFA World Cup Is and Should Be a Big Deal. It begins:

In an increasingly integrated world with few platforms for international engagement other than war, trade, tourism and sterile political unions, it is understandable that the quadrennial FIFA World Cup has become a major avenue for countries to display their national pride, project their “national character” if there is such a thing, and to unify their diverse populations around a cause.

European Union

There are several sites, some listed on your left, which cover the European Union and European law and politics generally. The TransAtlantic Assembly covers an interesting mix of European and American international and constitutional law subjects, with an emphasis on the new European constitution. Recently TAA opined a little on "Election Year Politics, American Style", which is an interesting read. Also worth visiting is ECJBlog, by Allard Knook in the Netherlands, a Ph.D candidate at the University of Utrecht who covers the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.


We've tried to find Iraqi law sites--even American military justice or State Department ones. No luck. The University of Pittsburgh School of Law's Jurist Legal News and Research did post "Senior US Iraq general finds Marine commanders at fault in Haditha probe". And then there's Baghdad's Salam Pax, of The Daily Absurdity Report (previously, "Shut Up You Fat Whiner"). Salam Pax has had several blogs since 2002. See his "Democracy Day" post earlier this year on the anniversary of Iraq's first voting experience on January 31, 2005. See his latest post in early June. He says he's working on two video blogs, trying to blog about what's going on in Iraq these days. Excerpts:

A friend of mine, after seeing how desperate and frustrated I was getting trying to get someone to talk on camera, said that I should go to the Kadhimiya district. People will talk there he said. Right. I haven’t been there for ages and I had no reason to believe that it will be different there, but I was getting desperate. I decided to go there the day after a bomb exploded by a bus in that neighbourhood and killed 13 people.

In case you didn’t know Kadhimiya is a Shia district, I have a Sunni family name. The knot in my stomach was getting tighter the closer we got to the check point through which we get into the market area near the Kadhimiya Shrine. What if they ask me for my Iraqi ID? They had an explosion here yesterday and I have a Sunni family name? No this is not paranoia. I have the wrong name and I need to get myself a new forged ID with a Shia name. Anyway, I was lucky they were happy with my NUJ card (the first time I was really happy I had it on me, I usually fear that if people see it they think I’m a foreign journalist).

Once inside I had the biggest eye opener. I saw the future of Iraq, or at least Baghdad. Inside the barricade and past the checkpoint was a piece of the old Baghdad. Shops full of people, all relaxed and smiling. Everybody wants to talk and tell me how their lives are and I even got invited to have tea and accepted the invitation without thinking that this man saw my camera and he is just delaying me until the kidnappers arrive.

Just for fun, try e-mailing Salam Pax like we did and see if afterwards you get funny little clicks on your phone every time you talk to your Mom in Cincinnati.


Visit Seattle-based Dan Harris's China Law Blog--China Law for Business. Just do it. Dan's already an old China hand--and no one does a better job of day-in day-out reporting and commenting about business, government and culture in this incredibly powerful, important and exceedingly complex part of the world. And see Rich Kuslan's Asia Business Intelligence. The focus here is on China, but Rich covers most of Asia. For an interesting primer on multi-cultural manners and a clue why you need real experts in Asia, see Rich's post Sino-British Joint-Venture Dissolved for Rudeness? Similarly, Asia Business Law, based in San Francisco, is another fine resource, which featured on July 4 the post North Korea Intentionally Provokes USA While Iran is Waiting in the Wings--What is China's Role? and a follow-up on July 6 Prognosticating About The North Korean Missile Situation. For some time now, this blog has linked to another fine resource, Chinese Law Prof Blog, edited by GW Law professor Donald Clarke.


We can find just one, Singapore Law Blog, but it's very nicely done. Frequent and to-the-point coverage of legal news and developments in this very old center of trade. Note the recent posts on a free trade agreement with Korea and proposed rules addressing lawyers who defraud clients.

Australia and New Zealand

Next week's Blawg Review host, David Jacobson, is an experienced Australian commercial lawyer who founded Jacobson Consulting. David now publishes David Jacobson's External Insights, which focuses on helping businesses plan and develop policies and tackle complex projects, with a special emphasis on dealing with the ever-expanding maze of government regulations with which all businesses in developed nations must deal. This is a first-rate site from a broad-gauged lawyer. He writes on everything from customer service subjects to the risk of bad publicity in litigation and venture capital models. Oikos, by David Jeffreys, an environmental lawyer, is a blog about ecology, environmental law and related economic issues. If you are interested in fossil fuels, greenhouse gases and in the global warming "hoax", do see Climate Change Litigation in Australia. On client service and relations, Liz Harris has a new blog called Allocatur. In "Are You Defaming Your Client?", she points out that's it's bad enough to have an adversary relationship with your client--and even worse when that comes out in litigation during e-discovery. Finally, Wellington, New Zealand's Geoff Sharp has a blog you'll just have to experience yourself. It's called mediator blah..blah. Great graphics, too. See Geoff's post last month "Meet the Fockers".


One of the most comprehensive resources for client service ideas and education anywhere in the world can be found at the Canadian Bar Association’s CBA Practice Link. And American-lawyer bloggers are familiar with Gerry Riskin's well-known Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices and Toronto-based technology lawyer Rob Hyndman technology. Rob has a terrific recent post entitled Now Bloggers Really Can Be Journalists. Academic blogging is also strong in Canada, too. The University of Toronto Law Faculty Blog is an active and often provocative one. Recently, three UT professors wrote three different commentaries in three different newspapers on a recent Canadian "spousal misconduct" decision you can pick up on here. And Canadian lawyers are batting around the same issues which occupy American legal debate--see "Too Much 'Truthiness' in Judicial Activism Debate". Blawg Review's precocious editors also have introduced us to Michael Geist, the Canada Research Chair of Internet and E-Commerce Law at the University of Ottawa, who focuses almost entirely on IT privacy issues, such as monitoring by ISPs of customer communications. There are quite a few substantive specialty blogs, for example, Michael Fitzgibbon's Thoughts From a Management Lawyer, David Fraser's Canadian Privacy Law Blog, Simon Fodden's popular Slaw, "a co-operative weblog about Canadian legal research and IT" and Christine Mingie's interesting Gaming Law International, a subject which has received increasing coverage at International Bar Association meetings over the past three years.

Other Resources: International Law, Economics and Policy

The American Society of International Law has publishes the "ERG", known formally as the ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. Around since 1997, ASIL's "ERG" is a fabulous site which escaped us--thanks to the Blawg Review editors for pointing it out.

United States

Independence Day in the US last week prompted the usual range of commentary from patriotic to highly critical of American policies here and abroad. On balance, we are happy with and therefore reprise here last year's highly respected July 4th Jeffersonian Blawg Review (#13), by the Editor of Blawg Review. This year, on July 5th, ex-Enron chief Ken Lay died. No shortage of commentary here either, but some of the best was in Peter Lattman's WSJ Law Blog in Lay's Death: Questions and Answers and a later collection of reactions to Lay's demise and its effect on Enron litigation. Another very fine and thoughtful post belonged to Tom Kirkendall at Houston's Clear Thinkers entitled Ken Lay and the Enron Myth. Peter Henning, at his well-respected White Collar Crime Prof Blog, explained the quite-dispositive legal effect of Lay's passing on the criminal proceedings against him in Ken Lay Dies of a Heart Attack, also referred to in Lattman's posts. Larry Ribstein, a professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, at Ideoblog, prompted a stir by treating Lay insightfully but somewhat sympathetically, as reflected here and here. Do crimes in the "foolish" category really support, in Lay's case, a life sentence in prison? Dave Hoffman at Concurring Opinions came to Ribstein's defense in The Academic Business Judgment Rule. And last week another interesting "event" occurred--it went unnoticed by nearly everyone but the Secrecy News from the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the US statute presumptively requiring release of public record to petitioning citizens, turned 40 on July 4. FOIA is still about as "American" as a statute can get--and it has been replicated by nations all over the globe since Lyndon Johnson signed it into law on July 4, 1966.

"International" Lawyers? Say what?

What's an international lawyer, anyway? A lawyer who knows certain aspects of international law? Or a lawyer, as one joke used to go, "who is just an international kind of person"? Well, maybe both definitions apply these days. It's changing. In America, there's still a longstanding, relatively small, elite and irreplaceable bar of "real" international lawyers. These are your partners down the hall who represent domestic and foreign interests before several US agencies and forums responsible for tariff, trade and customs laws: the Department of Commerce, the International Trade Commission, the Trade Representative's Office, the Court of International Trade, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the Customs Service. You may hear them talking about antidumping and countervailing duty law, export controls and unfair trade practices. Another segment of this group does complex transactions involving treaties and laws of jurisdictions abroad. Some have always worked abroad. Others somehow mix diplomacy and business. More recently, many lobby before and/or litigate against foreign governments, and some do commercial arbitrations. Todd Weiler, historically one of the real deals, asks "Am I Still An International Trade Lawyer?" one week ago in International Law and Economic Policy Blog. Excerpt: "I run in two circles: (1) historically and academically, I know a lot of trade law types (trade remedy lawyers, WTO scholars and enthusiasts, etc.); but (2) currently I spend my time with international commercial arbitration lawyers." Todd, to answer your question, your hybrid status in the future may be the rule.

Final Notes and Blawg Review #66.

We hope Blawg Review #65 was interesting--or at least gave you an idea or two. In recent years, "international law" has become a fluid concept that changes even as we were writing this. There are lots of ways to learn more. For starters, the London-based International Bar Association's annual meeting this year will be held 17-22 September 2006 in Chicago, USA. Details are here.

At this blog, we'd like to help "expand the digital conversation" afforded by the blogosphere and keep it full, fresh, inclusive, useful and reflective of our new world. Right now, though, the conversation remains lopsided. Not enough people in the conversation. What About Clients? would love to hear about legal or "international" (you decide) weblogs you can recommend in any language from or about Latin American, eastern European, Africa and Mideastern jurisdictions, and Russia. And we claim no turf here. So start including your own favorite non-US blawgs or blogs about non-US subjects on your blogrolls. Spread the word a little.

With that important request, we conclude Blawg Review #65. We thank the editors of Blawg Review and the creative if mysterious anonymous Editor 'n' Chef for asking us to do this, even if at the last minute. It was an honor. All errors or omissions are due to this hosting blog alone. If you have a site or post you recommend, e-mail us at jdhull@hullmcguire.com and we'll attend to it as quickly as we can.

Blawg Review has information about next week's host, and instructions how to get your blawg posts reviewed in upcoming issues.

July 10, 2006

Posted by JD Hull at 07:06 PM | Comments (0)

October 01, 2023

William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Return from the Harvest, 1878


William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905), Return from the Harvest, 1878. Cummer Art Museum, Jacksonville

Posted by JD Hull at 11:47 PM | Comments (0)

September 23, 2023


La Druidesse, 1868, Alexandre Cabanel (1823–1889), Musée des Beaux-Arts de Béziers.


Posted by JD Hull at 08:21 AM | Comments (0)

September 22, 2023

September 23, 2023 about 3:00 AM


Fall equinox tomorrow at about 3 am. Indulge Druid friends and acquaintances. You’ve been told.

Posted by JD Hull at 08:23 AM | Comments (0)

September 13, 2023

I’d still like a Viking funeral.



Posted by JD Hull at 10:38 AM | Comments (0)

September 07, 2023

Borges's El Aleph: A story like no other

O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space.

- Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2.

El Aleph is a story by Argentina's hands-down dean of letters Jorges Luis Borges first published in 1945 and revised from time to time through 1974. It is still the most amazing short story I've ever read. I and two other--and far more gifted--Indian Hill (Ohio) High School classmates read El Aleph in Spanish in 1970 with Mr. Fogle in our "Spanish V" class. In the story The Aleph is a point in space that subsumes all other points in space and shows you all that is occurring in the Universe at once. Is that far-in or what?


"Este palacio es fábrica de los dioses, pensé primeramente. Exploré los inhabitados recintos y corregí: Los dioses que lo edificaron han muerto. Noté sus peculiaridades y dije: Los dioses que lo edificaron estaban locos. Lo djie, bien lo sé, con una incomprensible reprobación que era casi un remordimiento, con más horror intelectual que miedo sensible."

Posted by JD Hull at 11:05 PM | Comments (0)

August 21, 2023

Art of the Old School Lunch.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

August 09, 2023


Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin (1869-1916).

Wanderer. Holy Man. Mystic. Drunk.

Insider. Healer. Player. Stud.


Posted by JD Hull at 10:21 AM | Comments (0)

August 06, 2023

Whad’ up?


Is it now a requirement for males in DC to come off like Mr. Rogers? What’s happening to basic dudes and traditional dudeness? I’m starting to lisp and sashay here. Even the dogs are showtunes.

Posted by JD Hull at 01:44 PM | Comments (0)

July 22, 2023

Bring back real women and girls.


Posted by JD Hull at 08:07 PM | Comments (0)

July 20, 2023

Am I a bad person?

Some 20-something pre-law Swarthmore College girl summer intern four weeks into her internship just told me that she‘d be the BEST intern we would ever have. I responded that’s great you’ll be the most beautiful maiden in the leper colony. Then she started to cry.

Am I a bad person?


Posted by JD Hull at 11:58 PM | Comments (0)

July 12, 2023

37 years


On July 12, 1986, around 1:30 AM EST, on 14 F Street N.W., I had my last drink. Probably a beer--likely a Heineken. But no one really knows. I still miss beer. Like right now. By "last drink" I mean my last beer, Bass Ale, Guinness, Jameson, Scotch, Bourbon, vodka, Bombay gin, red wine, hooch or intoxicant of any kind. Where this happened was a wonderfully depraved Irish bar my friends--i.e. cocky litigators, journalists, Hill workers, network news people, and serious degenerates with serious jobs--and I really loved.

It was midway between my house on Capitol Hill and my job on Eye Street. Like all Washington, D.C. bars, it had straight-up trial lawyers, deal lawyers, politicians, writers, students, professors, diplomats, and a novelist or two. But this was no fern bar. It was whispered that the IRA raised money and ran guns through the place. It was common to see people in suits asleep on the floor. The waiters and waitresses had brogues from places like Tralee and Cork. The day bartenders were belligerent, and usually drunk by noon.

Perfect venue for a last drink. Or for any Celtic Romp. Dark, drafty, smoky, bent, horny, Satanic. In the off-limits basement, on some Saturday nights you could catch Eugene McCarthy in poet mode with a few admirers. On others, that basement was empty and dark and unlocked. You told regulars like Whorehouse Mary or that drunk Congressman’s wife to meet you there in 10 minutes. As a goof, we told tourists that Kelly’s was a reasonably-priced "family" restaurant, where everyone sang wholesome songs on weekend nights around midnight, when the entire operation was an alcoholic nightmare for even the people who worked there.

Unlike most Irish bars, Kelly’s rarely had drunken fights. But daily there were odd scenes: like word-slurring diplomats dressed in bathrobes and cowboy hats, and reckless married pols with Irish surnames openly fondling au pairs named Brigit or Maeve. Or an editor of a D.C. newspaper furiously charging in from the summer humidity to "claim" his wife, and seeming to grip a small firearm. No one really noticed him. In 5 minutes something else would happen. Once for hours huge mail order sex dolls filled with helium floated from table to table. Which I remember especially because no one seemed to really notice that, either. One guy without even looking up batted one away when it flew too low. This was our bar. These things happened. Normal.

So the venue I had chosen was spot on. Despite my mission early that morning, the place was still somehow exciting and irreverent. A remarkable slice of Washington. Unheard of. I would miss it. But there was nothing remarkable about why I quit. No huge losses yet (sure, I could see them coming). I had a great job, and was headed toward a partnership. My childhood had been lucky--and fun. I could not have asked for more loving parents, siblings and friends. Nothing to drink about. I just liked it way too much. Born different, I guess. It isolated me, even with people around. That isolation, and knowing that drinking had somehow separated me from the rest of the Universe, was enough. It's a lucky, and unusual, break to have that suddenly hit you. Sure, it's hard to quit doing something you love, and nine out of ten times you're pretty good at--even if it's killing you. You may experience for the first time "exclusion", albeit a somewhat self-imposed one. You're still a boring white collar WASP--but finally in a real minority. You never thought that would happen. You feel left out. But you learn a few things, too.

I still miss beer, almost every day. Yet lots of people, including adventuresome trial lawyers or reporters with one dash of the wrong DNA, do finally give up booze, drugs or whatever else controls their life, so they can tap into and use the gifts they have--and grow. I was lucky. Not to just wake up--but to have the problem in the first place. If you hit it head on, you grow in ways you would never grow if you did not have "it". That is what people can never get. And they shouldn't. So I don't try to explain.

Born different, maybe. Born lucky, too.

Thanks Larry, Fritz, Ev Rose, Valerie, Helen--and Jeremiah Bresnahan.

Original post: July 12, 2012

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

July 11, 2023

Huxley: So many gods to chose from.

More people have died for their drink and their dope than have died for their religion or their country. The craving for ethyl alcohol and the opiates has been stronger, in these millions, than the love of God, of home, of children.

--Aldous Huxley, "Drugs That Shape Men's Minds", The Saturday Evening Post, October 18, 1958

Posted by JD Hull at 11:47 AM | Comments (0)

July 08, 2023

The Jurists

“Art. III judicial meltdown,
It’s always the same.
Having a nervous breakdown,
It drives you insane.”

~ R. Plant, J. Page, D. Hull


Posted by JD Hull at 09:37 AM | Comments (0)

July 03, 2023

July 3, 1863

July 3, 1863. Day 3 of Gettysburg. I had ancestors on both sides of the Civil War. Scores of them. I walked Pickett’s charge — 7000 casualties to CSA alone in less than an hour of fighting — through the old cornfield one cold autumn day alone 20 years ago. No one was around. No people. No vehicles. It’s still a long flat march with no natural cover. I had tears in my eyes when I reached the Angle.


Posted by JD Hull at 05:19 PM | Comments (0)

June 07, 2023

A New Mind. Anyone?

Without invention nothing is well spaced,
unless the mind change, unless
the stars are new measured, according
to their relative positions, the
line will not change, the necessity
will not matriculate: unless there is
a new mind there cannot be a new
line, the old will go on
repeating itself with recurring

William Carlos Williams in Paterson, Book 2 ("Sunday in the Park")

4ca4c8cf51bb6b29ff8678fe57c6bcf3 wcw.jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 11:56 PM | Comments (0)

May 05, 2023

The Battle of Puebla, May 5, 1862.

Batalla_de_Puebla (1).png
Artist Unknown.

"Mexican David defeating a French Goliath." - Time Magazine, May 5, 2010

Posted by JD Hull at 02:31 PM | Comments (0)

April 18, 2023

The Wrong Stuff?

What if the regime of diversity, inclusion and equity produced a substantial breakdown of the day to day management of the Western world and the collapse of most of our physical infrastructure? Because I think it really could. And soon.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 17, 2023

Frederic Leighton, “The Return of Persephone,” 1891

Spring ignored Mankind and arrived as usual. Finally. Happy Spring to any fellow Druids, Life Worshipers and Optimists. Get out of your cars and dance.

Below: Frederic Leighton, “The Return of Persephone,” 1891.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 13, 2023

107 Things Long-Divorced Slightly Amoral American Lawyers Know.

1. Swive no one named Zoe, Brigit or Natasha.

2. Let no one leave anything in your home or hotel room.

3. Don't buy cheap shoes.

4. Shoe trees. Cedar.

5. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (1926-present) is always important.

6. Most British women don't like British men.

7. Legal interviews don't tell you much.

8. Have a coworker in same room if you interview someone.

9. Don't jump to hire law grads with blue collar backgrounds. Some think they've arrived and are done.

10. Women make better associate lawyers.

11. On documents, Rule 34 (Production of Documents and Things) and Rule 45 (Subpoena) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure do very different things. Know what they are.

12, Dogs are the best thing about this planet.

13. Cats not dogs if you travel.

14. Great-looking women think they're ugly.

15. Great-looking men are a tad delusional.

16. Irish, Welsh, Finnish, Ethiopian and Afro-American women are heroes. Forever in charge. Enduring.

17. A disproportionate number of Irish people are drunks.

18. A disproportionate number of Irish people are verbally or lyrically gifted.

19. Jewish doctors do not understand Irish, English and German drunks.

20. Jews and Italians are the best drinkers. They have rules. They have genes.

21. The Jews are It. Consistently awesome and world-changing tribe for 2500 years.

22. Well-dressed Russian women are cheap, treacherous and insane.

The Cardsharps, Caravaggio, c. 1594

23. For decades the wrong people have gone to law school.

24. Lawyers are less well-educated and well-rounded every decade.

25. Most lawyers dislike lawyering.

26. There are at about 40 exceptional American colleges and universities.

27. Do one silly thing every day.

28. Never be impressed by Phi Beta Kappas.

29. Always be impressed by Marshall scholars, Rhodes scholars and Williams grads.

30. Have at least 3 impeccable suits. They should be expensive but need not be tailored.

31. Don't wear bow ties every day. Almost every day is fine.

32. Cuffs on all long pants except jeans and tuxedo trousers.

33. Wear khaki pants and suits or seersucker suits in Summer. Summer means Memorial Day to Labor Day.

34. Twice a month dress like a pimp from a New Orleans whorehouse.

35. Know who you are. Learn family history back five generations.

36. Talk to people on elevators. All of them.

37. Don't do Europe with other Americans.

38. Just 2 cats.

39. People are happy going through life as turds.

40. When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can.

- Hugh Grant (b. 1960)

KellsFol292rIncipJohn (1).jpg

41. Always attribute--especially when you think no one will notice.

42. More than one person may have the same original thought.

43. Never let people tell you who you are.

44. Never let people tell you how to feel, think, act, write or speak.

45. Always talk to jurors post-verdict.

46. One juror will always surprise you big time. Learn who that is before you close.

47. Don't communicate in any manner ever with that one female juror who seemed to like you a lot.

48. Women are meaner, more vindictive and more treacherous than men.

49. The dumbest woman is 100 times more complex than the smartest man.

50. Most men are simple. Not that much going on.

51. Rule 36 (Requests for Admissions), my friend.

52. Rule 56(d) ('When facts are unavailable to the non-movant') is misunderstood.

53. Civil RICO is an unintended consequence. Use it the right way.

54. Seldom watch television.

55. All Moms suffer.

56. Your Mom is your best friend.

57. Buenos Aires has the best-looking people on this planet.

58. Lovemaking probably cannot be learned.

59. Love can be learned.

60. There are no lapsed or recovering Catholics.

61. All British women are named Lucy, Pippa or Jane.

62. Jewish women rarely have great legs.

63. Jewish women are good lovers.

64. Japanese women are the best helpmates.

65. Slightly insane WASP women are the best lovers.

66. Fewer people should become parents or lawyers.

67. Brown shoes go well with gray suits. No one knows why.

68. Your handkerchief should never match your tie.

70. Suspenders (or braces) are superior to belts.

71. Being Right is expensive.

72. No prayer is imperfect.

73. 'Thank you' is a prayer.

74. The English diss anyone non-English. This will not stop.

75. The French are playful.

76. The Irish are playful, but in a different way.

77. Women in Prague are not playful.

78. Zimmerman was right. You gotta serve somebody.

79. Don't tell people you just met your problems. They don't care.

80. Copy someone on every letter.

81. "Never write a letter. Never throw one away."

82. Many Jewish men are overly-suspicious. There's a reason for this. Work with it.

83. Irish guys talk too much. There's no reason for this. Work with it.

84. Never needlessly anger Sicilians, the Irish, the Welsh or Scots.

85. Be nice to important people who just had a downfall. Don't pile on. They'll be back.

86. 'Beware of the lily white.'

- J. Dan Hull, Jr. (1900-1988)

87. God was not kind to women.

88. Avoid people with no enemies.

89. Tighten up. Like Archie Bell & The Drells.

90. Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton worked a lot harder than you did.

91. Attitude is more important than Facts.

92. At work co-workers do one of two things: help you or hold you back.

93. Persian women make too much noise.

94. Tribes are important.

95. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

- Ellen Jane Bry (b. 1956)

96. Nothing is more important than a first kiss.

97. Lots of women kiss badly.

98. Write prompt handwritten thank you notes. Use Crane's, at a minimum.

99. The Arts are 'central to life, rather than an add-on, like some set of alloy wheels.'

- Julian Barnes (b. 1946)

100. Coffee and sugar drive everything.

101. Ritual, minutia and irrationality are important.

102. Men say the vilest possible things to each other they don't mean.

103. Women say the nicest possible things to each other they don't mean.

104. Keep no ledgers on what people do for you.

105. Humans are Nuts. Get used to it.

106. End all talks, meetings and writings on a high note.

107. Trust no one in Budapest.

41. Always attribute--especially when you think no one will notice.

42. More than one person may have the same original thought.

43. Never let people tell you who you are.

44. Never let people tell you how to feel, think, act, write or speak.

45. Always talk to jurors post-verdict.

46. One juror will always surprise you big time. Learn who that is before you close.

47. Don't communicate in any manner ever with that one female juror who seemed to like you a lot.

48. Women are meaner, more vindictive and more treacherous than men.

49. The dumbest woman is 100 times more complex than the smartest man.

50. Most men are simple. Not that much going on.

51. Rule 36 (Requests for Admissions), my friend.

52. Rule 56(d) ('When facts are unavailable to the non-movant') is misunderstood.

53. Civil RICO is an unintended consequence. Use it the right way.

54. Seldom watch television.

55. All Moms suffer.

56. Your Mom is your best friend.

57. Buenos Aires has the best-looking people on this planet.

58. Lovemaking probably cannot be learned.

59. Love can be learned.

60. There are no lapsed or recovering Catholics.

61. All British women are named Lucy, Pippa or Jane.

62. Jewish women rarely have great legs.

63. Jewish women are good lovers.

64. Japanese women are the best helpmates.

65. Slightly insane WASP women are the best lovers.

66. Fewer people should become parents or lawyers.

67. Brown shoes go well with gray suits. No one knows why.

68. Your handkerchief should never match your tie.

70. Suspenders (or braces) are superior to belts.

71. Being Right is expensive.

72. No prayer is imperfect.

73. 'Thank you' is a prayer.

74. The English diss anyone non-English. This will not stop.

75. The French are playful.

76. The Irish are playful, but in a different way.

77. Women in Prague are not playful.

78. Zimmerman was right. You gotta serve somebody.

79. Don't tell people you just met your problems. They don't care.

80. Copy someone on every letter.

81. "Never write a letter. Never throw one away."

82. Many Jewish men are overly-suspicious. There's a reason for this. Work with it.

83. Irish guys talk too much. There's no reason for this. Work with it.

84. Never needlessly anger Sicilians, the Irish, the Welsh or Scots.

85. Be nice to important people who just had a downfall. Don't pile on. They'll be back.

86. 'Beware of the lily white.'

- J. Dan Hull, Jr. (1900-1988)

87. God was not kind to women.

88. Avoid people with no enemies.

89. Tighten up. Like Archie Bell & The Drells.

90. Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton worked a lot harder than you did.

91. Attitude is more important than Facts.

92. At work co-workers do one of two things: help you or hold you back.

93. Persian women make too much noise.

94. Tribes are important.

95. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

- Ellen Jane Bry (b. 1956)

96. Nothing is more important than a first kiss.

97. Lots of women kiss badly.

98. Write prompt handwritten thank you notes. Use Crane's, at a minimum.

99. The Arts are 'central to life, rather than an add-on, like some set of alloy wheels.'

- Julian Barnes (b. 1946)

100. Coffee and sugar drive everything.

101. Ritual, minutia and irrationality are important.

102. Men say the vilest possible things to each other they don't mean.

103. Women say the nicest possible things to each other they don't mean.

104. Keep no ledgers on what people do for you.

105. Humans are Nuts. Get used to it.

106. End all talks, meetings and writings on a high note.

107. Trust no one in Budapest.

Originally published July 10,2016

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 12, 2023

Go somewhere different. Meet someone different.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:08 AM | Comments (0)

April 09, 2023

Legal London in the Spring: Law Cattle in Love

Each Spring, we send you the complete text of a circa-1595 comedy by Shakespeare, Love's Labour's Lost. You can read it aloud--or, even better, act it out. First performed before Queen Elizabeth at her Court in 1597 (as "Loues Labors Loſt"), it was likely written for performance before culturally-literate law students [Editor's Note: Long ago, well-rounded professionals existed] and barristers-in-training--who would appreciate its sophistication and wit--at the Inns of Court in still over-percolating Legal London. And, most certainly, it was performed at Gray's Inn, where Elizabeth was the "patron". Interestingly, the play begins with a vow by several men to forswear pleasures of the flesh and the company of fast women during a three-year period of study and reflection. And to "train our intellects to vain delight". They fail happily.



Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 05:32 PM | Comments (0)

The Easter Ferret


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:17 AM | Comments (0)

April 07, 2023

Easter Rising 1916: 107 years ago in Dublin.


460 killed, 2600 wounded, 16 executions. The proclamation was read by Patrick Pearse outside the General Post Office in Dublin on Sackville Street (since 1924 O'Connell Street)--and the Rising began. It was modeled on a similar if less well-supported proclamation by Robert Emmet in 1803.

However, as one of our readers, Patrick J. Keeley, has pointed out:

The proclamation in 1916 was an actual declaration of a Republic. Emmet is more known for his speech from the dock when he spoke of Ireland one day taking its place (free) among nations of Earth. I don't think he ever actually proclaimed a Republic, he lead what in effect was a mob, sadly inebriated down Thomas Street in 1803. A noble effort and a tragic end to what would surely have been a brilliant legal career.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:39 AM | Comments (0)

March 22, 2023

River Styx

“We have no one to guide us. Our only guide is our homesickness.” —H. Hesse, Steppenwolf


Posted by JD Hull at 02:01 AM | Comments (0)

March 16, 2023

Dr. Johnson: On Pain.

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.

--Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784, London

Folder-1-000001 (1).jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 11:53 PM | Comments (0)

February 14, 2023

"Romeo and Juliet", 1870, Ford Madox Brown.


"Romeo and Juliet" from Act III parting scene, 1870, Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893). Oil on canvas, 53 × 37 inches, Delaware Art Museum.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

February 11, 2023

Weekend Angst Special: Henri, the Existential Cat.

Henri, the existential cat, belongs to one Will Braden. "Being, Nothingness and Le Vet."

Posted by JD Hull at 11:02 PM | Comments (0)

January 20, 2023

Edward I: Longshanks, the Scots and the Stone of Scone.

Apud Monasterium de Scone positus est lapis pergrandis in ecclesia Dei, juxta manum altare, concavus quidam ad modum rotundae cathedreaie confectus, in quo future reges loco quasi coronatis.

--14th century English cleric Walter Hemingford

An oblong block of red sandstone known as The Stone of Scone (or Scottish coronation stone) was already ancient and storied when Edward I "captured" it" in 1296 as a spoils of war. Edward took it to Westminster Abbey. There it was fitted into a wooden chair, known as King Edward's Chair. Most subsequent English sovereigns have been crowned on it.

The combative and opinionated Edward, who spent much of his reign taming and subjugating the Scots, and hated them, once referred to the Stone as "a turd".

Seven hundred years after Edward lifted the Stone from the Scots, on July 3, 1996, the British House of Commons finally ordered that the Stone would be returned. It was handed over to Scotland in November of that year at the England-Scotland border and taken to Edinburgh Castle. It will remain in Scotland except for future coronations at Westminster Abbey in London.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:33 PM | Comments (0)

January 04, 2023

Blaise Pascal: Time and Brevity.

I have only made this letter longer because I have not had the time to make it shorter.

― Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), The Provincial Letters, Letter 16, 1657

By François II Quesnel for Gérard Edelinck, 1691

Posted by JD Hull at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

November 27, 2022

Make Yours Moxie, Kids.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

October 02, 2022

Day of the Dead


William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1859, “The Day of the Dead”. Or Día de Muertos. This Mexican holiday spans November 1 and 2, the traditional dates for All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:49 PM | Comments (0)

John Faed, “Tam O’Shanter and the Witches,” 1872


John Faed, Tam O'Shanter and the Witches, 1872.

Posted by JD Hull at 07:39 PM | Comments (0)

July 12, 2022

Folkways of The Slackoisie

Admitting Mistakes at Work in 2019

Boomers: “No errors occurred.”

GenX: “It is what it is, Man. Shit happens.”

Millennials: “It’s Brittany’s fault. I’m calling HR, too.”

Posted by JD Hull at 02:55 PM | Comments (0)

May 24, 2022

Mircea Eliade's "Shamanism": A classic in the history of religions.

Or you may view it as a classic of anthropology. Whatever you call it, it is serious scholarship and in a class by itself. Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) was a famously-erudite and highly regarded University of Chicago religion professor and writer. His study "Shamanism" (about 600 pages in my 2004 edition pictured below) was first published in 1951. It covers 2500 years of shamanism all over the planet, including the Americas, Siberia, China, Indonesia and Tibet. Consider reading all or part of this deeply interesting and often strange study of the drive for a spirit-life that comes up from the Earth and dwells in the infinite.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 29, 2022

The Germans

The most civilized nations of modern Europe issued from the woods of Germany; in the rude institutions of those Barbarians we [received] the original principles of our present laws and manners.

--Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter IX (1782)

The northern European tribes that became the German people--even as they emerged to become different and often scary strong modern nations, and leaders in world commerce--haven't always have "freedom" in the way Brits, the French and Americans think of it. They also loved Order--and still do. They tend to agree amongst themselves most on issues of how things should be "ordered". And Order can cut into real freedom. So instead of "freedom", Germans have had Philosophy, Literature, Poetry, Music and, more infrequently, Humor. German peoples had a serious sense of tribal government since antiquity in scattered villages and towns for hundreds of miles. But most of us like it better when they stick to Commerce--and to the many Arts in which they do shine.

A Deutsche forest

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 02, 2022

Mardis Gras is awesome. This year please cancel Ash Wednesday.


Posted by JD Hull at 12:02 PM | Comments (0)

December 21, 2021



Posted by JD Hull at 05:45 PM | Comments (0)

November 25, 2021

Logan Circle: Flora on Old Stone

My street in Logan yesterday morning on the way to work. Washingtonians remind me of southern city Brits. They like ancient stone and brick bleeding into old gardens, green things, a little (not too much) red and Falls that last longer than they should. Happy Thanksgiving, y’all.


Posted by JD Hull at 09:35 AM | Comments (0)

October 15, 2021

Checkpoint Charlize.


South Africa's Charlize Theron is now in our Pantheon.


Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, circa 2004.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 22, 2021




Posted by JD Hull at 10:52 PM | Comments (0)

June 12, 2021

Setting back our professions

Has there been in recent American history a public figure as pathetic, patronizing and hopelessly dishonest as Dr. Anthony Fauci? I rarely intensely dislike any public figure. But Fauci is human garbage of the first order. How can I put this?

Below: Me when I don’t like someone

Posted by JD Hull at 07:24 AM | Comments (0)

June 01, 2021

American Life

“Don’t cross me. Anything I don’t like is Racist, Sexist or Homophobic.”

— Holden Oliver, Salzburg, 2016


Posted by JD Hull at 05:15 AM | Comments (0)

May 01, 2021

Pagan May Day: Man’s Eternal Spring Blowout.

May Day is a bit unique among the many old pagan holidays. For 2,200 years, at least in Europe, it's had a long and colorful run on its own, albeit in different forms. But unlike other pagan celebrations, May Day in Europe was never Christianized or abandoned as Christianity spread throughout Europe. It somehow managed to survive and flourish on its own. The first May Day holiday we know much about began in republican Rome about 250 BC. It was a one-day spring festival in honor of the goddess Flora, a fertility deity. Eventually the holiday grew to six days of special events and serious reveling, on April 28-May 3. Known as the Floralia in Roman religion for nearly 600 years, Rome's May Day was a "peoples" or plebeian holiday that took place at the Temple of Flora. (If you've been to Rome even once, you likely looked over the ground where the temple once stood. It's on the edge of the Aventine, a few hundred yards southwest of the Circus Maximus and Palatine Hill.) The Floralia featured drinking, mock gladiator games, animal sacrifices, "the pelting of the crowd" with vegetables (the first food fights?), dancing, nakedness, prostitutes (sex workers were specifically included and often featured), dancing naked prostitutes, theatre, colorful costumes and drinking. Below, one of the the greatest painters of the 1700s gives us a baroque take on the festival and its raw, fun and feral spirit.


"The Empire of Flora", 1744, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770). The scene is supposedly based on Ovid's description of The Floralia.

Posted by JD Hull at 07:09 AM | Comments (0)

April 05, 2021

The Return of Spring

Below: Frederic Leighton, “The Return of Persephone,” 1891.


Posted by JD Hull at 10:10 PM | Comments (0)

March 21, 2021

Is this what you do with your time?

I can hardly believe I’ve written this but here it is.

American racism in all its forms will likely decrease—and in leaps and bounds—when our morally superior mainstream media stops talking about it, seeking it out, seeing it everywhere, writing and broadcasting about it and, frankly, in effect encouraging it so it can have something to do. The press in the last half-decade especially has insulted our intelligence. The American people aren’t the main problem. Media is. And it’s time for media to stop the largely false, unproductive and prophecy-fulfilling narrative it keeps gleefully peddling. American mainstream news was once my hero. It is now divisive in the extreme. It does not lead. It has become a backward kid that needs a refresher in journalism, fair play and real freedom of speech.


Posted by JD Hull at 02:14 PM | Comments (0)

February 11, 2021

Valentine: Love in the Time of Covid

"Romeo and Juliet" by Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893)

Posted by JD Hull at 12:08 PM | Comments (0)

December 09, 2020

How the World Works


Posted by JD Hull at 06:52 PM | Comments (0)

November 12, 2020

12 million immigrants in 32 years.


On this date in 1954, Ellis Island ceased all operations. Between 1892 and 1924, 12 million immigrants entering the U.S. via the Port of New York and New Jersey were processed here under federal law.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:46 PM | Comments (0)

August 01, 2020

August 2020

Good morning.

August 1, 2020.

Half of America is batshit crazy.

The other half won’t talk about it.

They might lose their jobs.


Posted by JD Hull at 06:45 AM | Comments (0)

July 27, 2020



Posted by JD Hull at 05:43 PM | Comments (0)

June 24, 2020

William-Adolphe Bouguereau: The Day of the Dead, 1859.


The Day of the Dead (1859), William-Adolphe Bouguereau

Posted by JD Hull at 11:32 PM | Comments (0)

June 17, 2020

I’m done.

150 years of white liberals enabling a failed culture is long enough. Let American blacks come up with a plan and do some real work for a change. I’m tired of Afro-American bullshit, excuses, self-lies, laziness, lack of discipline and self-pity. Get to work y’all. I’m done.


Posted by JD Hull at 09:24 AM | Comments (0)

May 25, 2020

Amarcord ("I remember")

Below is a poster for the movie Amarcord, a comedy by Federico Fellini released in 1973. Through the eyes of a teenage boy named Titta, director Fellini looks back at his own childhood growing up in a village in 1930s Fascist Italy. In 1975, Amarcord ("I Remember") won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and was nominated for two others: Best Director and Best Writing, Original Screenplay.


Posted by JD Hull at 02:46 PM | Comments (0)

May 01, 2020

The Clap

Avoid The Clap.



Posted by JD Hull at 04:20 AM | Comments (0)

April 27, 2020

Off your knees?


Good Morning!

Monday, April 27, 2020.

It’s Celebrate The Happy and The Strong Week.

Because you Can’t Do Anything without us.

Because we’ve celebrated The Bummed Out and The Weak way too much.


Posted by JD Hull at 06:00 AM | Comments (0)

April 21, 2020


Please get outside today. Respect the Social Distancing wishes of the Woke, the Paranoid and the minority with legitimate health concerns. But get out and be in the World.


Posted by JD Hull at 04:37 PM | Comments (0)

April 16, 2020

Gene Dwyer’s “She Walks On Gilded Splinters”

New Orleans-based Gene Dwyer is a gifted writer who deserves to be a household name. And I’m going to try to help him do that. You can you help in this crusade by buying and reading “She Walks on Gilded Splinters.” From Dwyer's website:

Marie Laveau of New Orleans is recognized as one of the most influential women of 19th Century North America. The life and legend of this Voodoo Priestess has been clouded in mystery. Her followers in the American South witnessed her supernatural powers of healing and casting spells prior to the Civil War and then during Reconstruction. Her legend, including her immortality, is even stronger and more complex. Thousands come to her New Orleans mausoleum every year to ask favors and pay homage.

"She Walks On Gilded Splinters" is the never before told story of the life and legend of Marie Laveau. Explore 16th Century Africa and New Orleans. with a riveting opening chapter in Selma, Alabama on March 7, 1965, a watershed day in the American Civil Rights movement. The novel is a unique, intricate murder mystery following retribution for the sins of past generations set against the history and consequences of the slave trade.


Posted by JD Hull at 08:22 PM | Comments (0)

April 12, 2020


“Alcoholics Anonymous. Where all the men had drank too much. And all the women were batshit crazy.”

— Elvoy Raines, 1998


Posted by JD Hull at 11:13 AM | Comments (0)

April 04, 2020

Plague Lifehacks

The Pandemic

Want to help? Seriously?

Call someone you haven’t heard from in a while. Listen to him or her. Ask how they are. Listen.

Don’t tell us about it. Don’t put it on your CV. Don’t blog about it.

Do once a day.


Posted by JD Hull at 05:56 AM | Comments (0)

March 20, 2020



Posted by JD Hull at 01:08 PM | Comments (0)

March 18, 2020


I believe in God, Planning, Work and and Human Bravado. Don’t listen to woke culture pundits on the utility of Bravado. Bravado is primal. We’re wired for it. Men and Women. Even children. It worked for Beowulf, Odysseus and Ted Turner. It can work for you. And it’s Fun.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:05 PM | Comments (0)

February 28, 2020

Four more years?

Thank you in most cases for the warm, witty birthday greetings I received over the past 36 hours. Many were from childhood friends in Cincinnati, Chicago and even Detroit. The greetings from later periods were appreciated but frankly less fun to read. Some sailed right past me. Many did. OK, I can be slow.

Posted by JD Hull at 01:19 AM | Comments (0)

February 20, 2020

"You can always tell the winners at the starting gate."

Fat Moe: She’s a big star now.

Noodles: We should have known, huh? You can always tell the winners at the starting gate. You can tell the winners. You can tell the losers.

--from Sergio Leone's 1984 gangster epic "Once Upon a Time in America"

Posted by JD Hull at 09:54 AM | Comments (0)

February 03, 2020

Victim America

Morning, America. Monday February 3, 2020. Get your victim on. If Victimhood eludes you this week, you’re doing it all wrong. 😎


Posted by JD Hull at 07:28 AM | Comments (0)

January 31, 2020

Start over?

Love and Tolerance of Speech and Ideas—not having “correct” or “certain” ideas—is what Western Liberalism is really all about.

Get off your knees.

First? Talk about Everything. Your words and ideas your way.

Then sort things out.

But we must start over.


Posted by JD Hull at 07:10 AM | Comments (0)

December 16, 2019

Cosmos Club

cosmos-club-052 (1).jpg

Since 1878. 2121 Massachusetts Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C.

Posted by JD Hull at 07:07 PM | Comments (0)

December 13, 2019

Disraeli: On Bad Books.

Books are fatal: they are the curse of the human race. Nine-tenths of existing books are nonsense, and the clever books are the refutation of that nonsense.

--Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)


Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

December 04, 2019

The Pluck & Fineness of Jacob Riis (1849–1914)

Jacob Riis (1849–1914) was a Danish American reformer, journalist and photographer. He is still famous for his photos of New York City's slums and their uneasy mix of new Americans--especially those taken in Hell's Kitchen and around Five Points. Below in the 1890s is Mulberry "Bend" (then sometimes "Lane") in lower Manhattan and within the Five Points. It's now Mulberry Street, which runs through Chinatown and Little Italy.


Posted by JD Hull at 10:59 AM | Comments (0)

August 12, 2019

Go Figure

How did it come to pass that the current POTUS—hands down one of the best in my lifetime and who I ironically didn’t even vote for—is so hated by so many? We finally got a hunting dog and half the world hates him. Go figure.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:53 AM | Comments (0)

July 25, 2019

Buy the Ticket. Take the Ride.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:36 AM | Comments (0)

July 23, 2019

Ah, Feminism.

“Feminism is the final bitter retreat of women who can’t compete in the heterosexual marketplace: an ideology of the unwanted.”

35 years ago the above statement was at best nasty, false and even comical. Feminism was embraced by doers/achievers of both sexes.

Now? It is true.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:48 AM | Comments (0)

June 16, 2019


It’s Sunday.

Go Somewhere Different.

Meet Someone Different.


Posted by JD Hull at 10:28 PM | Comments (0)

June 03, 2019

Hernando de Soto claims Florida for Spain.

This is one of my favorite days of the year. On June 3, 1539, Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto (1495-1542) stood in Tampa Bay and claimed all of Florida for Spain. De Soto encouraged natives to believe he was a “Sun God” to gain their passivity.

EFA302B4-C70E-4ADB-B323-DC0CCD9B7730.jpeg Posted by JD Hull at 04:22 PM | Comments (0)

June 01, 2019

All My Saturdays

Got up early.

Decided not to work/write.

Walked to 14th & S, already teeming with DC white collars.

Had breakfast.

Closely observed my neighbors & fellow Washingtonians.

Here’s what I think:

I feel sorry for anyone anywhere who wakes up every day and is NOT me. I do.

9784927E-6BD5-4427-A599-8BC23969EC41.jpeg Posted by JD Hull at 02:38 PM | Comments (0)

May 12, 2019


I love NPR when they stick to 3rd World poverty news features which ALWAYS begin as follows:

“Pablo and Maria live with their 12 children on a small plot of farming land 150 miles east of Lima. They had never seen a can opener before. This was their first time.”

Posted by JD Hull at 05:27 PM | Comments (0)

May 08, 2019


I watch little TV. I’m immediately turned off by people who do. Especially if they talk about it. But Friends—like Seinfeld—was an insult to the Human Race. Not funny. People as Turds.

Posted by JD Hull at 07:12 PM | Comments (0)

May 06, 2019

Short Bio.

One of my teaching bios says something like: “Mr. Hull was one of the first undergraduate students appointed to Duke’s Board of Trustees and also the very first in his family to bounce checks.”

Posted by JD Hull at 12:48 AM | Comments (0)

April 20, 2019

The Short List.

‪#HolySaturday ‬

‪Why are we here, anyway?‬

‪To Grow. ‬
‪Love. ‬

‪Increase Love.‬

‪Read. ‬
‪Travel. ‬
‪Have Relationships.‬

‪And Fun.‬

‪Television isn’t on the short list. Neither is Social Media.‬

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 AM | Comments (0)

April 18, 2019

Being Educated: It's not about getting a job.

It's not about learning and parroting a cultural, political or partisan script, either.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:56 PM | Comments (0)

April 13, 2019

Yesterday’s Twitter Topic.

Let’s start out simple. The idea/concept for today? Slavery.

Slavery. Human Bondage. People as Chattel.

Most of us condemn it. But why? What’s wrong with Slavery?

Next #FreeSpeechFriday? We’ll do Segregation as a human instinct (not a policy). Why not?


Posted by JD Hull at 11:55 AM | Comments (0)

April 10, 2019

Evolution, Jake.

Humans are getting better but DO have dual natures. 99% of us will “invade/conquer” if we can.

The only 2 things I know:

1. We are not here to be “good”. We are here to be alive, be who we really are & in the meantime, if possible, “increase” love.

2. You can’t speed evolution.

Posted by JD Hull at 04:49 PM | Comments (0)

April 08, 2019

Religion, Spirituality and Real Life.

If you have a faith, try to stick with it. It has served many of us, our families and America very well. Even though I don’t go to church, and I am not part of an organized religion, I had a fine ecumenical education, growing up in predominantly Jewish, Catholic and mixed suburban neighborhoods. My guess is that a lot of American Protestants raised in several place have that experience. That experience informs every day for me, and generally makes me feel comfortable and confident anywhere with anyone. And more importantly because of it I’ve always been a spiritual critter. Religion helps. My only advice? Just don’t use it as an answer to everything or a substitute for your own thinking process. It can’t and should not do it all for us. But if you need to? Go ahead a make it the main event. Done right it does seem to work.

Posted by JD Hull at 01:46 PM | Comments (0)

March 21, 2019


No matter what they tell you, no matter what they say, Nothing in the Universe is More Pissed-Off than an over-40 professional single heterosexual woman walking in Georgetown in a pouring Spring rain. Nothing.

~ Holden Oliver, 3-21-19

Posted by JD Hull at 07:13 PM | Comments (0)

March 06, 2019

Oh Cold Ash Wednesday. Cold Enough To Kill You Quick. One Night/One Person.

March 6. Ash Wednesday. Freezing again in American and European cites. Cold enough to kill you quick if you sleep outside.

So, Campers, we’re not done yet.

One Night, One Person helps homeless outdoor sleepers on the 30 or so coldest nights a year when hypothermia thresholds are exceeded in certain American and European cities. This is year 5 of One Night, One Person. Cleveland lawyer Peter Friedman and I started it in the winter of 2014-2015.

In short, it's a keep-people-alive initiative for the coldest nights. As an (a) Eagle Scout, (b) Lifelong Camper and (c) All-Weather Philanderer, I assure you that sleeping in cold or the snow is not all that fun. At times, it's not even a choice. Jack London and Hans Christian Andersen wrote enduring stories about death from hypothermia. Happens above freezing temps, too. So consider more than ever (and right now) One Night, One Person.

The Instructions:

You're a Yuppie, professional or other generic dweeb between the ages of 22 and 82. You live in towns like New York City, Philly, Boston, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Wilmington, DC or Chicago. Or Salzburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Budapest, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Vienna. You may live in the suburbs or in a downtown neighborhood of these cities. But if you work during the day in a downtown area of any of them, you and yours will go forth and do this:

1. Pick out and ask a homeless woman or man what articles of warm clothing she or he needs that you already have at home or in storage--thermal gloves, wool scarfs, warm hats and beanies, big sweaters, winter coats, thermal underwear, socks, etc.

2. Ask just one person at a time.

3. Agree on a time to meet (preferably at the same place) later that day or the next day.

4. Find the winter stuff you have at home or in storage.

5. Bring said stuff to the homeless woman or man as agreed.

6. Nine out of ten times, your new friend will be there when you show up. By the way, the most appreciated and popular items are: gloves, warm beanies, socks, scarves, winter coats, big sweaters and blankets. Items that many of us seem to have in extra supply.

7. Wait for forecasts of the next super-cold night--and repeat. Resist the urge to “virtue signal.” Don’t put it on your resume. No need to hold a press conference. No need to even tell a soul. Try it.


Original post: November 2016

Posted by JD Hull at 11:08 PM | Comments (0)

February 05, 2019

City Women.

To Professional Urban Women:

If you don’t want men to chat you up on the streets, don’t live or work in the City.

Move somewhere else.


Posted by JD Hull at 09:41 AM | Comments (0)

February 02, 2019

We are all “Racists.”

We must stop using the term “Racist.” It’s like “Cooties.” It describes nothing & no one at this point. And whatever “it” is, we all have “it”. I love words. But I see no reason for the word “racist” to exist any more. Through over-use “racist” only means people we don’t like.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:35 AM | Comments (0)

January 27, 2019


Even America’s ruling legions of effeminate white males are no longer afraid of black dudes in big cities. In alleys, streets, parks, late at night. Drives the Brothers crazy, too. So they take it out on Ethiopians working counters in shops & stores. Who smile & go on working.

Posted by JD Hull at 02:34 PM | Comments (0)

January 12, 2019

Redux: Your Life as a Work of Art.

About half the people you meet live from one day to the next in a state of such fear and uncertainty that about half the time they doubt their own sanity. Their boats are rocking so badly that all they want to do is get level long enough to think straight and avoid the next nightmare.

--HST, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail

For the past two centuries, starting just about the time the world started feeling the effects of morphing from farming to industrial economies, people got more out of whack than ever. Many historians think the industrial revolution started as early as the mid-18th century--when Brits learned how to do machine-based manufacturing--but it took a few decades for the world to lose its way while it enjoyed and celebrated labor-saving devices, increased wealth and higher standards of living for most Westerners.

What ever happened to well-roundedness?

"Fragmentation" became one word philosophers and writers often used to describe the real price paid for our "progress". People became cut off from the natural world, their own innate spirituality and the meaning of a true education. We drifted away from physical culture, real health, exercising our bodies and eating correctly. Notions of friendship and bonds with others changed and, in my view, all but disappeared. As a result, we became less useful to others, friends and family, clients and customers, co-workers and ourselves. We are more alone than ever. We lead paltry, under-achieving and often miserable lives. Many of us are, most of the time, "hatin' life".

In short, we have lost our very souls. We feel isolated from life itself and we feel alone. We are ignorant of the history that got us here, watch television mindlessly and by default, wax patriotic or tribal as a substitute for thinking, are unaware of that happens in the rest of the world (Americans are easily the worst offenders), take pills we don't need and are getting fat enough to have our own zip codes. We don't even venture outside and into the natural world that much. We think we'll be and feel better if we "buy more stuff". Perhaps worst of all, even the most talented of us no longer think for ourselves. We follow. We run in mindless packs.

Fragmentation, isolation, unthinking conformity, chronic unhappiness or being "screwed up"--whatever you want to call it--is true of most of us, in varying but substantial ways, regardless of race, class or level of education. The unhappiness covers us all. We are not "putting it all together" to form (to take a musical conceit) one major chord.

Doing that starts with each human--and it takes work. Work we should be anxious to undertake.

Work at a life more complete: one that "adds up".

*This post first appeared in What About Paris? on January 2, 2014.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

November 05, 2018

78 Basic Things Long-Divorced American Lawyers Know.

Paris 1952.jpg
Paris 1952: Willy Maywald, Mannequin en tailleur quai Saint-Michel.

1. Never swive anyone named Zoe, Brigit or Natasha.

2. Let no one leave anything at your house.

3. Don't buy cheap shoes.

4. Shoe trees. Cedar. The most expensive.

5. Sorry. The Harvard Bluebook is always important.

6. British women don't really like British men.

7. Have a coworker in same room if you interview someone.

8. Completely legal interviews are not very informative.

9. Don't jump to hire law grads with blue collar backgrounds. Some think they've arrived and are done.

10. Women make better associate lawyers.

11. On documents Rules 34 and 45 do different things. Know what.

12. If you travel, cats not dogs.

13. Very attractive women think they're ugly.

14. Very attractive men are delusional.

15. Irish, Welsh, Finnish and Afro-American women are totally and forever in charge. They are heroes.

16. A disproportionate number of Irish people are drunks.

17. A disproportionate number of Irish people are verbally and lyrically gifted.

18. Jewish doctors do not get Irish, English or German drunks. Have a cookie instead?

19. Jews and Italians are the best drinkers. They have rules. They have the genes.

20. The Jews really are it. Consistently awesome and world-changing tribe for 2500 years.

21. Well-dressed Russian women are cheap, treacherous and insane.

The Cardsharps, Caravaggio, c. 1594

22. Most lawyers dislike being lawyers. It shows.

23. Lawyers are less well-rounded every decade.

24. Super-smart and super-nice kids--without lots more--make lousy lawyers.

25. There are at most 35 truly excellent American colleges and universities. It shows when you meet their grads.

27. Parisian men are not as insecure, jealous or violent as other men. Let's just talk about this, Luc, okay?

28. Never be impressed by Phi Beta Kappas.

29. Always be impressed by Marshall scholars, Rhodes scholars and Wesleyan grads.

30. Have at least 4 impeccable suits. They should be expensive but need not be tailored.

31. Don't wear bow ties every day. Almost every day is fine.

32. Cuffs on all long pants except jeans and tuxes. Khaki? Summer only.

33. Twice a month you should dress like a pimp from a New Orleans whorehouse.

34. Saabs can be driven forever. They like to go fast.

35. Know who you are. Learn if you can family history back 8 generations at least.

36. Talk to people on elevators. All of them.

37. Don't do Europe with other Americans.

38. Just 2 cats.

39. Commando, guys.

40. When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can. ~ Hugh Grant, Brit actor

41. Always attribute--especially when you think no one will notice. They do.

42. When they notice, they might call me.

43. Don't let people tell you who you are.

44. The Internet teems with folks telling you what you must do/think/say/write. Get off your knees.

45. Always talk to jurors post-verdict.

46. One juror will always surprise you big time. Learn who that is before you close.

47. Don't communicate in any manner ever with that one female juror who seemed to like you a lot.

48. Women are meaner, more vindictive and more treacherous than men.

49. The dumbest woman is 100 times more complex than the smartest man.

50. Most men are easy to suss. Not much going on with most of them.

51. Rule 36, Fed.R.Civ.P., my friend.

52. Rule 56(d) is misunderstood.

53. Civil RICO is an unintended consequence.

54. Seldom watch television.

55. Dads don't get a pass for merely siring. So what?

56. All moms suffer.

57. Your mom is your best friend.

58. Buenos Aires has the best-looking people on this planet.

59. Lovemaking probably cannot be learned.

60. Love can be learned.

61. There are no lapsed or recovering Catholics. This is not bad.

62. Jewish women rarely have great legs.

63. Japanese woman have the best legs.

AAA Gargoles.jpg

64. Jewish women are good lovers.

65. Japanese women are the best helpmates.

66. Hopelessly insane WASP women are the best lovers.

67. Fewer people should become parents or lawyers.

68. Brown shoes go well with grey suits. No one knows why.

69. Your handkerchief should never match your tie.

70. We need to bring suspenders back.

71. Being right is expensive.

72. The Dutch have no use for Italians.

73. Most Italians view Germans as classless.

74. The English diss anyone who is not English. This will not stop.

75. The French are playful.

76. The Irish are playful, but in a different way.

77. Women in Prague are not playful.

78. Trust no one in Budapest.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

October 28, 2018

Women are Talented/Women are Headcases.

Query re: “affirmative action” workplace feminism.

Shouldn't we stop (a) celebrating and advancing women as having the same abilities as men but—and at the same time—(b) coddling and protecting them like hopeless retards and little girls?

Do they really need a "hand-up"?

Posted by JD Hull at 11:16 PM | Comments (0)

October 25, 2018


When are we going to stop (a) celebrating and advancing women as having the same abilities as men but—and at the same time—(b) coddling and protecting them like hopeless retards and little girls?

Modern women have oceans more going on than men. Many (not all) are talented. But we treat our women like players in the Special Olympics. We insult professional women every day by presupposing they need a “hand up.” They don’t.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:49 AM | Comments (0)

September 22, 2018

Equinox: Druid much?

Ah, the Autumnal Equinox. Cultures and religions worldwide do get weird this time of year. They always have. It's called Mabon, Foghar, Alban Elfed, Harvest Home, Second Harvest, Fruit Harvest (especially SF), and Wine Harvest (Boston). What's Mabon, anyway?


Posted by JD Hull at 11:11 AM | Comments (0)

September 03, 2018


Why don’t people like Unions?

Good question.

In my first factory job in the 1970s one summer—at Keebler’s—I was a member of the union. Closed shop. On a Friday afternoon of my 3rd week I was asked by a union person in his official capacity to stop working so hard because I was completing 56 skids in a day and the average was 45. This, he said, made other workers look bad.

Posted by JD Hull at 03:00 PM | Comments (0)

August 08, 2018

Twitter Speech Peasant Poll Today.

For Men Only: Workplace Morality & Culture Poll.

A young great-looking non-deranged law partner at your firm walks into work this morning in a fetching summer dress. You are inspired and blurt out, “Wow, Estelle. You look beautiful today. Really nice.”

What should you do?

Posted by JD Hull at 01:56 PM | Comments (0)

August 07, 2018



If an in-shape white collar woman can strut her stuff on August streets in a great dress with her left tit hanging out & wiggling her ass at everyone, why can’t I tap her on the shoulder & say: “Name’s Hull. Looking good! I sure could use some cooter now, ma’am.”


Posted by JD Hull at 10:19 AM | Comments (0)

June 21, 2018

The Longest Day: Happy Summer Solstice.


Holden Oliver here. June 21, 2018. Happy Solstice to all in the Northern Hemisphere. The longest day. Earth's axial tilt toward the Sun is at its greatest: a whopping 23.44°. A highly spiritual day. Druids and Gaelic types in America and Europe and my entire family observe today by getting drunk, making oaths, fighting and passing out in the woods.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

June 19, 2018

Larry Flynt: Voting.

Majority rule only works if you're also considering individual rights. You can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper.

--Larry Flynt (b. 1942)

larry_flynt_the_people_vs_larry_flynt_1996_portrait_w858 (1).jpg
(Columbia Pictures)

Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

May 18, 2018

Doing Business 2018: Most Corrupt; Least Corrupt.

Top 10 - Corruption Challenges Index 2018, most challenging countries

South Sudan
North Korea
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of Congo

Top 10 - Corruption Challenges Index 2018, least challenging countries

New Zealand
Hong Kong

Source: RiskAdvisory.com May 2018

Posted by JD Hull at 12:58 AM | Comments (0)

March 29, 2018

105 Things Long-Divorced Yank Lawyers Know.

Paris 1952.jpg
Paris 1952: Willy Maywald, Mannequin en tailleur quai Saint-Michel.

1. Never swive anyone named Zoe, Brigit or Natasha.

2. Let no one leave anything at your house.

3. Don't buy cheap shoes.

4. Shoe trees. Cedar. The most expensive.

5. Sorry. The Havard Bluebook is always important.

6. British women don't really like British men.

7. Have a coworker in same room if you interview someone.

8. Completely legal interviews are not very informative.

9. Don't jump to hire law grads with blue collar backgrounds. Some think they've arrived and are done.

10. Women make better associate lawyers.

11. On documents Rules 34 and 45 do different things. Know what.

12. If you travel, cats not dogs.

13. Very attractive women think they're ugly.

14. Very attractive men are delusional.

15. Irish, Welsh, Finnish and Afro-American women are totally and forever in charge. They are heroes.

16. A disproportionate number of Irish people are drunks.

17. A disproportionate number of Irish people are verbally and lyrically gifted.

18. Jewish doctors do not get Irish, English or German drunks. Have a cookie instead?

19. Jews and Italians are the best drinkers. They have rules. They have the genes.

20. The Jews really are it. Consistently awesome and world-changing tribe for 2500 years.

21. Well-dressed Russian women are cheap, treacherous and insane.

The Cardsharps, Caravaggio, c. 1594

22. Most lawyers dislike being lawyers. It shows.

23. Lawyers are less well-rounded every decade.

24. Super-smart and super-nice kids--without lots more--make lousy lawyers.

25. There are at most 35 truly excellent American colleges and universities. It shows when you meet their grads.

27. Parisian men are not as insecure, jealous or violent as other men. Let's just talk about this, Luc, okay?

28. Never be impressed by Phi Beta Kappas.

29. Always be impressed by Marshall scholars, Rhodes scholars and Wesleyan grads.

30. Have at least 4 impeccable suits. They should be expensive but need not be tailored.

31. Don't wear bow ties every day. Almost every day is fine.

32. Cuffs on all long pants except jeans and tuxes. Khaki? Summer only.

33. Twice a month you should dress like a pimp from a New Orleans whorehouse.

34. Saabs can be driven forever. They like to go fast.

35. Know who you are. Learn if you can family history back 8 generations at least.

36. Talk to people on elevators. All of them.

37. Don't do Europe with other Americans.

38. Just 2 cats.

39. Most people are very happy going through life as Turds. Get used to it.

40. When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can. ~ Hugh Grant, Brit actor

41. Always attribute--especially when you think no one will notice. They do.

42. Sometimes more than one person thinks up the same unique thing.

43. Don't let people tell you who you are.

44. The Internet teems with folks telling you what you must do/think/say/write. Get off your knees.

45. Always talk to jurors post-verdict.

46. One juror will always surprise you big time. Learn who that is before you close.

47. Don't communicate in any manner ever with that one female juror who seemed to like you a lot.

48. Women are meaner, more vindictive and more treacherous than men.

49. The dumbest woman is 100 times more complex than the smartest man.

50. Most men are easy to suss. Not much going on with most of them.

51. Rule 36, Fed.R.Civ.P., my friend.

52. Rule 56(d) is misunderstood.

53. Civil RICO is an unintended consequence.

54. Seldom watch television.

55. Dads don't get a pass for merely siring. So what?

56. All moms suffer.

57. Your mom is your best friend.

58. Buenos Aires has the best-looking people on this planet.

59. Lovemaking probably cannot be learned.

60. Love can be learned.

61. There are no lapsed or recovering Catholics. This is not bad.

62. Jewish women rarely have great legs.

63. Japanese woman have the best legs.

AAA Gargoles.jpg

64. Jewish women are good lovers.

65. Japanese women are the best helpmates.

66. Hopelessly insane WASP women are the best lovers.

67. Fewer people should become parents or lawyers.

68. Brown shoes go well with grey suits. No one knows why.

69. Your handkerchief should never match your tie.

70. We need to bring suspenders back.

71. Being right is expensive.

72. The Dutch have no use for Italians.

73. Most Italians view Germans as classless.

74. The English diss anyone who is not English. This will not stop.

75. The French are playful.

76. The Irish are playful, but in a different way.

77. Women in Prague are not playful.

78. Trust no one in Budapest.

79. Don't tell people you just met your problems. They don't care. They shouldn't care.

80. Copy someone on every letter.

81. "Never write a letter. Never throw one away."

82. Many Jewish men are overly-suspicious. There's a good reason for this. Work with it.

83. Irish guys talk too much. There's no reason for it. Work with it.

84. Keep an open mind. Your cat could be an ET.

85. Be nice to important people who just had a downfall. Don't pile on. They'll be back.

86. Beware of the lily white.

88. Beware of people with no enemies.

89. Tighten up, like Archie Bell & The Drells.

90. Jimmy Page & Eric Clapton worked a lot harder than you did.

91. 100% screaming in-your-face male homosexuals are not okay. Tell them to fuck off.

92. 100% screaming in-your-face religious evangelists are not okay. Tell them to fuck off.

93. Persian women make too much noise.

94. There are 3128 people worldwide who can drink or say the word "fuck" properly. You're not one of them.

95. "Dogs have owners. Cats have staff."

96. Nothing is more important than a first kiss.

97. Lots of women kiss badly.

98. Write hand-written thank you notes.

99. The Arts are "central to life, rather than an add-on, like some set of alloy wheels." --Julian Barnes.

100. Coffee and sugar drive Everything.

101. Ritual and trivia are important.

103. Try not to raise ritual and trivia to an art form.

104. Little things are important. Figure out which ones.

105. Zimmerman was right. You gotta serve somebody.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

February 25, 2018

No. 513 of Things Long Divorced Slightly Amoral American Lawyers Know.

513. If you're the praying sort, all prayers are good enough. No prayer is imperfect.

--Holden Oliver, 1987

Posted by JD Hull at 12:42 AM | Comments (0)

February 19, 2018


Everyone wants to be descended from European Royalty. My ancestors from The British Isles, Germany and Denmark ran naked through the woods chanting and screaming. Freaked out Romans. Not Royalty. But handy in a fight.

Posted by JD Hull at 01:10 PM | Comments (0)

December 21, 2017


It’s today at 11:28 AM Eastern. As one digital resource has it:

The pagan Scandinavian and Germanic people of northern Europe celebrated a twelve-day "midwinter" (winter solstice) holiday called Yule (also called Jul, Julblot, jólablót, midvinterblot, julofferfest). Many modern Christmas traditions, such as the Christmas tree, the Christmas wreath, the Yule log, and others, are direct descendents of Yule customs. Scandinavians still call Yule "Jul". In English, the word "Yule" is often used in combination with the season "yuletide" a usage first recorded in 900.

Stonehenge, 1980s

Posted by JD Hull at 09:02 AM | Comments (0)

November 23, 2017

Be Grateful. But Stay Morlock.

Twitter reply today:

Most of us can’t afford to poof-out & won’t poof-out in this lifetime.* We’re like Eagle Scouts. Need to be super-prepared. No go homo. Stay Morlock. :)

*Exception: GenY Men. They’re like the Eloi in H.G. Wells’ 1895 novel The Time Machine.


Posted by JD Hull at 04:24 PM | Comments (0)

November 22, 2017

America needs to get out more.

1. Alpha men get cocky, act out and overreach.

2. Bullying is unfortunate but natural.

3. Pols hustle for votes. All pols. Everywhere. Any vote will do.

4. People make up stories and lie for strategic advantage. All the time. We lie.

5. All-important aggressive humans do questionable things.

6. Few acts have one motive. Two, three, four or more reasons—good and bad—for doing anything.

7. Most of us? We’re “moral” and “good” and helpful when it’s convenient—and rarely any other time. It’s way easier and more convenient for the educated, wealthy and well-heeled to be moral, good & helpful.

8. Older men have sought younger women for thousands of years. Legal or not, it’s a strong instinct. Get used to it, Humans. It will happen again & again & again.

Posted by JD Hull at 02:51 PM | Comments (0)

November 07, 2017

39 More Things Long-Divorced American Male Lawyers Know.

french woman.jpg

No.s 1-39 are here.

40. When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can. ~ Hugh Grant, Brit actor

41. Always attribute--especially when you think no one will notice. They do.

42. When they notice, they might call me.

43. Don't let people tell you who you are.

44. The Internet teems with folks telling you what you must do/think/say/write. Get off your knees.

45. Always talk to jurors post-verdict.

46. One juror will always surprise you big time. Learn who that is before you close.

47. Don't communicate in any manner ever with that one female juror who seemed to like you a lot.

48. Women are meaner, more vindictive and more treacherous than men.

49. The dumbest woman is 100 times more complex than the smartest man.

50. Most men are easy to suss. Not much going on with most of them.

51. Rule 36, Fed.R.Civ.P., my friend.

52. Rule 56(d) is misunderstood.

53. Civil RICO is an unintended consequence.

54. Seldom watch television.

55. Dads don't get a pass for merely siring. So what?

56. All moms suffer.

57. Your mom is your best friend.

58. Buenos Aires has the best-looking people on this planet.

59. Lovemaking probably cannot be learned.

60. Love can be learned.

61. There are no lapsed or recovering Catholics. This is not bad.

62. Jewish women rarely have great legs.

63. Japanese woman have the best legs.

AAA Gargoles.jpg

64. Jewish women are good lovers.

65. Japanese women are the best helpmates.

66. Hopelessly insane WASP women are the best lovers.

67. Fewer people should become parents or lawyers.

68. Brown shoes go well with grey suits. No one knows why.

69. Your handkerchief should never match your tie.

70. We need to bring suspenders back.

71. Being right is expensive.

72. The Dutch have no use for Italians.

73. Most Italians view Germans as classless.

74. The English diss anyone who is not English. This will not stop.

75. The French are playful.

76. The Irish are playful, but in a different way.

77. Women in Prague are not playful.

78. Underwear? Commando, guys. It's the only way.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 29, 2017

Doing Rome.

The comparisons between Rome and the U.S. are exciting and instructive. --What About Clients?

When in Rome, do as many Romans as you possibly can. --Hugh Grant

Rome. I don't like working here--charitably put, work-life balance is totally out of balance in some regions of Italy--but I love being in Rome. You can walk in this city. You can frolic in it. You can play all day long in and around the The Forum and Palatine Hill, where antiquities are still being found. There's a guy with a shop at the Piazza Navona--2000 years ago the Piazza was a Roman circus (i.e., track) you can still see if you try--who sells me these unique old prints, beautifully framed, that I bought for my father in Cincinnati. I go to that shop on every trip. The Tiber River is still gorgeous and, like the Seine in Paris, steeped in history, and a bit melancholy and mysterious. Lots happened here--maybe too much--and it's as if the river can remember it all.

pannini_1743_ruines et statue de M Aurele.JPG
Pannini (1743): Ruins, Chiostre, Statue of Marc-Aurèle

In the West, our strongest ideas and institutions, including what became English law, were conceived or preserved by Rome. The increasingly-made comparisons between Rome and the U.S.--no, they are certainly not new--are still exciting and instructive. The Romans were competent if grandiose empire builders who borrowed their best ideas and forms from a previously dominant Greece, while America's cultural debt is chiefly to western Europe. Like Rome, America tended to overextend itself in all spheres. Like Rome, America was globally aggressive. (Other peoples resented it.) You get the idea.

But you can't see, experience and "do" Rome on one trip--same thing with New York, London or Paris--and you shouldn't try. Our advice: do several trips, and "live in it" each and every visit, taking small bites. And spend your trip with anyone but those from the same nation and culture as your own. If you go there with Americans, break out of that bubble. Politely say goodbye--and disappear into the streets on your own.

Original post: September 15, 2013

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 23, 2017

At Disqus: When is it okay for men to cry?

A comment yesterday (with apologies to a great writer, Jay McInerney):

"Definitely ok to cry to land great women. After my divorce in DC 20 years ago Ernie, a few others and I had this one thing down. We were all single in our early 30s. In my case, it went like this. Working alone, of course, I'd tell slightly tipsy stunning debutante women in Georgetown, Capitol Hill and Old Town bars that I was a little bummed out but making the best of it. That I was a recent widower. Then I'd actually tear up a little and say that during a recent trip to Paris--vacation or honeymoon, the latter if I was in good form--my beautiful kind Smith-educated young wife was killed when she was shopping alone on the Right Bank and was caught in a crossfire between Palestinian terrorists and French police. I'm not kidding. Worked really well. Never failed."

Posted by JD Hull at 03:16 PM | Comments (0)

July 28, 2017

My Earl's Court '75

It's been a long time since I rock and rolled,
It's been a long time since I did The Stroll.

It's been a long time since the book of love,
I can't count the tears of a life with no love.

Seems so long since we walked in the moonlight,
Making vows that just can't work right.

- Peaking Indian Hill, Durham, LA, England, DC

Dan Hull 1976.jpg

Highland Park Beach, off South Deere Park, 1976
Photo by A. Johnston

Posted by JD Hull at 12:16 AM | Comments (0)

July 08, 2017


From a comment I made at Disqus ATLS last week in reponse to a great short opinion post by a lawyer I admire:

"Well done. Well written. Lawyers are at their best when they talk about things other than just the law. Keep doing this. It's why I ever got on line. Blogged. Read other blogs. To see lawyers with personality and actual talent. And you personally are the only reason I ever went to comments at old ATL. I want to see lawyers as humans with style, flair, wit and verve. And having lived real lives. Lawyers are not special anymore. They don't lead anymore. Vast vast majority are followers with sideline lives. Minor players. The Profession now? It's a complicated caste system with an increasingly diluted gene pool. But what you do here is special. Class. Keep doing it."

Posted by JD Hull at 01:40 PM | Comments (0)

June 29, 2017

Don't Introduce Yourself as a Lawyer to Strangers & Folks You Just Met.

The majority view answer? Don't do it, kid. It can only hurt.

Unless business is just standing there in front of you 5 feet away--like the homely cotillion girl who no one is asking to dance--I suggest you never tell anyone you're a lawyer. It will immediately limit--even if in favorable ways--how you are perceived for the rest of the conversation.

--From comment made earlier this year at ATL Surrogate to "Survival Tips for Today's Lawyer, Part I: Professional Non-Disclosure," a Partner Emeritus post.

Image: Universal Pictures

Posted by JD Hull at 07:32 AM | Comments (0)

May 23, 2017


Knew it all along. Welsh guys on a Cardiff to Manchester road trip.

Seriously. Where will it end, Campers? How's that Yank Open Borders instinct right now?

The West is at War.

Posted by JD Hull at 04:02 PM | Comments (0)

May 01, 2017

May Day: Man's Eternal Spring Blowout.

May Day is a bit unique among the many old pagan holidays. For 2,200 years, at least in Europe, it's had a long and colorful run on its own, albeit in different forms. But unlike other pagan celebrations, May Day in Europe was never Christianized or abandoned as Christianity spread throughout Europe. It somehow managed to survive and flourish on its own. The first May Day holiday we know much about began in republican Rome about 250 BC. It was a one-day spring festival in honor of the goddess Flora, a fertility deity. Eventually the holiday grew to six days of special events and serious reveling, on April 28-May 3. Known as the Floralia in Roman religion for nearly 600 years, Rome's May Day was a "peoples" or plebeian holiday that took place at the Temple of Flora. (If you've been to Rome even once, you likely looked over the ground where the temple once stood. It's on the edge of the Aventine, a few hundred yards southwest of the Circus Maximus and Palatine Hill.) The Floralia featured drinking, mock gladiator games, animal sacrifices, "the pelting of the crowd" with vegetables (the first food fights?), dancing, nakedness, prostitutes (sex workers were specifically included and often featured), dancing naked prostitutes, theatre, colorful costumes and drinking. Below, one of the the greatest painters of the 1700s gives us a baroque take on the festival and its raw, fun and feral spirit.


"The Empire of Flora", 1744, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770). The scene is supposedly based on Ovid's description of The Floralia.

Posted by JD Hull at 04:06 AM | Comments (0)

March 29, 2017

Whose History Now?

People are tribal; we are proud of our tribes.

Why not WASP History Studies in colleges? Or Caucasian History? Or White History?

Sure. We all know history is written mainly by the victors. And further that America, e.g., was forged by slave labor on stolen land.

But what about history education now? Should there be alternatives?

Discuss, Campers.

Posted by JD Hull at 10:04 PM | Comments (0)

March 24, 2017

The Winter Urban Homeless: Talk to them. Ask them what they need.

It's still cold in the cities. Ask the homeless and other rough sleepers what clothing and other things they need to stay warm and alive. Don't just step over them. Talk to them. Here's how to do it.

Homeless Winter--DC Bench.jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 10:41 PM | Comments (0)

March 09, 2017

Paternity Leave: Do we really want it?

Paternity leave is silly. Seriously. It goes way too far. It hurts the entire human race. Degrades women and men. Let's celebrate instead the differences between the sexes and that the sexes are good at wonderfully different things. Repeat: women and men--the same as different tribes and cultures--are different. Sure, every dad should help in parenting. Every dad should be a hands-on baby carer. The question? How much? And when? The word is dilute. We are so quick to dilute what's wonderful and what works between the sexes. Let's not destroy & dilute the strengths and elevate and cover up the weaknesses. Let's not dilute the greatness of the human race with yet more new age nonsense asking for equality when equality demands only serves to kill merit and excellence. People are not equal. Never have been. Never will be. And we don't even want them to be. Men and women are different. They are good at different things.

Posted by JD Hull at 10:04 AM | Comments (0)

March 08, 2017

The Problem Now.

My 3 cents? The problem is Americans don't know each other anymore. We've been making assumptions about our co-citizens on coasts/cities versus people in flyover land/rural areas that were not true. The latter was patient for a long time while we celebrated & rewarded Anyone Different, Disenfranchised, Weak or Powerless. (Nice idea we took too far.) The latter group elected Trump. Their turn. They have had way more class in victory than the Dems have had in defeat. Our press and more liberal elites--who I once admired--have shown their real stuff. And it's ugly,

Posted by JD Hull at 11:51 AM | Comments (0)

March 06, 2017

Appropriate This.

All American language and culture is a mass appropriation. Always has been. And a strong suit too. The cross-appropriation around and inside the English Language alone is thing of beauty. Biggest players? English. German. French. Native-American. African Slave. Next issue, please? :)

Posted by JD Hull at 10:45 AM | Comments (0)

February 19, 2017

39 Things Long-Divorced American Lawyers Know

Paris 1952.jpg
Paris 1952: Willy Maywald, Mannequin en tailleur quai Saint-Michel.

1. Never swive anyone named Zoe, Brigit or Natasha.

2. Let no one leave anything at your house.

3. Don't buy cheap shoes.

4. Shoe trees. Cedar. The most expensive.

5. Sorry. The Havard Bluebook is always important.

6. British women don't really like British men

7. Have a coworker in same room if you interview someone.

8. Completely legal interviews are not very informative.

9. Don't jump to hire law grads with blue collar backgrounds. Some think they've arrived and are done.

10. Women make better associate lawyers.

11. On documents Rules 34 and 45 do different things. Know what.

12. If you travel, cats not dogs.

13. Very attractive women think they're ugly.

14. Very attractive men are delusional.

15. Irish, Welsh, Finnish and Afro-American women are totally and forever in charge. They are heroes.

16. A disproportionate number of Irish people are drunks.

17. A disproportionate number of Irish people are verbally and lyrically gifted.

18. Jewish doctors do not get Irish, English or German drunks. Have a cookie instead?

19. Jews and Italians are the best drinkers. They have rules. They have the genes.

20. The Jews really are it. Consistently awesome and world-changing tribe for 2500 years.

21. Well-dressed Russian women are cheap, treacherous and insane.

The Cardsharps, Caravaggio, c. 1594

22. Most lawyers dislike being lawyers. It shows.

23. Lawyers are less well-rounded every decade.

24. Super-smart and super-nice kids--without lots more--make lousy lawyers.

25. There are at most 35 truly excellent American colleges and universities. It shows when you meet their grads.

27. Parisian men are not as insecure, jealous or violent as other men. Let's just talk about this, Luc, okay?

28. Never be impressed by Phi Beta Kappas.

29. Always be impressed by Marshall scholars, Rhodes scholars and Wesleyan grads.

30. Have at least 4 impeccable suits. They should be expensive but need not be tailored.

31. Don't wear bow ties every day. Almost every day is fine.

32. Cuffs on all long pants except jeans and tuxes. Khaki? Summer only.

33. Twice a month you should dress like a pimp from a New Orleans whorehouse.

34. Saabs can be driven forever. They like to go fast.

35. Know who you are. Learn if you can family history back 8 generations at least.

36. Talk to people on elevators. All of them.

37. Don't do Europe with other Americans.

38. Just 2 cats.

39. Trust no one in Budapest.

Source: 11.25.15

Posted by JD Hull at 12:57 AM | Comments (0)

January 09, 2017

Season 3: One Night/One Person.

Some of you are familiar with One Night, One Person, the program to help homeless outdoor sleepers on the 30 or so coldest nights a year when hypothermia thresholds are exceeded in certain American and European cities. This is year 3 of One Night, One Person. Cleveland lawyer Peter Friedman and I started it in the winter of 2014-2015. It's really simple. Bear with me a moment.

In short, it's a keep-people-alive initiative for the coldest nights.

As an (a) Eagle Scout, (b) Lifelong Camper and (c) All-Weather Philanderer, I assure you that sleeping in cold or the snow is not all that fun. At times, it's not even a choice. Jack London and Hans Christian Andersen wrote enduring stories about death from hypothermia. Happens above freezing temps, too. So consider more than ever (and right now) One Night, One Person. Instructions below.

You're a Yuppie, professional or other generic dweeb between the ages of 22 and 82. You live in towns like New York City, Philly, Boston, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Wilmington, DC or Chicago. You may live in the suburbs or in a downtown neighborhood of these cities. But if you work during the day in a downtown area of any of them, you and yours will go forth and do this:

1. Pick out and ask a homeless woman or man what articles of warm clothing she or he needs that you already have at home or in storage--thermal gloves, wool scarfs, warm hats and beanies, big sweaters, winter coats, thermal underwear, socks, etc.

2. Ask just one person at a time.

3. Agree on a time to meet (preferably at the same place) later that day or the next day.

4. Find the winter stuff you have at home or in storage.

5. Bring said stuff to the homeless woman or man as agreed.

6. Nine out of ten times, your new friend will be there when you show up.

7. Wait for forecasts of the next super-cold night--and repeat.


Posted by JD Hull at 01:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 11, 2016

15 years ago, on the day of new definitions, what did you think about most?

Photograph by Thomas E. Franklin.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

August 16, 2016

The Epoch Times: Global Populism.

This is interesting. As I've worried, and as you might have expected, America does not own the New Populism. The entire developed, blue collar, educated and white collar world is pissed off. Cover article for last week's The Epoch Times, which is starting to hit its stride. Middle Class Threatens Globalization.

Photo: Epoch Times

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

July 18, 2016

What Matters.

#allcatslivesmatter #alldogslivesmatter

To be completely honest, I am not sure about anyone else.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:47 PM | Comments (0)

July 01, 2016

Modern Men: Indoor Neutered Cats.

I see it on the streets, in stores, at sporting events, in airports and in both cities and town. The female demand for Indoor Cats--i.e., neutered, obedient heterosexual Western men who do as they are told--is apparently quite high these days in Europe and America. Ladies, how are these "men" in bed?


Posted by JD Hull at 05:03 AM | Comments (1)

June 29, 2016

Johann Adam Weishaupt (1748 -1830)


Posted by JD Hull at 06:43 PM | Comments (0)

June 09, 2016

On Bullying.

"'Bullying' is natural. Real human beings have Bullying in them. Worry about Bullying only if you don't."

- Holden Oliver, Kitzbuhel, Winter 2015


Posted by JD Hull at 12:01 AM | Comments (0)

June 04, 2016

Third-Wave Feminism's Sad Swan Song.

An interesting thing about the Backlash Against Feminism? It's fueled by ex-Feminist men like me. Even more interesting? Most Feminists and Social Justice Warriors don't seem to know the backlash is happening. Strange. They must wrongly assume that everyone badly wants the Feminist/SJW forced moral evolution. Because it's somehow "Good".

Germaine Greer in 2013. My kind of Feminist.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:20 AM | Comments (0)

April 30, 2016

Quick Note on Maleness, Donald Trump & Real Life.

For years I've dissed the West's Great Neutering, in my case a discovery based primarily on the increase in younger effeminate but straight male lawyers over the past 15 years. I'm still voting for HRC if given the chance. Best POTUS candidate in my lifetime. But part of me wants to support Donald Trump. I do like his nod to traditional maleness. And I never knew how deep and bad The Great Neutering was until I watched the panicky reaction to Trump's candidacy. Boomer parenting and 3rd wave Feminism created a miserable class of neutered males. Many of these young men are uncomfortable with and ashamed of Being Male. We need to stop this.


Posted by JD Hull at 10:45 AM | Comments (0)

March 27, 2016


Today is a day of Renewal and Rebirth in several traditions and cultures. Today is a day when every home should have women, children, dogs, cats, new music, old books, laughter and enough on-hand cash to alter outcomes in several Chicago elections. Happy Easter, everyone.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:33 AM | Comments (0)

March 08, 2016

Is International Women's Day over yet?

I'm so tired of celebrating everyone on the planet but me and mine.

Especially women--as if they were lacking in gifts, talent and accomplishments.

When they are not.

Is International Women's Day over yet?

Posted by JD Hull at 12:35 AM | Comments (0)

March 07, 2016

Redux*: Real-life Facebook Private Chat with Non-Feminist Girl/Woman "looking for a good man."

NOTE and WARNING: So a youngish attractive (not by mine but by normal people standards) person between 18 and 25 from her photo recently "friended" me on Facebook. I apparently accepted thinking she had some personal connection to me; she does not. Today she privately messaged me to chat via Facebook Messenger. We chatted while I was still at my office--I'm a youngish energetic Boomer lawyer; we're all like this, even on Friday nights--in my last half-hour at work. I unfriended her at 7:26 PM. Look, there is nothing more dangerous/unsexy than this kind of human you meet on the Net. Okay, a bit funny to me maybe. However, if you're a regular homely and/or sexually-frustrated married guy unskilled in philandering, or a part-time or novice cad, this is NOT fun, funny or safe. Do not try this at home; you'll just screw it up, end up on a Chris Hansen NBC show. I am correcting typos and punctuation of her English prose for clarity in this post. Otherwise verbatim:

(Chat Conversation Begin 6:56PM)


ME: Hi, what's up? Can I help you?

[longish pause]

HER: How are you doing?

ME: Fine. And you?

HER: I am doing well. I am looking for a good man.

ME: That would not be me. I have had 2 or maybe 3 wives and scores of girlfriends and cheated on every one of them. Besides you are way too young for me. Way.

[moderate pause]

HER: You mean you cheated on your wives and GFs?

ME: Yes. Every one of them. I think there's something wrong with me.

[No pause at all but this non-sequitur response...]

HER: But I believe with love 2 people can overcome age and distance.

ME: Well, I don't. I'm looking for (1) Smith College, (2) brilliance, (3) wit, (4) Anglo-Gaelic breeding, (5) athleticism, (6) world-class beauty, (7) a flat in London and (8) really big trust funds. And (9) right here in DC. Must have all 9.

[another longish pause]

HER: Really?

ME: Yes. Absolutely. How did we get to be FB friends? I may be the wrong Dan Hull. There are lots of Dan Hulls and most are lazy hillbillies like me. Half of us are in jail.

[short pause]

HER: Uhhh...ok.

[Chat Conversation End 7:25pm]

1 out of 9 doesn't cut it.

*From post on 1/29/16

Posted by JD Hull at 07:27 PM | Comments (0)

March 01, 2016

Moral Superiority: "I'm a Racist. You're a Racist."

Racism and balking at Otherness is natural to humans. It has always gone on. Warring, distrustful tribes is, in fact, the history of this planet. The vast majority of us are racist and bigoted. Let's start there.


The Battle of Salamis, 1867, Wilhelm von Kaulbach. Between Greek and Persian armies, it took place near Athens in September of 480 BC.

Posted by JD Hull at 07:47 AM | Comments (0)

January 20, 2016

Second Amendments

Apparently I'm one of the least paranoid, least uptight people on the planet. E.g., I routinely imagine that people secretly assemble and conspire to do really nice things for me. When confronted with large bears in the Alaska wilds, I've walked toward them. (Seriously.) But as a few of you know, I'm thinking of buying a gun. At a minimum, I'm going to learn more about guns, about gun safety and how to grip and shoot a handgun, a rifle and a shotgun. And what do you think of this article? "Discoveries of an Anti-Gunner: My Conversion to the Other Side" by one Ms. Robyn Sandoval.

Robyn Sandoval.png

Posted by JD Hull at 06:42 PM | Comments (0)

January 16, 2016

Professionals should not work for free. Ever.

I just finished a moderately difficult personal and sensitive legal project for an physician friend about my vintage (who does well for himself) that I could not comfortably delegate to anyone. I was assured (by a lawyer friend of his, no less) it would take roughy an hour of my time but no more.

I finished it last night. Better than expected outcome. It took over 5 hours and the work was of course done at a level I would have done for GE, Alcoa or Balfour Beatty. Just got a note from this gentlemen that said in part "If I can ever return the favor, let me know!"

Yes, you can, Skippy.

How about payment for just one billable hour at our rate for small business, non-profits and other street people? WTF.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:14 PM | Comments (0)

November 30, 2015

Not unlike American lawyers, have U.S. physicians become a profound embarrassment and disappointment?

Have American physicians become a gene pool-diluted embarrassment and disappointment?

Not unlike lawyers, medical doctors (MDs) are (1) very important--and probably more so than lawyers--in the overall scheme of things but (2) certainly no longer among the brightest bulbs our higher education system produces. In recent years, doctors not only let themselves be bullied by insurers but worst of all let patient care and patient service wane. Care and service is now a cruel, comical heartless ruse.

Anyone agree that American doctors have lost their way?


Hippocrates Refusing the Gifts of Artaxerxes, 1816, engraving Jean-Baptiste Raphael Urbain Massard (1775-1843) after painting by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson, 1792

Posted by JD Hull at 08:27 PM | Comments (0)

November 21, 2015

American Pantheon: Anatasia Lin

Chinese-Canadian Anatasia Lin, 25, actress, model, Miss World Canada 2015 and China human rights advocate who testified before U.S. Congress in July of 2015.

download (8).jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 10:35 PM | Comments (0)

November 17, 2015

Beirut and Paris: 2 questions for Americans.

Okay, really 4 questions.

I'm curious:

1. Have last week's attacks in Beirut and central Paris changed or bolstered your views in any respect on American immigration policy? (They are beginning to change mine.) If so, how?

2. Do the attacks change who you might support for U.S. president? If so, how?


Posted by JD Hull at 09:12 AM | Comments (2)

November 07, 2015

Charon QC: Cricket and the Law.

See yesterday's Charon QC post Cricket and the Law, featuring Miller v. Jackson, a famous Court of Appeal of England and Wales decision on the torts of negligence and nuisance. When cricket balls are hit over the fence and onto the adjoining homeowners' property, what result? And in 2008, our West End man, now in Perth, Scotland, chatted up up Gordon Brown.

Soon after the case was decided, the plaintiffs moved their house.

Posted by JD Hull at 05:15 PM | Comments (0)

But aren't there ways we can get GenYs to quit even quicker?

See this thoughtful and valiant piece by Olivia Barrow, a reporter for the Milwaukee Business Journal, on "How to keep millennials around for more than two years." You're a tribute to the human spirit, Ms. Barrow.


Posted by JD Hull at 09:39 AM | Comments (0)

September 24, 2015

UPDATE: My Kind of Pope: The Holy Father's Homelessness Chops.

I like the cut of this pontiff's zucchetto. Forget for a moment his speech before Congress earlier this morning. At 11:15 am EST Pope Francis will leave Capitol Hill and do something people will actually remember: dine with DC's homeless at St. Patrick's on 10th Street, N.W., a 10 minute walk from my office. I'm going over there now. I dislike religions--but I like Francis' focus on Homelessness, a global problem which people of all cultural and political stripes in all nations and economies are going to have to face.

UPDATE: Francis. This guy got to me. And then he blessed our food. At noon today on 10th Street, Northwest, in my city: "The son of God came into this world a homeless person." Blew me away.

St. Patrick's Church, 10th & G Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C.


Francis yesterday in the new tricked-out radical Popemobile.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:53 AM | Comments (1)

August 19, 2015

I'm a man. I'm sensitive.

Venting here. I can't help the way I look. For decades now I've tried hard to be a serious lawyer-lobbyist-writer--and to be taken seriously. However, women and men alike continue to think of me one way. I continue to be crudely objectified, or viewed as a decorative object. That's all. Thanks for listening

American Tragedy: J.D. Cocker. Sexually objectified. Valued solely for his looks.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:01 AM | Comments (0)

August 17, 2015

The Happiness and Life Hack Industry.

One of the best tech things in my life is my Zite aggregator/curator for media. Zite, however, is not always perfect in anticipating my reading tastes. An alarming number of unwanted articles and posts I receive these days reflect how lame and helpless and confused and lost and unhappy we Westerners are. We all have wonderful instincts about making ourselves happy that do not require explanations about the importance of waking up every day, breathing, peeing, eating, mindfulness, overcoming shyness and social ineptitude, the faux pas of screaming your own name during lovemaking, reading books that aren't garbage, brushing our teeth and drinking more water. Jeez. Get the net, people.

AAA Gozer.jpg

Vinz Clortho (a/k/a Louis Tully), Key Master of Gozer. Vinz/Louis needed all the life hacks he could get. But do you? Image: Columbia Pictures.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:52 AM | Comments (0)

August 01, 2015

Scouting changes again; as usual, the Washington Blade is there.

a boy scout.jpg

I was a Boy Scout, and eventually an Eagle Scout, growing up in suburban Chicago and Cincinnati. What I learned in scouting means a lot to me; I use it, probably instinctually, every day. Naturally, national news about changes to BSA's local or field leadership policies interests me.

In the 1960s and 1970s, at least in the Cincinnati suburb of Indian Hill, every adult scoutmaster, his adult assistant scoutmasters and all the adult men who pitched in to help at our many, many meetings and (for me, at least) 40 to 50 camping trips, was always a father of one of the boys in my troop. My Dad, who traveled on business nearly every week, pitched in on camping trips from time to time.

So I have little reaction to the BSA decision on July 27th to allow openly gay leaders to participate in scouting. I don't have a good picture of what's happening here culturally. Drawing a blank, if you will. I am, however, amazed how much this traditionally conservative organization has moved in the last few years.

Also, I did like the way this development was covered by the LGBT press. The day it happened, the enduring Washington Blade, almost an underground publication when it started 46 years ago and now arguably the most influential LGBT news source in the world, reported "Boy Scouts to Allow Gay Leaders". In fact, the Blade--a weekly tabloid with daily online reporting--chose the same story 4 days ago on BSA's policy change as the lead article in its weekly edition, which came out last night. The Blade begins:

Members of Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board on Monday voted to end the organization’s ban on openly gay adults from holding leadership positions.

The body by a 45-12 vote margin approved a resolution on the issue the Boy Scouts of America Executive Committee unanimously backed earlier this month.

The new policy, which takes effect immediately, would allow openly gay adults to become scoutmasters and unit leaders within the Boy Scouts of America.

It will also allow gay people who were previously removed from leadership positions because of their sexual orientation to reapply for them.

Posted by JD Hull at 04:16 AM | Comments (0)

July 24, 2015

On second thought, do see Trainwreck (with Amy Schumer) so we can face the enemy together.

Two days ago we posted about the movie Trainwreck which celebrates backfired male Metro-sexualism as well as crude, dumb, fat women getting big enough to have their own zip codes. The movie is likely the high water mark of The Great Neutering launched in America roughly 15 to 20 years ago. We urge any non-neutered Gen-X folks, all Baby Boomers and every lucid, ambulatory Silent or Greatest Generation person to see Trainwreck. Know your enemy. Reeducation of under-35 folks who worship mediocrity and androgyny is still possible.

Save the people. Save the children. Save the country.

Posted by JD Hull at 01:03 AM | Comments (0)

June 05, 2015

If you can't get online, how do you find a job?

First, see our post Round 2: "One Night, One Person" and related links. As those links show, we're still testing the waters here for what we white collars of four generations might do for people we literally trip over every day in the world's larger business districts. Query: If a motivated homeless person can't get online, how does she find a job? That's, after all, the first place to start these days. Yes, we realize that public libraries have free access to the Net. For years we've all been seeing homeless people in both big city downtowns and "nice" suburbs from New York City to Poway, Rancho Bernardo and Carmel Mountain California, right? But is there enough access and hardware to help everyone who needs it? And for many applications don't doesn't she need a U.S. mail drop, too? For regular mail, there is no Bass Pro family camping version of it, as far as I know.

Hey, I don't like these questions either. But living in the Dupont Circle-Logan area of DC I see about 50 homeless people every day and night. Most aren't crazy, drunks or addicts.* How do I know? I talk to them--which should surprise no one. I talk to everyone. And I know crazies, drunks and addicts when I engage them, folks. Anyway, most I meet are clean, well-clothed and well-groomed given their circumstances. Many are amazingly well-organized, too. So what if a "deserving and motivated" rough sleeper wants a job? Thanks to lawyer's lawyer and my favorite limousine liberal Peter Friedman for the idea, this NYT article and making me more behind in my work for other limousine liberals.


*One technical exception is my "regular" Reggie who I keep giving money to even though I shouldn't. Reggie is funny and bright and about my age--and does admit to drinking but never seems drunk. I think he wants to work. I see him two or three times a week we spend as much as 20 minutes goofing on his cronies who really need panhandling lessons. Reggie is a little too good ("I need you tonight, Dan...") at begging but does buy food with the money he receives outside the P Street CVS. I taught Reggie and his friends a dance a bunch of us made up in high school called the "Philly Dog New Breed" and so far only Reggie can do it. He yells at his friends when they screw up a new free spin I worked into it. I am thinking of taking Reggie to an AA meeting--which he wants to do anyway; he once had 8 years sober--even though he never seems soused to me. Find him a sponsor and maybe get him working.

Posted by JD Hull at 05:49 PM | Comments (0)

May 22, 2015

The aroma of a life lived in harmony with high ideals.

I am proud of 3 things in my life:

1. I've never been to Las Vegas.

2. Except for jeans and my tux, all my pants are tastefully cuffed.

3. Until yesterday I'd never heard of Josh Duggar.

00000001 (1).jpg

Sing, everyone.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:14 PM | Comments (0)

April 27, 2015

TNR piece: Elite colleges these days get you to Bourgeoisieville.

Here's an imperfect but ballsy article in The New Republic I wish I had written. "Elite Universities Are Turning Our Kids Into Corporate Stooges" by 30-something 2002 Duke grad Bryan Williams, a Washington, D.C.- based economist. Williams asks all the right questions about what our best colleges and universities should be making a priority. Encouraging and developing outlaws (my term, for lack of a better one here)--doers, thinkers, artists and writers with genuinely new big ideas--is one. No, getting to be CEO of a pre-built GM or Apple, which mega-talented Duke grads Rick Wagoner and Tim Cook have recently done--is not what I had in mind here.

It's weird that most of these, say, 30 to 40, 'elite' schools in America, have a reputation for free thought or leftist thought. Duke, where I went as well, and I do still love, is the perfect poster boy here. Duke graduates top talent straight into the bourgeois inner sanctums. This is okay with me folks--but you do need more. A good liberal arts education ought to fire the imagination. Produce more Dalis, Buckminster Fullers, Updikes, Styrons, Demings, Heideggers, Sartres. It may not be happening as much. I see the lower standard in Duke grads, in other grads and on resumes. And it's upsetting mainly because hardly anyone is disappointed by it. Except for Williams, the 2002 Duke grad who wrote the TNR piece. Bravo.

Gothic Wonderland: Duke's West Campus

Posted by JD Hull at 02:30 PM | Comments (0)

April 01, 2015

Training Video on Millennials in the Workplace.

Hat tip to the peripatetic Scott Greenfield at Simple Justice, and his post Return of the Happy, where I saw the below 'comedy' bit on Gen-Ys in the workplace. It may be April 1--a day when all content is taken as possibly untrue in honor of April Fool's Day--but we should get something straight here. The video you are about to see? It is very true to life and, when I first viewed it, I had problems seeing it as satire. Satire since the days of Dean Swift--remember "A Modest Proposal"?--relies heavily on, among other things, exaggeration ((i.e., literary hyperbole if you went to Kenyon). In my view, there is little if any exaggeration in the comedy bits you are about to see.


Posted by JD Hull at 02:23 PM | Comments (0)

March 24, 2015

Training Justin, Part II.

See our March 20 post, "Justin, exactly how would you like us to train you?" Two other lawyer-bloggers chimed in on the happy workplace theme--the nice-sounding theme featuring workers, especially younger ones, that never seems to make much room for clients or customers. Many of us had hoped that happy workplace theme was dead or dying. Apparently not. See these two pro-client/pro-customer pieces that come at the issue from different angles: "The Return of The Happy" by Scott Greenfield at Simple Justice, and "Stop Trying to Be Happy, Lawyers" by Kate Mangan writing at The Lawyerist.

Allergic to Work: Bob Denver as Maynard G. Krebs (CBS photo).

Posted by JD Hull at 03:05 AM | Comments (0)

March 20, 2015

Justin, exactly how would you like us to train you?

Read or skim in Entrepreneur this month the article "This Is How Millennials Want to Be Managed". It's a "happy workplace" piece and you can get its gist and message in a flash. We've all seen them before.

Finish it? Good. Thanks for reading. At the risk of sounding old, mean and cranky, let me make two quick comments.

First, in the last 15 years, my firm has hired, managed and worked closely with scores of Millennials/GenY--at least 100--and probably scrutinized even more members of that age group employed by my own clients or other law firms. I've also read maybe 50 misguided articles just like this one that urge us all to mold our people-management style at work to what certain generations, usually GenY, "want" based on their experiences growing up at home and how they were taught in school. While I want to know every single cultural and educational fact there is about each employee and team member, my obligations to understand "how they want to managed" are pretty close to zero. My informal advice to you employers--whether you're an older blue chip manufacturer with thousands of employees, or the next big player in molecular nanotechnology--is generally the same:

a. Get off your knees, you guys.

b. Ignore well-meaning writers and consultants who would have you manage people based a north star or "trend" other then your own vision and instincts.

c. Employees are important but they are "third"--after customers (#1) and the company or division you're managing or building (#2) to serve them. In service professions, clients are more important than any employee--and more important than the firm or company itself.

Second, I've been through the "we work better with constant feedback" thing with younger employees over and over again. Nearly 90% of the time--not all of the time but most of the time--that request means something quite different. It means that the requesting employees would like constant kudos and encouragement--think happy drumbeat or cheerleading--without negative criticism.

I know, it doesn't seem possible. I must be mistaken about what these employees would like as a "best practice" feedback. But that's what is happening here. The problem is obvious. A truly conscientious manager or mentor will never give that kind of "feedback". It teaches nothing, it dumbs down standards and, most importantly, it hurts customers or clients who have to live with those standards.

Thanks for listening.


Posted by JD Hull at 01:28 PM | Comments (0)

March 05, 2015

A Proposal For Cold City Nights: "One Night, One Person".

Every year winter cold claims lives of homeless people all over the world. In the United States, the number is thought to be roughly 1000 a year--but no one is really certain.

Tonight, Thursday, March 5, and tomorrow night, Friday, March 6, most Northeastern American cities and several Midwestern ones will see nighttime temperatures drop to between zero and 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The "One Night, One Person"* idea reflected in this post's title is that if you work during the day in downtown areas of one of certain American cities--i.e., you're a young or old yuppie, exec or professional between the ages of 22 and 72, and whether your politics are hopelessly right wing, left wing, nihilist, Ted Nugent, Rand Paul's dad--with significant homeless populations, go forth and do this:

1. Locate and ask a homeless woman or man what articles of warm clothing she or he needs that you already have at home or in storage--thermal gloves, wool scarfs, warm hats and beanies, big sweaters, winter coats, thermal underwear, socks, etc.;

2. Agree on a time to meet (preferably at the same place) later that day or the next day;

3. Quickly find the stuff you have at home or in storage; and

4. Bring said stuff to them as agreed. Don't worry, nine out of ten times, your new friend will be there when you show up.

And that's it. You can do One Night, One Person whenever a cold night is coming.

I've done this ten times in the last three weeks--at night and during daytime in downtown Washington, D.C., where I live and work--to see if it works--and it does. It's not time-consuming. It's not scary. It's not even that noble. From a humanitarian standpoint, this idea doesn't even make the team. It's not lofty enough to get a movie made about any of us. Maybe think of it simply as refusing to randomly run over someone you don't know with your car. Or better yet, the rent we each pay for taking up space on planet earth. None of us should get kudos or gold stars for basic human being-ness. If we know bitter cold one night can make someone suffer or die, and it's easy for us ensure that neither will probably happen, we do that.

Here are just some of the cold cities this week where you can do this, all with big homeless (and pretty big yuppie) populations: Baltimore (homeless population 4,500), Washington, D.C.(7,700), New York City (60,000 in shelter system, 5,500 on streets), Chicago (62,000 metro area), Boston (7,200) and Indianapolis (5,000 to 8,000, all Marion County) to name some. Sure, the way stats are developed and kept by different governments on homeless populations is not uniform and is often unreliable. True, some will find shelters or get put up in hotels this week. But not everyone will. And you can get a good idea of who they are on your way to work in the early morning and on your way home.

Once again, find them, ask them what they really need (or they can trade; someone will get it) and then bring your stuff back at an appointed time that day or the next day. My stuff? I had 31 scarfs, about 10 pairs of gloves, over 25 sweaters. Stuff I've had in some cases since the Beatles split up and never wore, including cashmere (very warm, by the way) because no one apparently noticed that since I was 10 or so that I only wore black or dark outfits even back then. I rarely wear colors or lighter clothing. (I'm glad I don't have to tell you about the ties). I did keep my letter sweaters and my Dad's--the guy had four of them through high school and college playing both hoops and football at Indiana schools--but anything else was fair game.

Oh. A new and amazing thing I tried, and you should, too: give away some stuff you really like.

Yes, the Catch: you have to talk to them. The homeless. The street sleepers. Or in the UK "those who are sleeping rough". But it's the best part. If you're not talky, pretend you're that man or woman you know or know of--your gabby senior class president in high school, your Uncle Seamus, my own Mom, Bill Clinton, or me--who can talk to anyone. You'll be surprised, as I was, with some of the conversations you'll have. If you are nervous or doing this at night, take someone with you. If you're in DC--and I'm not helping corporate America pay less in environmental fines or firing another guy named either Josh or Skyler--I will go with you.

There are so many different reasons people end up sleeping on the streets. But on a cold night, it shouldn't matter why. Few if any of the folks you will talk to are overtly nuts, stoned or drunk. However, if you are threatened or just feel threatened, walk away. Safety first, and all that. Please consider doing this NOW, for tonight and tomorrow night. If it's a go, you'll have to jump on this.

The cold has already cut short several American lives this winter. No need for more.

*Thanks, Peter Friedman, for the input on this and the "One Night, One Person" name.

Autumn-and-WInter-Men-Wool-Blends-Men-s-Tops-font-b-Jacket-b-font-font-b (1).jpg

That's the idea, David Beckham and skinny metrosexual Mayfair model guy. And give it up. The clothes, that is. London homelessness, by the way, is up 79% in last five years.

Posted by JD Hull at 04:22 PM | Comments (0)

January 12, 2015

I was born John Daniel Hull IV but I now want to be called...

Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt (b. May 27, 2006)

Mega-talented actors and Hollywood power couple Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie have a very beautiful daughter named Shiloh, who is 8 years old. For the last two years, Shiloh has asked her parents to call her "John". Which I support from a human rights perspective. Plus hey that's my real first name, too. Fine selection, sweetie. Anyway, Shiloh recently wore a kick-ass little boy's suit to a screening. Which is also fine with me. Her parents have indicated that Shiloh/John may indeed identify with the male gender--or, at a minimum, be gender neutral--and will support her in any course she takes. Bravo Pitt and Jolie for setting this example. What's not to like here?

This may be the right time to let you all know that I think of myself as a black woman activist. That's right, a crusading Afro-American female with a passion for civil and human rights. It's been going on for some time now. This identification may be due to my Washington, D.C. roots (I was born just blocks away from the neighborhoods where Duke Ellington grew up and the poet Langston Hughes lived for many years) or maybe the fact I covered the community civil rights beat for my college's daily newspaper. Or that two of the three law review articles I wrote in law school concerned, respectively, the subjects of housing discrimination and federal voting rights. But no matter how it happened, I do need to come clean. This is my moment. From this point forward, I would like you to call me the following: Shanona Janae Angela Davis Harriet Tubman Hull.

Thanks for your understanding. More to come.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:52 PM | Comments (0)

December 19, 2014

Big day Sunday for all you pagans in New York, DC, LA and Dublin.

Sunday the 21st is the winter solstice. It has big meanings in science, spirituality, religions and world history and culture. Many scholars believe that winter solstice, in effect, drove the date for celebrating Christmas. The retention of pagan forms and the practicing a newer religion like Christianity at the same time is an historical pattern. Rome is one example. And it certainly takes nothing away from either co-existing faith in matters of worship, spirituality, beliefs or mythology. A good live example of this is in the world today? Catholic Ireland. Things Druid still inform most facets of day-to-day Ireland life. Completely sane Catholics in Ireland still believe in the little people.

Tower Hill, 1957

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 16, 2014

Suggestion: Read Alvin Toffler's Future Shock over the holiday to see what he got right.

Which was quite bit. Toffler's Future Shock (Random House 1970) was published nearly 45 years ago and was, in hype terms, the late 60s-early 70s equivalent of Tom Friedman's The World is Flat (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2005). Like Friedman's classic, Future Shock is brave and thoughtful--but much more ambitious as a possible guide to the future. Friedman tried to show how us how globalization was changing and would continue to change everything we daily experience. Toffler, who came up with term "information overload", had the idea that too much change too fast is overwhelming and bad for us. The two bestsellers are very different and, in a way, companion works.


Posted by JD Hull at 03:14 PM | Comments (0)

November 07, 2014

Every Day Thousands of Men Are Being Publicly "Harassed" On Twitter. Who Will Stand Up For Us?


Listen. I'm a man. I'm sensitive.

Men. There are 3.6 billion of us on Earth. And both studies and anecdotal evidence confirm that, every day, thousands of men are being publicly "harassed" on Twitter. This news item, a post by the Women, Action and Media (WAM!) appeared on my Zite feed yesterday morning: "Harassment of Women on Twitter? We’re ON IT". But who will stand up for men when Public Online Real Life Unpleasantness (a/k/a Twitter PORLU) happens? Twitter PORLU affects everyone--every family, company, congregation, locker room, biker club, crack house, man cave, bath house, saloon and bowling team on the planet. Public Online Real Life Unpleasantness on Twitter. It respects no gender. Let us all--men, women, "others"--find a way to put our bodies on the Twitter Machine and stop it.

Isn't it time?

Public Online Real Life Unpleasantness: It happens. To everyone.

Image above: WAM!

Posted by JD Hull at 01:56 PM | Comments (0)

September 05, 2014

Harvard, Steven Pinker and Cultural Literacy: What should we all know something about?

Once again, Cultural Literacy, anyone? What should we all know about, anyway? What does it mean to be educated?

See in The New Republic "The Trouble with Harvard: The Ivy League Is Broken and Only Standardized Tests Can Fix It". Now forget this article's title, Harvard, standardized tests or the liberal reputation* of the magazine (TNR) publishing it. About halfway through, author Steven Pinker gives us a fine summary in two thoughtful paragraphs of What It Means to be Educated. We could not ask for more:

.... It seems to me that educated people should know something about the 13-billion-year prehistory of our species and the basic laws governing the physical and living world, including our bodies and brains. They should grasp the timeline of human history from the dawn of agriculture to the present. They should be exposed to the diversity of human cultures, and the major systems of belief and value with which they have made sense of their lives. They should know about the formative events in human history, including the blunders we can hope not to repeat. They should understand the principles behind democratic governance and the rule of law. They should know how to appreciate works of fiction and art as sources of aesthetic pleasure and as impetuses to reflect on the human condition.

On top of this knowledge, a liberal education should make certain habits of rationality second nature. Educated people should be able to express complex ideas in clear writing and speech. They should appreciate that objective knowledge is a precious commodity, and know how to distinguish vetted fact from superstition, rumor, and unexamined conventional wisdom. They should know how to reason logically and statistically, avoiding the fallacies and biases to which the untutored human mind is vulnerable. They should think causally rather than magically, and know what it takes to distinguish causation from correlation and coincidence. They should be acutely aware of human fallibility, most notably their own, and appreciate that people who disagree with them are not stupid or evil. Accordingly, they should appreciate the value of trying to change minds by persuasion rather than intimidation or demagoguery.

*Some conservatives wrongly believe there can be nothing worthwhile in The New Republic; likewise, many liberals have the same unintelligent knee-jerk reaction to the right-leaning (Bill Buckley's) The National Review. Both are fine--very fine--publications. It's time to grow up.

Posted by JD Hull at 08:54 PM | Comments (0)

September 02, 2014

In Rolling Stone: "Last Tango in Kabul"

A current Rolling Stone feature by Matthieu Aikins covers the Kabul expat community from government contract boon days to the present, giving a vivid if troubling picture of increased danger to expats and contractors still in Afghanistan. It was originally published in mid-August. Excerpts:

It was so easy to make money in Kabul that it felt like we were all citizens of some Gulf oil state. If you could string a few coherent sentences together into a grant application, odds were that there was some contracting officer out there who was willing to give you money, no matter how vapid your idea. Want to put on a music festival in Kabul? Here's a few hundred thousand. Shoot a soap opera about heroic local cops? A million for you. Is your handicraft business empowering Afghan women? Name your bid.

The Kabubble economy was so hot that kids out of college were making six-figure salaries, and former midlevel paper pushers were clearing a thousand a day as consultants for places like the World Bank. "All of your expenses are paid for, you don't buy anything, you're getting this massive salary that you bank," Peter, the journalist, says. "Do that for a few years and you've saved half a million before you're 30. You could basically class-jump, by going to Kabul."


These days, expatriate life in Kabul is a sad reflection of its former self. Diplomats and aid workers operate under drastic security restrictions that keep them from attending restaurants or private parties, a condition that has been prolonged by the drawn-out crisis over the presidential election and who will succeed Karzai. Several of the restaurants and guesthouses that sustained the expat scene here have closed down. "A lot of people reached the point where they were like, 'OK, I'm out, I'm done,'" says Luisa Walmsley, a media consultant living in Kabul. "You start realizing that you're really close to all this stuff and that it's just a matter of time that you're going to lose someone."

Posted by JD Hull at 12:20 AM | Comments (0)

August 27, 2014

America, Good Works & Bad Taste: The What About Clients/Paris Head-Out-Of-Your-Ass-Now Challenge.

Take heed that you do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise you have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. That thine alms may be in secret. --Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6, Verse 1-4

What happened to the secret, anonymous or quiet side of good works and giving? --WAC/P, 2014, Jackson 5

The recent ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was tacky, tasteless, fun and great because it raised tons of money for and awareness about the fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease". The Challenge entailed a fun ceremonial drenching by ice water and the promise of check followed by a challenge to your (most famous?) friend to do the same. See Jon Bon Jovi's video below. But to some it was also the pinnacle of our showiness and cluelessness about giving money to deserving causes and, especially, helping the less fortunate. Americans have always supported charities and, thanks to their leadership, Generations X and Y seemed to have amped up the altruistic impulse. Money is not enough. It's personal. You give your time.

Everyone, it seems, devotes their time and energies regularly to a worthy cause or institution. Above all, we talk or write about it at great length. We have become so public and even flamboyant with our services-to-others that information about them now routinely (almost as if it's seen as required) appears on resumes, CVs and job applications. Also being disclosed is information about religious affiliations, often in connection with some community service. We see it on Facebook and other Internet musings and hear it in casual live conversation. Community service these days is not only nice. It's cool, and a social "must", too. Americans of all ages and demographics are compelled to give us an inside peek at their personal goodness.

Many of the resumes I've seen over the past decade have information on community service or religious affiliation. Some are tolerable. Some of them scream "Hi, I'm a twit". Certainly, lots of these disclosures are sincere and done advisedly; people want us to know who they really are. But they are trumpeting, whether it's true/sincere or not, "hey, I am a nice person, and concerned about others" (i.e., service in the community) or that "hey, I am a devout person, and I'm both nice and honest" (i.e., affirmative identification with a religion). I am getting tried of it.

Keep that stuff to yourselves, maybe? Quit embarrassing yourselves. If the information we don't really want from you is true, we are confident that it will shine through you somehow in an interview or in the workplace. We want you to grow and benefit from the gift of community service, and your faith if you have one. But please don't talk about it. Showing us is just fine.

What happened to the secret, anonymous or quiet side of good works and giving? Wasn't that the original idea of the spirit, at least, that gave life to our giving?

One possible solution is the "What About Clients/Paris? Good Works Head-Out-of-Your-Ass-Now Challenge".

Here is how the WAC/P? challenge works:

Starting now, for one full year, any time, energy or money you or your family expend to (a) help the less fortunate, (b) find a cure for a disease, (c) fight or correct an injustice or (d) otherwise engage in any service or act of kindness, whether or not planned, shall be expended anonymously, secretly or, in certain cases, as quietly as possible. By way of example, and without limitation:

1. You may not write or mention that currently you or any member of your family are pitching in twice a week in the "inner city" at Jojo's Soup Kitchen,

2. That you took a leave-of-absence without pay to volunteer for 6 weeks at the Children's Hospital in Chile after the earthquake,

3. That you or your husband gave pro bono financial advice to the Church of the Final Thunder (or that your kid mowed the minister's lawn),

4. That you helped an elderly traveler fix her spare tire or help her get to her doctor's appointment on time.

5. You get the idea.


Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman in Magnificent Obsession (1954), based on the book by Lloyd C. Douglas (1929)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:01 AM | Comments (0)

This Recession won't die any time soon. Discuss.


Posted by JD Hull at 12:37 AM | Comments (0)

August 26, 2014

In The Atlantic: Dumbing down education, killing college and scamming law students.

In case you hadn't heard, on page 62 of the print edition of the September issue is "The Law-School Scam" by Paul Campos. It stars the InfiLaw System's three laws schools Florida Coastal, Arizona Summit (previously Phoenix) and Charlotte, Michigan's Thomas M. Cooley, Chicago's John Marshall and a few other law schools with names like 1920s-era apartment buildings which, before the 2008 Recession, were some of the players in the strange but unrelenting movement to make it easier and easier for people to become lawyers in the United States. If much of the Campos's well-written article seems familiar, it's because (1) several blogs have specialized in the "law school scam" (one blog even includes the phrase in its title) over the past four or five years and (2) David Lat's Above The Law has done a nice job of reporting on the strangest of all educational sagas: declining applications to "for-profit" law schools that are arguably of marginal quality in the first place coupled with people not particularly well-suited to attend law school applying anyway, getting in, running up huge debt to get through and expecting to obtain law jobs after graduating that simply no longer exist. Which reminds us. Don't miss the comments following the article. This subject makes folks angry.

Photo: Matt Dorfmann

Posted by JD Hull at 04:38 AM | Comments (0)

July 18, 2014

The Economist: India steps up to its age-old public sanitation crisis.


Finally, it's all about the toilets. And, more importantly, it's even okay now to talk about it. See The Economist feature Sanitation in India: The Final Frontier in tomorrow's weekly print edition. Excerpts:

Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, says building toilets is a priority over temples. His finance minister, Arun Jaitley, used this month’s budget to set a goal of ending defecating in the open by 2019. That will be 150 years since the birth of Mohandas Gandhi, who said good sanitation was more important than independence

Ending open defecation would bring immense benefits. Some 130m households lack toilets. More than 72% of rural people relieve themselves behind bushes, in fields or by roadsides. The share is barely shrinking. Of the 1 billion people in the world who have no toilet, India accounts for nearly 600m.

India fares worse on sanitation than a host of poorer places including Afghanistan, Burundi and Congo, partly because too many of its leaders are too squeamish to face up to the issue. Thankfully, that appears now to be changing. The government, gung-ho for infrastructure, has just said it will build 5.2m toilets by September, or one every second.

[I]n spite of rising incomes and better diets, rates of child malnourishment in India do not improve faster. Unicef, the UN’s agency for children, estimates that nearly one-half of Indian children remain malnourished.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:01 AM | Comments (0)

July 08, 2014

John Kerry threatens Afghan presidential rivals with "Mother of All Time-Outs."

In the case of Afghanistan, the 'time-out' punishment means a crippling withdrawal of money, guns and American contractors that Afghanistan counts on to even minimally function. As Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani compete to replace Hamid Karzai as president of Afghanistan, and the Independent Election Commission continues to count votes from round two of the voting, the United States sees Afghanistan as a raging fire that very soon could get worse.

So Secretary of State John Kerry today issued the strongest possible warning through the U.S. embassy in Kabul. See, e.g, at Reuters, "Kerry warns Afghanistan as thousands rally in support of Abdullah." In it, Kerry emphasized that he's "noted reports of protests in Afghanistan and of suggestions of a 'parallel government' with the gravest concern"--and that this of course could have serious consequences:

"Any action to take power by extra-legal means will cost Afghanistan the financial and security support of the United States and the international community."

Afghanistan is heavily reliant on foreign donors to fund everything from building roads and paying school teachers to security. The United States pays the lion's share of all international aid.

Observers fear that a standoff between Abdullah and Ghani could plunge Afghanistan into disorder, with no clear leader in a country already beset by deep-rooted ethnic divisions.

Abdullah Abdullah. Least objectionable candidate?

Posted by JD Hull at 10:31 AM | Comments (0)

June 09, 2014

Europe's ever-shapeshifting antisemitism just got even lower: "We'll do an oven load next time."

It's very clear what Jean-Pierre Le Pen "was thinking". He's done this kind of thing before. And at 85, the French National Front Party's founder doesn't get a pass on grounds he's a really old French right-wing fascist. When this story broke yesterday, I had to read it twice as I assumed I had misread it the first time. Here's a update at this morning's WSJ: "Jean-Marie Le Pen Comments Stir Outrage in France". It's hard to offend me with speech, but this did. Read both stories. Amazing.

Jean-Marie Le Pen

Posted by JD Hull at 10:42 AM | Comments (0)

May 23, 2014

Have you ever had this much fun just doing your job?

You don't have to die to go to heaven
Or hang around to be born again.
Tune into what this place has to offer
'Cause we may never be here again.

--Hagar, Anthony, Alex van Halen, Edward van Halen

Even if you're not a Van Halen fan, watch this 1986 concert video starting at 1:30 through at least 4:00. Next, a serious question. Have you ever had this much fun just doing your job? Sure, it helps to know the Van Halen standard "Best of Both Worlds". But even if you are hearing the song for the first time, Eddie Van Halen's obvious joy in playing it, and the giddy, impromptu strut he and band members Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony do together, are contagious.

Live Without A Net Tour, New Haven, Connecticut, 1986

Posted by JD Hull at 04:10 AM | Comments (0)

May 16, 2014

Pending in Iraq's Parliament: Legislation permitting men to marry 9-year-olds.

Karim Kadim/AP

We missed this one two days ago. National Public Radio reports at one of its blogs that "Iraq Debates Law That Would Allow Men To Marry 9-Year-Old Girls". To be fair, the proposal, as NPR writer Alice Fordham notes, is not expected to get very far. It was lobbed in there as a way to placate and garner support from conservative Muslims in Iraq's boonies. Still, it's an interesting piece that reflects the frustrations of women in Iraq. As one activist Baghdad lawyer interviewed pointed out, women's rights in Iraq may be on the decline, "despite the intellectual openness that women had benefited from following the American occupation". An excerpt from Fordham's post:

Since the U.S.-led invasion of 2003, she [the Baghdad lawyer} says, there's been Internet access, a growing civil society and more opportunities to travel. But conservative religious politics are also on the rise. She says she's seeing women's rights regress.

The proposed legislation is known as the Jaafari law, after a school of Islam by that name. It still needs to be passed by Parliament, which is not expected to take any action until Iraq forms a new government. The country had elections last month, but the results have not been announced; it will likely take weeks or even months of negotiations before a new government is in place.

Posted by JD Hull at 05:15 AM | Comments (0)

April 10, 2014

The Duke experience: Salon excerpt from new book about Duke lacrosse rape case.

In early 2006, three members of Duke University's nationally ranked lacrosse case were falsely accused of rape in a protracted, much publicized, over-hyped criminal case brought in Durham, North Carolina (where Duke, for odd historical reasons, is located). It led, for starters, to the resignation of the Duke lacrosse team's head coach, cancellation of the remainder of school's 2006 lacrosse season, and the disbarment of the case's initial lead prosecutor for Durham County, North Carolina. The lacrosse case even had/has its own legal blog, Durham-In-Wonderland, still continuing, and one of the the better analytical blawgs out there. And now there's a new book (the third, by my count) about the episode: "The Price of Silence: The Duke Lacrosse Scandal, the Power of the Elite, and the Corruption of Our Great Universities" (Scribner) by William D. Cohan, a well-regarded business writer. Cohan, like me, is a Duke grad. The party where the alleged rape occurred was in a house a few down from my house at Duke, on Buchanan Avenue, when as an undergraduate I worked on Duke's daily newspaper. I am still active in things Duke. So I will buy and read the book. In the meantime, see this excerpt from the book in Tuesday's Salon. Note: While anyone could gather from the Salon excerpt alone that Cohan is a fine researcher, investigator and storyteller--I already know he is, having read his previous book on Goldman Sachs--I'll read the whole book before spouting off on it. Except it's not premature to comment on the book's sensational full title, i.e., with the subtitle ending in "the Power of the Elite, and the Corruption of Our Great Universities". It's ambitious; that's fine. But it panders a bit, too, even if the book supports it. In the meantime, let's just ask that Scribner be less trite and spastic when it shills books.

duke_j_b-statue (1).jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 02:53 PM | Comments (0)

April 06, 2014

Cross-Culture: Canada, the next global player.

"Deferential yet stoic" Canada is poised for a bigger global role, says Cross-Culture in its new post, "The Quiet Colossus". One of the best articles at Cross-Culture yet. Note in particular the points on Canadian-Russian partnerings in the Arctic region. Excerpt:

Canada, multilingual and multicultural, with favourable demographics and substantial economic freedom, is destined to exercise far greater influence amid the great powers than she hitherto has chosen to do: laid back and universally popular (who hates Canadians?), protected on either side by two great oceans and with access to a slowly-warming third, and with a friendly neighbour to the south, Canada can choose her friends and partners with little fear of being rebuffed.

No two countries in the Arctic region share so much in common as Canada and Russia. A map of the Arctic Ocean with the North Pole at its centre shows that the ocean is virtually closed by the coastal areas of Russia, Canada and Greenland. By far the largest Arctic nations, Canada and Russia – neighbours across the North Pole – bear a shared responsibility for the state of affairs in the region and must see each other as strategic partners.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:27 PM | Comments (0)

February 14, 2014

The Samaritans: Kenyan television rolls out its NGO-bashing version of The Office.

I watch very little television of any kind. Even worse, I have a problem with people who do. On a normal day, I just think you don't need to have the thing on any longer than 30 minutes for the news. Exceptions are some sports events, some movies, much of HBO, and anything having to do with Parker Posey or Lee Remick. Generally, however, I think television is Bad.

I do like to check out TV in other countries; it can tell you some things. And so a few years ago in a Manchester hotel room I watched part of an episode of The Office, the original BBC mockumentary comedy series created by Brits Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant in 2001. I thought it was brilliant. I had no idea, of course, that an American version had started airing in the states a few years before.

Since the original BBC show aired, there have been seven (7) versions of The Office: U.S., Germany, France, French-Canadian, Chile, Israel and Sweden. So you can see one version or another in about 85 countries.

And now it seems there is an eighth--out of Kenya. Called The Samaritans, the Kenyan version is about a dysfunctional NGO bent on saving Africa. The show, a satire of the world's international development community, is produced by Xeinium Productions and funded so far by Kickstarter and via its own website. The first African takeoff on The Office, the series is about the Kenya field office of an NGO called Aid for Aid which "does nothing". See yesterday's article and video in the Global Post.

kenya_samaritans_1 (1).jpg
Photo: Xeinium Productions

Posted by JD Hull at 12:22 AM | Comments (0)

January 16, 2014

“We are on the hunt for others:” Nigeria's new law criminalizing homosexuality.

Nigeria, where sodomy has been illegal for decades, just raised the stakes. This week Africa's largest nation begins enforcement of a popular law which in effect outlaws most LGBT behavior and culture. Outbreaks of violence are especially feared in northern Nigeria, a majority-Muslim region administered in part under Islamic law. See in TIME Nate Rawlings' piece, "Anti-Gay Law Takes Effect in Africa’s Most Populous Country". Excerpts:

One day after Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan signed legislation criminalizing homosexuality, police reportedly began rounding up gay men in Africa‘s most populous country.

Under the new law, same-sex “amorous relationships” are banned, as is membership in gay rights groups, prohibitions that have sparked both fear and defiance among Nigeria’s gay activists.

Many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa outlaw homosexual acts. Efforts by Western nations to cut aid to countries like Uganda and Malawi have helped to bridle anti-gay legislation in those countries.

But Nigeria, Africa’s largest producer of oil with an output of 2.5 million barrels per day, is mostly impervious to that kind of economic pressure. As Africa’s most populous country, developments in Nigeria echo across the continent, and there appears little other countries can do except condemn the new legislation.

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan signed the law on Monday (AP photo).

Posted by JD Hull at 10:25 PM | Comments (0)

December 21, 2013

Solstice: For Our Druid Friends.


Posted by JD Hull at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

November 05, 2013

Qualify your clients. Get a system. Something...

J. Geils Band

Posted by JD Hull at 07:50 PM | Comments (0)

September 24, 2013

Cultural Literacy for U.S. Execs, Lawyers, Accountants, MDs, Pols & Leaders: If Not Now, When?

Education is about more than getting a job. Cultural literacy and a working knowledge of the world's history and institutions--and even of the West--have not been counted among America's many enviable strengths at any time during our development as a people and a nation. Let's not worry about the reasons--often explained in terms of our relative geographic isolation, drive and opportunism, and our distaste for intellectuals, classical education or anything too "austere".

Powerful and well-known Americans, executives in leadership positions, respected professionals, politicians, and major stakeholders in commerce continue to be satisfied with becoming, and remaining, in effect, "techs" their entire lives. Can we change that?

If we could, we would astonish, disarm and charm the entire world. Art, literature, the humanities and a sense of historical context aren't just for the rich, the elite or the intellectual. They are the best part of all of us--and they can inform, stir and improve every moment. You say you are doing fine without it? Think again. See "Ernest, the French aren't like you and me."


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 22, 2013

Equinox: Honey, it's Mabon already.

Get your Druid learn on. Today marks the Autumnal Equinox. Cultures and religions worldwide do get weird this time of year. It's called Mabon, Foghar, Alban Elfed, Harvest Home, Second Harvest, Fruit Harvest (especially SF), and Wine Harvest (Boston). Look it up later. What's Mabon, anyway?


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 04, 2013

Shanah Tova.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:33 PM | Comments (0)

December 15, 2012

The Other Deficit: Credibility of American domestic policy abroad.

America should calm down and examine its own gun-control policy.

--One Chinese commentator yesterday

This morning, Evan Osnos, a staff writer for The New Yorker who lives in Beijing, gave us a good general rule: it takes "a lot" to make China's government look good, even to its own 1.3 billion people, when their government is compared to the federal government of the United States. Osnos of course is referring to the corruption, control by special interests and lack of accountability that are hallmarks of the day-to-day business of running The People's Republic of China.

But, as of yesterday, Osnos, continues, when both China (which bans private gun ownership) and America (which does not) experienced attacks on school children by an armed madmen on the same day, America may finally be doing just that: making the PRC look good.

It's a useful observation. Developed "elite" democracies like the U.S. may have internal and domestic policies that are seen by outsiders as inferior to those of authoritarian states. Gun control, in the case of America, is certainly one of them. Do read Osnos's article, "China Watches Newtown: Guns and American Credibility". Excerpt:

As an American overseas for the last ten years, I’ve watched as other countries struggle with the curious fact that the most prosperous, successful, and emulated civilization the world has ever seen lives with the certainty that every few months one of its troubled citizens will casually acquire the tools to massacre a large group of his neighbors: shoppers in a mall, moviegoers, voters meeting their congresswoman, a kindergarten full of children.

Even to those who desperately want to be American, this special brand of American madness lies not in the banal fact that deranged men attack children, but in the shame that the rest of us, all of us, allow our laws to enable it.

After the Newtown attack, a Chinese commentator with a nationalist bent wrote, “When I see these democratic elites pretending to condemn the murderer, it seems absurd. You are the people who sustain the gun policy. You are also the people who condemn the shooter.”

Duckwalking like Yanks: Chinese Military Honor Guard.

Posted by JD Hull at 04:44 PM | Comments (0)

October 31, 2012

One Man's 2012 Halloween Plan: Turn off the lights. Lie on the floor.

So go away, okay? Look, I didn't buy any Candy this year--and when the neighborhood kids ring my doorbell tonight, I'll pretend I am not there. I was supposed to be in the District of Columbia tonight. The thought of stocking up with Candy for Halloween never entered my mind. I was off the hook this year. And then Hurricane Sandy pulled me back into Halloween. Early Monday morning US Airways cancelled my Tuesday flight to Reagan National Airport. This in turn has ensured an even busier week this week reshuffling things so I can do the trip next week. Look, I live alone. My last girlfriend evacuated weeks ago. No one to pick anything up for me.

As of this morning I still haven't bought any Candy. In a pinch, I could be okay: I still have 4 vintage Jolt Colas, 7 Red Bulls and a new carton of Marlboro Red Labels I can hand out at the door. But I decided a few minutes ago to "bypass" Halloween. Don't get me wrong. I love kids. I love Candy. For a bachelor, it is virtually a food group. I love anything with strong Celtic roots--I love Halloween, All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Eve, Samhain or whatever you and your Pagan, Christian, Atheist or Other young ones call it. I just didn't get to the Vons in SoCal. I am not even here. So go away. Please. I am out of town. Spread the word.


Posted by JD Hull at 01:17 AM | Comments (0)

October 30, 2012

New York State of Mind: Let It Pass Quickly.

Something you don't see much: an angry East River (CNN photo).

Posted by JD Hull at 05:18 AM | Comments (0)

September 18, 2012

"The Obama Movie" made me like and admire President Obama even more. Go figure.

Me? I thought the movie portrayed the President as a savvy internationalist who understands that the current acceleration in the collide of world cultures means that the U.S. and the entire planet need to be something other than waring tribes.

For a partisan movie, "2016: Obama’s America" was 16 times better and classier than, say, anything Michael Moore has done on the left. The problem is that this anti-Obama documentary--co-written and deftly narrated by an accomplished ex-Dartmouth Review writer and former 1980s Reagan Kid we can't help but like and admire--made me like and admire Obama (who I did not vote for in 2008) even more than I do now. I think what Dinesh D’Souza wants us to take away from his Obama part-pyschobiography and part "Roots" Road Trip is that, by virtue of his family roots, education and past associations, the current POTUS has a deeply third-world anti-colonialism bias that makes him dislike America and tend to advance the agendas of other countries, even those of our enemies. So don't vote for him. Me? I still don't know who I am going to vote for--but I thought the movie portrayed the President as a savvy internationalist who understands that the current acceleration in the collide of world cultures means that the U.S. and the entire planet need to be something other than waring tribes. And that U.S. foreign policy should also at least recognize and start to develop that goal, as difficult and challenging as that notion is. My take is unusual, sure. Most of the people in the theater in the conservative 'hood I saw this in clapped at the end of the movie. They likely will not be voting for Obama in November. Still, everyone should see this movie and decide for themselves. See this take last month in the Wall Street Journal.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 17, 2012

L'Shana Tova.

Happy New Year, y'all. In one tradition I love, it's the celebration of the beginning of everyone's world and an opportunity for fresh new starts. And see this gem in the Washington Post by Brad Hirschfield: Understanding Rosh Hashanah 2012/5773.

(AP Photo)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 15, 2012

Your 3rd-rate satire is my fighting/killing words, sir.

Multicultural Islam or multicultural anything non-Western: Do not hold your breath. I was in Los Angeles for a day--and by the time I get back the U.S. has deployed armed services people to an astounding number of locations around the world to handle (or deter) the multiplying protests and attacks in the wake of sudden publicity about one of the dumbest films ever made. Outrage over "Innocence of Muslims"--an anti-Islam satire (sort of)--first resulted in the deaths of four Americans in Libya last week. The reaction, however, seems to have legs. According to the French news agency AFP, as of late Saturday GMT, the number of locations where violence has already occurred or is expected to occur by the U.S. State Department is a whopping eighteen (18).

The offending movie--a very bad one from what I can tell from the trailer--was trotted out weeks after it was accessible by one manipulative Egypt-based "tele-Islamist", part-time television host and full-time asshole. So aren't some of these energies born of a pretext by a few firebrands to wage war on the West and gain pawns to carry the ball? Sure they are. But many more Muslims genuinely deeply believe that "insulting" Islam deserves swift punishment. It is the way they think and feel. And most who think and feel that way are not evil humans.

Arab Spring and the new "democracies" now cropping up in Africa and the non-Western world does not mean--and may never mean--that underlying cultures that struggle with building new forms of government and societies are going to "get" or embrace Anglo-American notions of dissent, freedom of the press or the First Amendment. It does not mean that they will buy into these principles, or even appreciate or tolerate them in Westerners, for years or even decades. Those states have not yet been able to reconcile a new form of government with religions that have old, sometimes very old, nuances and rules. It will take a while. We need to get used to that.

In the meantime, what efficient Yankee-styled solution is there, if any? In the short term, there is none. Get used to that, too. But there is an approach. I think it's this: get our heads out of our wazoos and realize, in all our dealings with non-Westerners, that we are wired very differently than them and that they are not "wrong" or evil. They are culturally fundamentally different--and we need to remind each other of that truth. And also take to our hearts and heads what one Western 12-step program likes to say--often unthinkingly but wisely--about time. It is simply that "time takes time".

From "Innocence of Muslims".

Posted by JD Hull at 08:03 PM | Comments (0)

September 01, 2012

Work, Workaholics and Dreams: When did hard work become a loathsome disease?

So it's safe for driven folks to come out of the closet? Really? There is one thing some of us really love about The Recession, which slogs seemingly forever into its 5th year. It is simply this: no one seems to be telling us anymore how many hours or how intensely we should "work". See this 2006 classic by our friend Stephanie West Allen, a vindication (and explanation) of Ben Franklin, Tom Edison, Steve Jobs---and other "sick" folks. Her article is "Hot Worms and Workaholics: Let the Workers Be". It's inspired in part by a study which showed that some simple life forms thrived in conditions that would harm, and even destroy, fellow members of the same species. Excerpt:

I have met many hot worm lawyers and I suspect there may be whole firms composed primarily of hot worms. These lawyers thrive on conditions that might prove injurious or even fatal to other lawyers. I am concerned for the hot worm lawyers and the damage that might be done to them if someone decided that these torrid wigglers needed to swim in cooler waters, to achieve life balance as defined by some other worm.

Denver-based Ms. Allen

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:44 AM | Comments (0)

August 29, 2012

And why not?


We love China and, of course, Chinese culture, one of the oldest in the the world: literature, philosophy, music, visual arts, martial arts and cuisine. We, too, covet Yang Le Le, the versatile model and actress.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

August 14, 2012

Amiens: France has its challenges, too.

It sounds almost American. Go to the reporting at BBC and NBC about ongoing rioting in the northern and racially-mixed city of Amiens. It was apparently triggered by a police stop of a local driver. France's Interior Minister Manuel Valls was jostled and jeered yesterday during a visit. And the new national French leadership has vowed to show its stuff and restore order. From NBC:

Tensions remain high in many French suburbs, where poor job prospects, racial discrimination, a widespread sense of alienation from mainstream society and perceived hostile policing have periodically touched off violence.

Weeks of rioting in 2005, the worst urban unrest in France in 40 years, led to the imposition of a state of emergency by the then center-right government. Incidents involving police provoked disturbances in 2007 and 2010.

The repeat bouts of violence have provoked agonized debate over the state of the grim housing estates that ring many French cities and the integration of millions of poor whites, blacks and North African immigrants into mainstream society.

Amiens earlier today. (Photo: Guillaume Clement/EPA)

Posted by JD Hull at 02:18 PM | Comments (0)

August 04, 2012

AU Mediation: Sudan will move South Sudan's oil.

Struck under an African Union mediation, and announced today in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the deal reportedly covers transportation, processing and transit of landlocked South Sudan's 350,000-thousand-barrel-a-day oil production through Sudan's pipelines at $9.48/barrel for a term of three-and-a-half years. Some hotly-contested border issues, however, will need to be resolved first. Until South Sudan seceded from Sudan last year, the two countries shared for the most part a unified oil industry. NBC: "South Sudan strikes deal with Sudan to export oil through pipelines".

(Jenny Vaughan/AFP - Getty Images)

AU mediator Thabo Mbeki in Addis Ababa today.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:54 PM | Comments (0)

NYT: Uganda's disappointing--and expensive--reversal on AIDS progress.

See in Thursday's New York Times "In Uganda, an AIDS Success Story Comes Undone". It begins:

KAMPALA, Uganda — Uganda’s sharp reduction of its AIDS rate has long been hailed as a Cinderella success story, inspiring a wave of aid programs and public health strategies to fight the disease across the developing world.

But as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived here on Thursday, the news on AIDS in Uganda was not so bright: A new American-financed survey says that Uganda is one of only two African countries, along with Chad, where AIDS rates are on the rise.

The reversal is particularly disappointing to health experts given the time and attention that have been focused on AIDS here, and the billions of dollars spent.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:51 PM | Comments (0)

July 26, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mr. Huxley.

Many more people have died for their drink and their dope than have died for their religion or their country. The craving for ethyl alcohol and the opiates has been stronger, in these millions, than the love of God, of home, of children; even of life.... Why should such multitudes of men and women be so ready to sacrifice themselves for a cause so utterly hopeless and in ways so painful and so profoundly humiliating?

--Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) in "Drugs That Shape Men's Minds", The Saturday Evening Post, October 18, 1958

Huxley circa 1900.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

July 25, 2012

"Every employer ‘discriminates’. If they didn’t, I’d be working as a Chippendales dancer.”

While much of it will be old hat for American business people (and their lawyers) on the subject of employment discrimination, do see in The Economist "Hiring Hotties: When Can An Employer Prefer the Attractive Over the Homely?". The article is worth reading alone for the quote (in our blog title above) from the Boston Herald op-ed writer. Excerpt:

The [U.S.] federal government has no law forbidding “attractiveness discrimination”. Only a few places do: Washington, DC, and Santa Cruz and San Francisco in California. Instead, lawsuits proceed on the fact that it is usually illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, disability or national origin. Customer preference for a certain “look” cannot be the only basis for such discrimination, or else stores in racist areas could refuse to hire black employees.

In 2004 the EEOC sued Abercrombie & Fitch, a clothing retailer. The company said that its staff’s looks were part of its marketing approach. But in the words of Justine Lisser, an EEOC lawyer, “That look was that you had to be white, young and physically fit. If you were young, physically fit and African-American you’d be in the stockroom.” Abercrombie & Fitch paid $50m to settle the case.

Evelyn Nesbit, Gibson Girl, about 1905.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:10 PM | Comments (0)

July 23, 2012

The Real "New Normal"? It's Complexity, Ambiguity, Toil & Elegance. Get used to it.

It's not what you thought--but it could be even better. The real "new normal" is Complexity, Ambiguity, Toil & Elegance. Learn a trade; have a speciality or two. But be prepared to step back and suss the big picture at all times. There are no forms anymore. Get used to it, Jack. The new normal? It's for the un-lazy mind.


Posted by JD Hull at 07:22 PM | Comments (0)

July 02, 2012

The Economist: The start-up TechChange, mobile phones and "Geeks for Good" in Africa.

Query: Where Africa's vast human and natural resources are concerned, why do many of us generally trust techies and NGOs more than we do mainland China and other governments? See "Geeks for Good" in The Economist:

TechChange has taught more than 600 students in more than 70 countries through their online classroom. Its most popular course to date has been “Mobiles for International Development”. Enterprises such as Ushahidi and FrontlineSMS have developed open source software that lets NGOs collect information via text messages and look at the results in real time. Students gain hands-on experience, for instance by analysing data gathered by mobile-phone surveys in Tunisia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Those interested in conflict resolution can dig deeper by enrolling in a special course designed around case studies from Libya and Syria.


Posted by JD Hull at 12:26 PM | Comments (0)

July 01, 2012

Dog Days: Humid, High 90s with Increasing Existential Dread by Monday.


And the Humans Grew Mad. Summer. The Economy. It's not only tough times right now. It's hot, and bloody hot in much of the U.S. However, every year's been the same this time of year for centuries. So if you live in the Northern Hemisphere and feel a bit strange and out of sorts--and you're not too much of a whack-job or flake to begin with--that's probably okay. The six week period between July 1 and August 15 was named by the both the ancient Greeks and the early Romans after Sirius the Dog Star, the brightest star in the sky. In the Mediterranean region, the notion of linking that star to oppressive summer weather dates back well over 2700 years.

It's also a slightly weird time of year. Could be just the heat. But "Dog Days" were also associated with Chaos: "the seas boiled, wine turned sour, dogs grew mad and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics and phrensies". Brady's Clavis Calendarium, 1813. Just two thousand years ago, and after he had given up the study of law that his family had foisted on him, Ovid (43 B.C. - 17 A.D.), the playful poet writing during Octavian's long reign, gave us a more famous--and less grim--take on Chaos in Book I of Metamorphoses.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

June 29, 2012

Paul Fussell (1924-2012): Wit. World View. Punditry. Courage. And His Enduring "Class".

The Bible of American Social Strata. Do you dress up to ride on planes? Are your clothes always new? How about your car? Is it usually a newer model? Do you routinely use words like interface, lifestyle and bottom line? Do you display "collectibles" in your home? And does it have wall-to-wall carpet or hard wood floors? If the latter, are your oriental rugs threadbare or new? In his 1983 non-fiction book Class, Paul Fussell, the professor, polymath, author, WWII veteran and wit who died last month at the age of 88, wrote a tongue-in-cheek marvel and satire on American manners that is funny, nasty and true. Upper classes, in Fussell's world, drink Scotch on the rocks, and say “Grandfather died”. Middles: “Martoonis” or "Teenies" and “Grandma passed away”. Proles: beer in a can, and “Uncle Tommy was taken to Jesus.”


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

May 26, 2012

Remembering: What do you remember about childhood? Does it matter?

I am a first-born who can remember growing up. I can remember lots--or at least lots of versions--of it. Lots of people in different places. Family. Friends. Victories. Defeats. Washington D.C., Chicago, Grand Rapids, Detroit, Chicago again, summer retreats in Michigan. Cincinnati. Durham, North Carolina (after all, most of us are still children when we enter college; at 18, I was an ever-morphing mercurial man-child). Those memories DO matter. They instruct. They even entertain. Done right, they are a source of pleasure. But you need to listen to them. Like homing pigeons, they are, if you think about it. You can let memories dump on you. Or you can let them carry messages.

"French Girl", by Richard Vanek, a Slovakian photographer who lives in the Netherlands.

Posted by JD Hull at 02:03 PM | Comments (0)

May 20, 2012

Born in Chicago.

Fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the wilderness,
Building, breaking, rebuilding,
Under the smoke, dust all over his mouth, laughing with white teeth.

--from Carl Sandburg's "Chicago"


NATO Summit: Saturday night live on Michigan Avenue (AFP photo).

Posted by JD Hull at 06:50 PM | Comments (0)

May 14, 2012

The Economist: Downing Street gets down--and down to work.

For The Economist's take on the shape of the United Kingdom and the governing Conservative Party's mid-term slump, see "The Cameron Government: Crisis? What Crisis?". Excerpt:

Two years ago this week David Cameron and Nick Clegg launched their coalition government in a sun-dappled Downing Street garden, at a joint press conference so filled with smiles, jokes and shared glances that it was compared to a gay wedding. On May 8th Britain’s Conservative prime minister and his Liberal Democrat deputy renewed their coalition vows in a tractor factory. There were few jokes. The work of government was “hard”, Mr Cameron told stony-faced workers.

Two-thirds of voters now disapprove of Mr Cameron’s performance and three-quarters disdain Mr Clegg’s. In local elections on May 3rd their parties lost hundreds of council seats, mostly to the opposition Labour Party: when Boris Johnson, the Tory mayor of London, bucked the trend and kept his job, that prompted gossip that he would be a better leader.

Britain’s economy has dipped back into recession. A judicial inquiry into the press has revealed a shamefully cosy relationship between Conservative leaders and newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch. The government, and the prime minister in particular, are described as “out of touch” and told to “get a grip”—and that is just to quote Conservatives in Parliament.


Posted by JD Hull at 12:36 PM | Comments (0)

May 06, 2012

Love and hope and sex and dreams.

The winners? They refused to follow other people's bad scripts.

--KLK, All Over Manhattan Tonight

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 28, 2012

"Jiro Dreams of Sushi": A Must-See Documentary for Millennials.

A movie about quality, standards, work--and genuine class.


Posted by JD Hull at 07:08 PM | Comments (0)

April 10, 2012

BBC: Egypt may not relapse into a predominately Islamic lawdom, after all.

The Mother of All Arab Spring Injunctive Relief Actions. And good news for a way more nuanced world. See "Egypt Court Suspends Constitutional Assembly". Excerpt:

A court in Egypt has suspended the 100-member assembly appointed last month to draft the country's new constitution.

Several lawsuits had demanded Cairo's Administrative Court block the decision to form the panel as it did not reflect the diversity of Egyptian society.

They said women, young people and minorities were under-represented.

Islamists from the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party and the Salafist Nour party, which dominate parliament, have a near-majority.

Liberals and secularists fear some of them would like to amend the constitution so that it follows the principles of Islamic law more strictly.

BBC Photo

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 08, 2012

Spring: We all feel its giddy dance and play.

Spring ushers in important observances by most religions and faiths. Yet nearly everyone has Spring in their deepest wiring without a scripted assist from organized religion or other "crowd control" cults and cultures that want to tell you how to think, feel and act.

All of us feel Spring's play: Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, Druids, Scots, Picts, reveling Irish folk, 3 or 4 Germans, dour Eastern Europeans, Boring Anglos Like Me, All Of The French, ultra-serious Korean dudes, Czech engineers, non-human animals (your dog, Randy) and just plain fleshy folk in the Midwest. All of us notice the natural world a bit more. A flash of joy for no reason at all.

We all do a move. Hips are often involved. Quick--but visible. It may be a jig, a giddy leap, a prance, a simple dance, the Philly Dog New Breed, a strut, boogie or waddle to nod and celebrate. It's merely primal. It's always physical.

We all refuse to ignore rebirth, renewal, new life cycles, being here now, and possibilities of bold fresh starts.

Patrick Friesen_Bookcover_265.jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 09:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 01, 2012

What About Just Mediocre?

If you can't beat 'em, Be Them. It's just a click away, click away, click away.

images (22).jpg

Posted by JD Hull at 02:00 PM | Comments (0)

March 12, 2012

In the Beginning, we were all Excellent. And then we all became Creative.

Get the net, Justin. You must hand it to the watchers of our new flat commercially egalitarian world. Apparently, in the new digital vortex, all humans are Excellent and Creative. How could we have missed this? See in the Wall Street Journal this past weekend How To Be Creative. Hey, anyone can do it.

WSJ/Philip Montgomery/Serge Bloch

Posted by JD Hull at 03:23 AM | Comments (0)

March 07, 2012

Esquire Magazine: "What the Hell Is Happening in Russia?"

Every month, both Esquire magazine and the Russian people get feistier and funnier. And although this Esquire piece appeared on March 2, just before Vladimir Putin's reelection on Sunday, March 4, it's the best current report on The Russian Bourgeoisie Gone Wild you could visit. Much of its power, and charm, comes from its timeline summaries of the uprising beginning with the December 4, 2011 protests. The truth--and the truth is especially important here, as we watch eastern Europeans change before our eyes into different kinds of voters and humans--is also hilarious. Note: If you don't think Russian politics affects your customers, clients, business or professional practice, think again. Excerpts from December 10th and 24 summaries:

DECEMBER 10: As more evidence of fraud and abuse from courts, police stations, and prisons hits Facebook, protesters organize another rally. Fifty to sixty thousand people (half of them registered in a Facebook event called "Rally for Fair Elections") come to Moscow's Bolotnaya Square, right across the river from the Kremlin, and meet under banners that vary from serious to silly: "No Taxation Without Representation," "I Didn't Vote for These Bastards, I Voted for the Other Bastards".

Even though the protesters chant, "Putin, Leave!", the mood of the whole movement is decidedly less aggressive. And even though the protesters' demands are clear — cancel the election results, fire Churov, punish those responsible for fraud, and set up fair elections — nobody really listens to the people who speak from the stage, mostly old-school oppositional leaders, from the Right and from the ultra-Left, who have fiercely fought Putin's regime for the last decade without much success and without many followers. Most of the protesters simply stand there, talking to their friends about where to go on YouTube to see fresh evidence of election fraud and where they should meet for drinks after the rally.

DECEMBER 24: Seventy thousand to eighty thousand people meet on Sakharov Avenue, and this time they are pissed. They meet under banners that read "We Are Not Monkey People, and Russia Is No Jungle" and play on Putin's "condom" comment by referring to him as a "scumbag." They reiterate their calls for free and fair elections, and in theory the authorities could easily go through with all these demands. In the twelve years of Putin's reign, the Russian parliament has become totally dependent on the presidency, its members — irrespective of party affiliation — voting according to instructions from the government.

Esquire/(Top) Denis Sinyakov/Reuters; (bottom left) Max Avdeev; (bottom right) GREENFIELD/SIPA

Posted by JD Hull at 07:02 PM | Comments (0)

March 06, 2012

Over at A Public Defender: "The United States of China".

They’ve struck viewership gold, with 40 million viewers every Saturday night for 5 years.

Here's a short but powerful new post--and disturbing glimpse into China entertainment and sensibilities, as well as its justice system--by one Gideon at A Public Defender. On its own, this kind of writing and useful spotlighting may redeem much of the lameness, irrelevancy and provincialism that is too often legal blogging. See for yourself. Meet China's family horror death penalty reality TV show in "The United States of China".


Posted by JD Hull at 11:00 PM | Comments (0)

March 01, 2012

Lawyering in America: Try being who you really are. Thursdays, for starters.

Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.


woodstock (1).jpg
Great clients love authentic humans. Get off your knees.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

February 27, 2012

Marrakesh, Morocco: If you find yourself there.

Before Marrakesh, I surrounded myself with people who were just like me.

Visit Maryam and read "Marrakesh: and a Tale of Rescue?"


Posted by JD Hull at 11:29 PM | Comments (0)

February 14, 2012

St. Valentine's Day: You Gotta Serve Somebody.


"Romeo and Juliet" by Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893). Climb up out of yourself. Serve.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

January 16, 2012

The High Sweet Smell of Spirited Mediocrity: SNL's New Ode to the Slackoisie, Happysphere and Self-Esteem Movement.

"You can do anything."

Posted by JD Hull at 10:56 PM | Comments (0)

January 02, 2012

Edinburgh's Hogmanay Celebration is Decadent and Depraved.

So we'd like to go to it next year. See this BBC piece on Scotland's New Year's bash this year: "Edinburgh Hogmanay Revellers See In 2012". And then take a look in The Guardian at this one: "Pit Them Away Hen! Guide to a Real Scottish Hogmanay". For more on this shameful ancient annual fire lit Pagan bender, with its Robert Burns overtones of Celtic mysticism, witches and pleasures of the flesh, to which no one has ever invited us, see Biggar Bonfire 2011.


Three days ago, the Up Helly Aa Vikings from Lerwick in the Shetland Islands started Hogmanay's annual torchlight procession in Edinburgh. (David Moir/Reuters)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:37 PM | Comments (0)

December 31, 2011

If Groupon and its competitors can help people get health care, what's not to like?

Unbundle. Lower Prices. Offer Choices. Forget for a moment that the Net has helped dumb-down our social and political discourse to Neanderthal and hopelessly dishonest levels. Commercially, and at the very least, the Internet does the aforementioned three things quite well. Have at it, Groupon. See via MSNBC this AP piece: "Uninsured Use Groupon, Other Daily Deal Sites, for Health Care". Warning: Some of the comments to the article are revolting, even to me.


Groupon CEO Andrew Mason.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 30, 2011

China in Ethiopia: Let the Big Dog Eat.

Century upon century, Africa has inspired. The beauty, mysteries and vibrancy of the African continent has steadily catapulted novelists and poets to their best stories and verse for over 3000 years. And the very old, enduring and populous civilization of Ethiopia, even in all of Africa's drama and cultural diversity, and with its ringside seat at the Horn of Africa to both the rest of the continent and the Middle East, has always stood out. Me? I'm shallow, if romantic. I like the people--they are the handsomest on earth--and to hear Amharic suddenly spoken and flow over you in the middle of breakfast at the upscale Afterwords restaurant in Dupont Circle is like hearing Flaubert stand up and recite his best two sentences in a bowling alley. China, too, is discovering the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia--and state-sponsored China business and industry likely focuses on the landlocked country's non-oil natural resources, its livestock, coffee and other agriculture, and its human capital, which includes 80 million potential consumers. See at The Guardian today "Ethiopia's Partnership with China" and think about how a planned, careful and respectful investment approach--at least ostensibly--to a weaker nation could be a win-win. Some excerpts:

Ethiopia at the end of 2011 reflects the surprising complexity of Chinese engagement in Africa, how it differs from that of the west and – possibly of more significance to the continent – how central is the role of African agency.

China is no newcomer here. In 1972, China financed the Wereta-Weldiya road across Ethiopia's Rift Valley. Between 1998 and 2004, the Chinese contributed 15% of the cost of Addis Ababa's ring road (Ethiopia paid the rest).

Ethiopia is clearly in charge in this engagement. Chinese traders and shopkeepers, who are fixtures across many African cities, are absent on Ethiopia's streets. These positions are reserved for locals, and Ethiopians enforce their rules.

And China listens. A decade ago, Chinese companies building the ring road complained they couldn't find enough local skilled workers. The Ethiopian government asked China to establish a college that would focus on construction and industrial skills. The fully-equipped Ethio-China Polytechnic College opened in late 2009, funded by Chinese aid. Chinese professors offer a two-year degree with Chinese language classes alongside engineering skills.


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, August 15, 2011. China had just given $55 million for food to drought-striken areas in Ethiopia's troubled western region. (Photo: China Daily/Xinhua.)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:42 PM | Comments (0)

December 28, 2011

Is China and China business really all over Africa? If so, just how much? Discuss.

Finally, there's a site that covers the above inquiry. See by American University's Deborah Brautigam the blog China in Africa: The Real Story. Start out with this one, "China's 'Checkbook Diplomacy' and Overseas Investment Reconsidered".


Workers at Imboulou Dam, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a power plant funded by the China National Mechanical & Equipment Corporation. Photo: Paulo Woods.

Posted by JD Hull at 04:45 PM | Comments (0)

December 24, 2011

Even at Christmas, Mother Russia Screams Like a Banshee.

More attitude, more outrage, and it's continuous and fearless. You think OWS protesters have moxie? Well, lots of them do. But consider Mom and Pop Russia over the past two weeks. Don't ignore this history being made--and what it might mean to any nation: a super-power, a comer or a tiny new unknown. Even at Christmas, there is increasing pressure on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Russian government from its traditionally reticent citizenry to re-do the December 4 elections. See MSNBC's 'Russia will be free'.

The protests reflect a growing public frustration with Putin, who ruled Russia as president in 2000-2008 and has remained the No. 1 leader after moving into the prime minister's seat due to a constitutional term limit. Brazen fraud in the parliamentary vote unexpectedly energized the middle class, which for years had been politically apathetic.


A protester today in Vladivostok.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 15, 2011

Russia: More Moxie in The Motherland.

Is the era of the cowed comrade about to end? With a population of over 140 million people, a land mass of 6.5 million square miles and enviable natural resources (including oil and gas) that are important to Europe, the Russian Federation, as a nation-state alone, will continue to occupy a huge role in global economics and politics over the next few decades. But recently (see our recent posts here and here) we've seen what might be the first stirrings in a new consciousness--a sea change in the way Russians feel, think and act--in the ideologically mercurial, troubled Mother Russia of the last 100 years. See by Charles Clover in the Financial Times "Russia’s Middle Class Finds Its Feet".

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Mother Russia calls for More Attitude.

Posted by JD Hull at 10:35 PM | Comments (1)

December 12, 2011

Fear and Loathing on Russian Facebook.

More Big Ones from Mom-and-Pop Russia. Here's a headline you don't see every day. See at MSNBC "Angry Facebook Backlash After Medvedev Announces Russia Election Inquiry". Dang. Excerpt:

He [President Medvedev] announced the inquiry on Facebook--the same site used by organizers of mass rallies in Moscow and St. Petersburg on Saturday--that called for the elections to be annulled and rerun. The protests were Russia's biggest opposition rallies since Putin rose to power in 1999.

Within hours, Medvedev received one insult after another on the social media website from people who made clear his response to the demonstrations was insufficient.

NBC correspondent Stephanie Gosk said the majority of the 12,000 comments were negative – a remarkable act of open defiance in a country where political activists are jailed and hostility to the government would have been unusual only a few weeks ago.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 01, 2011

Scott Greenfield: On Bullying, Cyber-Bullying and Real Life.

Life is Tough, Growing Up Hard, Legislation Expensive. At his enduring, highly-regarded, always-excellent and intermittently sensitive Simple Justice, see this one by Scott Greenfield yesterday: "When Bullying is Bull". Excerpts:

It's impossible to have any sort of reasoned discussion about bullying in the absence of a viable definition, and yet the conduct that is being swept into the mix continues to devolve. The overarching criterion seems to be conduct that is "hurtful," which leaves it to the person whose feelings are affected to determine that someone else is a bully. This can't be.

The issue isn't the mechanisms by which bullying occurs, even though the feds have an arguable basis for regulating these platforms or arenas. The issue is defining the conduct that comes within the parameters of regulation. The issue is that the teacups, the overly sensitive who are finally empowered to assert their feelings on the conduct of others, cannot be allowed to define wrongs based on their personal delicate sensibilities.

While most of us focus on this issue for only the few moments a high profile case arises, those who are behind the anti-bullying legislative thrust to vindicate their hurt feelings or further their scholarly niche are still busy at work pushing laws that would make most, if not all, of us and our children criminals. At some point, everyone hurts another person's feelings, whether deliberately or by benign neglect.


New York City's Greenfield in early 2010, just weeks before start of sensitivity training regimen.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

November 17, 2011

The Two Sudans: "The risk of a full-blown war."

On July 9 of this year, South Sudan, located in one of the poorest and troubled regions of the world, seceded from Sudan (now North Sudan) and became an independent state. Even though South Sudan's secession followed both a referendum reflecting overwhelming popular support for the split and the consent of North Sudan's embattled president, old and new issues (the article quite understandably barely scratches the surface) combine to make the transition daunting. Two transitional issues are that North Sudan lost 75% of its 500,000 bpd oil production to the split, and that many South Sudanese already vehemently disapprove of and distrust their new government. See "Rumours of War" in the current issue of The Economist. It begins:

Buffeted by financial squalls and fearful of a Libyan-like upheaval, Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, is digging in hard. He is hammering groups opposed to his National Congress Party, while using his army and rebel proxies to bait South Sudan, his diminished country’s newly independent neighbour.

Fighting in the south’s Unity state, close to the border, has left scores dead. A lot more have died in South Kordofan, a state within his rump Sudan, just north of the new border, where ethnic Nuba are pressing for control of a mountain range.

Posted by JD Hull at 03:37 AM | Comments (0)

November 10, 2011

At Cross-Culture: "U.S. Optimism Remains—You Just Might Not Recognize It."

See this guest post by American prof Tim Flood at Richard Lewis's Cross-Culture. Not sure I buy that "US optimism is inherently contentious" but do think he's right that we are noisy if happy well-meaning wariors when we talk to each other--and we always have been. Excerpt:

For people who don’t know the US and Americans well, I should clarify what makes American optimism:

US optimism is inherently contentious. Americans routinely embrace the role of “devil’s advocate” in a discussion, representing the opposing viewpoint as a way to stimulate thoughtfulness, test the hypothesis, or show interest in the issue. We argue almost routinely, so much so that the actual act of arguing rarely carries the negative impact that observers might perceive.

And we carry this contentious optimism through most political discussions, election cycles and presidential selections. Energetic argument is the grease that lubricates the machine: often messy, sometimes overly slick or seemingly inconsequential. Regardless of political affiliation, we value our candidates for their abilities to stand up to the scrutiny, to defend themselves and their ideas as they pitch their versions of positive change and a better future.

R.D. Lewis

Posted by JD Hull at 11:50 PM | Comments (0)

October 18, 2011

"It's over, Muffy. Back to Suffolk. I'll mix the martinis. You pack the good swizzle sticks."

Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You old white people. It is your duty to die.You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats.

--Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets, May 2010


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

October 10, 2011

Here's to you, Self-Esteem Movement: Please stay in your coffin.

When everyone is somebody, then no one's anybody.

--Sir W.S. Gilbert (1836-1911). Dramatist, Librettist, Illustrator.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

October 04, 2011

Breaking: Massachusetts bans naming any more male infants "Justin", "Joshua", "Jeremy" or "Brandon".

Governor: "No more poof names." Law goes into effect January 1, 2012. California and New York may follow.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 26, 2011

The Economist: "The Palestinians deserve a state--just as the Israelis do."

See in Saturday's The Economist "Yes to Palestinian Statehood". It begins:

The Palestinians are edging closer to getting a recognised state, at least on paper. Their application to the UN’s Security Council, pencilled in for September 23rd, will be rebuffed by an American veto. But if they then go to the UN General Assembly, which seems likely sooner or later, the Palestinians will win an overwhelming majority.

The “observer” status that would be given to them would be similar to that of the Vatican—a position short of full membership, which can be conferred only by the Security Council. It would not make an immediate difference on the ground but would help the Palestinians on their way to the real thing by giving them a diplomatic fillip. It should be encouraged, for reasons of both principle and practice.

The principle is simple: the Palestinians deserve a state, just as the Israelis do.

The United States, the European Union and the Israeli government have all endorsed a two-state solution. There is broad agreement that the boundary should be based on the pre-1967 one, with land swaps allowing Israel to keep its biggest settlements close to the line, in return for the Palestinians gaining land elsewhere; Jerusalem should be shared; and the Palestinians should give up their claimed right of return to Israel proper.


Posted by JD Hull at 04:56 PM | Comments (0)

September 19, 2011

The Economist: Anti-Israeli Sentiment Surges in Egypt.

See The Economist's piece Saturday on Egypt and Israel, "Feeling the Heat of Isolation". Excerpts:

Israel has diplomatic relations with only three nearby countries. In the space of ten days its ambassadors have been humiliatingly forced out of two of them: Turkey and Egypt. The king of the third, Jordan’s Abdullah, commented without apparent displeasure that Israel was “scared”.

A week after the Turkish démarche, and linked to it in the eyes of many Israeli commentators, a Cairo mob attacked the Israeli embassy, housed on three floors of a high-rise building in the suburb of Giza. Policemen did little as demonstrators with hammers battered down a wall of concrete slabs put in place to protect the building.

Yet Egyptian attitudes to Israel are rarely simple. A bit of anti-Israeli theatre goes down well. But when incidents such as the embassy break-in become an international affair and foreign governments question Egypt’s ability to protect diplomats, whoever they may be, people become edgier.

All the same, anti-Israeli feeling is growing. Some political parties want to close the Suez Canal to the Israeli navy and to block the sale of natural gas to Israel. The new Freedom and Justice Party, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, says the 1979 treaty should be “revised”.


Posted by JD Hull at 02:57 AM | Comments (0)

September 11, 2011

Egypt. Ireland. America. Iraq. Ancient Greece. Watts. South Boston. Tribal Warfare is What Humans Do.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

August 24, 2011

House of Barbie: Me love you long time...

Name's Oliver. American. Buy you a counterfeit Heineken? "Iconic" Barbie is now 52 and, in recent years, alive, well and servicing China. Is there really a Shanghai Barbie Store?

"Wanna' date, Joe?"

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 10:59 AM | Comments (2)

August 16, 2011


07. Puebla1862.jpg

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

August 09, 2011

They Called It Stormy Monday.

But Tuesday’s just as bad.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

August 02, 2011

An Eternal Reason to Live.

"They don't believe in this love of mine..."

Posted by JD Hull at 11:50 PM | Comments (0)

June 26, 2011

The Furries: Woofstock in Pittsburgh for 6th straight year.

Wouldn't date one, though. We applaud the return of The Furries here--and we are pleasantly surprised and curious. Has Pittsburgh finally become less culturally conservative, staid and conventional in the past six years? Or do 'Burghers just love cartoons more than the rest of us? See at Reuters "Pittsburgh Inundated by Furries".


Posted by JD Hull at 08:08 PM | Comments (0)

June 19, 2011

TV Dads, The Atlantic and "The End of Men".

Ever wonder why young male employees type with a lisp? See in the July-August 2010 issue: "The End of Men". And let's not forget that, apart from the fact that women are far more complex and more intricate than men--they always have been--"women power" is not just a matter of women rising in Western culture and in the workplace. In the last half-century, men, especially white collar men, did not just lag behind women in personal and professional development. Men also lost the notion of being men--whatever that means these days--in a modern world.

Yet women stayed women--and in all the best ways. Bravo.

Everyone loves neutered indoor cats. Consider countless male characters on television over the past 30 years. Most are wimpified beyond recognition: sexless cartoon characters, and suburban robot-peasants. Adult "male" TeleTubbies. Sure, they are kind, sweet and understanding, if goofy. They just do what they are told--by either women or a new egalitarian society that gives them mixed messages, and only confuses them, about how they should now be and act. To some extent, television's male characters--pick almost any male sitcom lead from 1950 on--reflect how we see ourselves.

Do men now hold onto the barest sliver of "male" identity? Granted, in even earlier decades, John Wayne's characters could be ridiculous, short-sighted and small; however, they were never pathetic, or stripped of their core aggression and wildness.

What a tool.

Originally posted June 10, 2010.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (5)

June 13, 2011

The Great American Tocqueville Discovery.

Was young Alexis a stud or what? Three years ago, on the Sunday editorial page of one of the most conservative papers in America, we applauded Alexis de Tocqueville for that young Frenchman's uncanny prediction in his Democracy in America of a U.S. president exactly like George W. Bush. We had argued that "W", warts and all, and whether you like him or not, is indeed the "new man" Tocqueville kept seeing during his nine months here in 1831.

No American should have been too surprised to wake up in November of 2000 and learn that such a creature got the top job. Tocqueville has been getting high marks for prescience from Americans and Europeans in the last 30 years after being ignored for the first 150 years.

The interesting thing about the reactions to the article is that everyone along the politcal spectrum who read it seemed to like it. Americans are comfortable with "non-egghead" leaders. Every few elections cycles, we even give militantly anti-intellectual, the poorly-traveled and the hopelessly "uncurious" a shot.

You want more W's? We've had them before and have them waiting in the wings. Examples:

1. Warren Harding

2. Ronald Reagan

3. Sarah Palin

All 3 are "One of us".


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

May 28, 2011

Bat Country: Travel, Work, Rum & Writing.

Booze and cigarettes are essential to good journalism. --Jack Shafer, Slate

During the last Pagan tradition-based Christian drinking season (i.e., Christmas), The Economist's Gulliver at the magazine's Business Travel desk asked: Time for a Tipple? Read it. But don't try some of this stuff at home. And unless you're a pro, don't do any of it alone. Note: In photos below, Messrs. Thompson, a writer, and Acosta, a lawyer, are seen traveling and working circa 1970.

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Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

May 17, 2011

Get Out Of Your Cars And Dance.


Posted by JD Hull at 02:22 PM | Comments (0)

May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th: Did You Have a Bad Week?

In old Rome, witches gathered in groups of 12--and a 13th was believed to be the devil. There's also a Norse gods spin on that one. The ancient world also liked executions to take place on Friday. All three are just a tiny sliver of the lore and legend on why Friday the 13th is unlucky in many cultures.

Well, in fact, I did have a bad week.

My co-writer and boss (who really does have a firm employee ID# of 666) was moodier than usual. I ran out of my good Irish whiskey here in the Tyrol by Thursday. Our 2 small children have the flu. And by mistake I threw away a Berlin waitress's phone number on the napkin she gave me. I had no intention of calling the number; however, my wife somehow found the napkin and cross-examined me on it. Expertly. And with feeling.

Today is Friday the 13th. I will not do anything but work. Promise.

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Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:13 PM | Comments (0)

May 07, 2011


Many more people have died for their drink and their dope than have died for their religion or their country. The craving for ethyl alcohol and the opiates has been stronger, in these millions, than the love of God, of home, of children; even of life.... Why should such multitudes of men and women be so ready to sacrifice themselves for a cause so utterly hopeless and in ways so painful and so profoundly humiliating?

--Aldous Huxley, "Drugs That Shape Men's Minds", The Saturday Evening Post, October 18, 1958

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (1)

May 06, 2011

The Economist: America, bin Laden & killing abroad.

Our take? We are at war; the killing of bin Laden Sunday was a legitimate, straightforward and better-than-usual U.S. military operation. But do see "Assassination: A Messy Business" in yesterday's The Economist. It begins:

Killing quickly in combat, when large numbers of soldiers are fighting according to the laws of war, is sad but legal. Change any of those parameters, and things get tricky. Some lawyers have denounced the killing of Mr bin Laden, unarmed and in his home, as an extra-judicial murder. Others see it as a wholly legitimate military operation.

Every country allows soldiers to use lethal force against a declared enemy in wartime, just as police may, in some circumstances, kill criminals. But America is at war with an organisation, not a country, and though al-Qaeda is not a state it is (by its own account) at war with the United States. Purists argue that the criminal law is the right weapon for defence against terrorists; pragmatists would differ.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (4)

May 04, 2011

Cafe de la Mairie, Amour Propre--and Badaude.

If like us you love, and are always missing, Paris, you must too love its waiters--and their "outsize helping of amour propre". Via The Paris Blog do see the short but classic "9 AM, Cafe de la Mairie". It is by Badaude, a writer and artist with a fine window to Paris. And can she draw.

(By Badaude)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

May 01, 2011

Wankfest or Not, It's World History, Jack.


Photo: Clarence House.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

April 20, 2011

Ancient Easter: The Hill of Slane.


An Easter Week Druid Setback. In 433 A.D., the day before Easter, St. Patrick lit a bonfire here as part of his campaign to convert the Druids to Christianity. Patrick, a feisty Brit by birth, did this to defy the High King Laoghire, who had forbid any other fires while a Beltane festival fire was burning on the nearby Hill of Tara (now in Meath County). Unfortunately, King Laoghire so liked Patrick's moxie that he let Patrick continue his campaign to convert the feral and mysterious Druids in that part of Ireland.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:58 AM | Comments (0)

April 19, 2011

At Cross-Culture: Caste, Class and Lower England.

I am his Highness’ dog at Kew; pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?

--Alexander Pope (1688-1744) Englishman, poet, satirist.

At Cross-Culture, do see "The English--In a Class of Their Own" by Michael Gates. Excerpt:

The richest person I know-–a multi-millionaire by his mid-thirties--told me that his working-class background means that there are still people who ‘cut him dead’ socially.

And I will never forget my first seminar at Oxford University, when a class-mate (in more ways than one) from Lancashire was asked to read out his brilliant essay on the Victorian poets Tennyson and Browning. One of the girls suddenly walked out and never came back. Afterwards she told us she ‘had to go and vomit, as she couldn’t stand listening to that Northern, working-class accent.’


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 08:32 PM | Comments (0)

April 18, 2011

Bennet Kelley: The GOP's Borat Budget.

Will the GOP budget make America "the only developed nation in the world that aspires to be Kazakhstan"? See Bennet Kelley's new piece at DemocraticUnderground.com. Pictured below, sort of: Republican budget guru Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI).


Posted by JD Hull at 12:58 AM | Comments (1)

April 04, 2011

Overheard in Brentwood.

Every time I listen to other people, everything just gets all f_cked up.

--Guy in a restaurant


Posted by JD Hull at 03:50 PM | Comments (0)

March 24, 2011

At Cross-Culture: Suffolk's Sir Eldon Griffiths on the U.S. in Libya.

At R.D. Lewis's fine Cross-Culture, see "Long Before the No-Fly Zone, the US Hit Gaddafiland Hard" by Eldon Griffiths, a journalist and former editor of Newsweek. He also was a member of the British Parliament, representing Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk, England, between 1964 and 1992. He begins:

The Anglo-French led air incursion over Libya is being presented in Europe as unprecedented. It isn’t. 15 April 2011 marks the 25th anniversary of the American attack on Tripoli and Benghazi by a force of eighteen F‐111 bombers and twenty-eight KC10 and KC135 tankers from airbases in and around what then was the Suffolk constituency I represented in the British Parliament.


Posted by JD Hull at 04:38 AM | Comments (0)

March 16, 2011

Tough, Stoic Japan.

Hiroto Sekiguchi / AP

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 01:28 PM | Comments (0)

March 12, 2011

Celebrating Women: Reminder that Hull McGuire Hires the Overly-Comely.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 11, 2011

Northeast Japan

15 hours ago: Near Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan (Kyodo News/ Reuters)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 10, 2011

Do Visit Bat Country: Disturbing. Never Pretty. Instructive.

Or we'll put the leeches on you. Visit Military Underdog first, and Popehat second, each pictured below celebrating Lent. They're your friends, and not like the Others. And welcome to San Diego--known to some as "Death with a View".


Posted by JD Hull at 05:20 PM | Comments (0)

March 08, 2011

Fat Tuesday: Ancient, Global, Pagan, Christian, Everyone.

Venice earlier today.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (1)

February 04, 2011

Duke Undergraduates: Neuroscience on the Brain.

Economic models leave room for questions—they don’t explain the irrationalities we witness in the markets every day. Neuroeconomics, on the other hand, could get there.

--Andrea Mihic, 20, Duke Economics major.

Straight Dope from Home of The Dope Shop. This semester, there are 119 Duke students in the new Neuroscience major. Eleven graduated with Neuroscience degrees last year. For more, see the vigilant, star-breeding, limousine-liberal and 106-year-old student daily called The Chronicle, still Funky after all these years. And still at Flowers Third Floor. Total Coverages. Final Wisdoms. Tweed in the Closets.


Above: Honest Buck Duke with trademarks Cane and Mega-Doobie.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

February 02, 2011

Cairo: Let's Keep This Evolution Short.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

January 28, 2011

Your Egypt, our Egypt.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (1)

January 25, 2011

Wake Up.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

January 20, 2011

Two Former Hull McGuire Associates Turn to Crime.

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"Hey Beavis, let's check their garage after this." See at MSNBC "Burglars Snort Ashes of Cremated Man and Two Dogs". Excerpts:

Burglars snorted the cremated remains of a man and two dogs in the mistaken belief that they had stolen illegal drugs, Florida sheriff's deputies said.

The ashes were taken from a woman's home in the central Florida town of Silver Springs Shores on Dec. 15. The thieves took an urn containing the ashes of her father and another container with the ashes of her two Great Danes.

"The suspects mistook the ashes for either cocaine or heroin. It was soon discovered that the suspects snorted some of the ashes believing they were snorting cocaine," the sheriff's report said.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

January 16, 2011

Sane Post-Church Chat for a Sunday: Silverman v. The Vatican.

Settlement Bonus: Seller snags cash for new Papal Waterslide.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (2)

January 10, 2011

Wake Up Loud, American Workers.

Still Hatin' Life. You even have It anymore?

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

January 07, 2011

What if your life was actually interesting? Expats in the U.S and Europe vs. China.

See in The Economist "A Tale of Two Expats". Is life really easier for Western expatriates in China than it is for Chinese expatriates in the West? Answer: either expat has it all over you. Time to sell the house and kids and wife? Maybe leave Columbus? Think about it. Life's short. One of the best sentences from a Brit pen ever: "A final headache for Chinese expats is that, when you move to an oppressive Western capitalist society, you encounter a working class that can throw its weight around."


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 07:01 AM | Comments (0)

December 28, 2010

New American Normal: It's about fewer jobs here.

Other players in the new global markets are catching up fast. Yanks can and should get used to it--and adapt like the resilient commercial animals we are. See "Many U.S. Companies Are Hiring....Overseas" by the AP's Pallavi Gogoi. Excerpt:

Other economists, like Columbia University's Sachs, say multinational corporations have no choice, especially now that the quality of the global work force has improved. Sachs points out that the U.S. is falling in most global rankings for higher education while others are rising.

"We are not fulfilling the educational needs of our young people," says Sachs. "In a globalized world, there are serious consequences to that."

Posted by JD Hull at 11:06 PM | Comments (1)

December 15, 2010

Mother Jones on Richard Holbrooke

Me? On even his bad days, I thought he was a lot of fun to watch. Career diplomat Richard Holbrooke, who died suddenly on Monday, was an older school player and a powerful class act. As David Corn suggests in "Richard Holbrooke's Unfinished Business", Holbrooke's passing is going to get more than the usual few days of ink from both critics and admirers who cover Afghanistan.

Posted by JD Hull at 10:52 AM | Comments (0)

November 27, 2010

Above The Law Gets Serious.

A reason for lawyers over 25, and with passable mental health, to read a mega-popular law blog. Former Jones Day partner and current AON in-house litigation chief Mark Herrmann now writes a column for in-house counsel at Above The Law. We can't imagine a better holiday gift. Beats whoopee cushions, tantrums and cries for help. Is it time yet to ban anonymous and pseudo-anonymous commenters--and require real names and accountability from your many readers? Or still cool to weigh in as wusses and straight-up turds? Just asking. Well done, Lat and Mystal.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:11 AM | Comments (0)

November 25, 2010

Atlantic Review: Is the War on Hysteria now Transatlantic?

Our friends at the Atlantic Review--the Berlin-based press digest founded in 2003 by German and American Fulbright alumni--write that "Like America, Germany Needs More Sanity, Less Hysteria". Excerpts from a piece written by mainstay and AR co-founder Joerg Wolfe:

Where are the German Jon Stewarts, who could restore some sanity over here? The debate in Germany about multiculturalism and Muslims, immigration and integration is full of hysteria.

Christianity in Germany is not under attack by Islam. The real problem is that more and more Christians lost interest in practicing their own religion. [more]


The Brandenburg Gate, completed in 1791, is the last remaining Berlin gate. It is still a German symbol of peace, stability and wisdom.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

November 21, 2010

King Me. Now.

Back in the day, Baby Boomer Prince Charles, now 62, was cool, mod, dashing and could do no wrong. According to some recent polls, however, most Brits (see MSNBC piece) prefer Prince William and his new squeeze, Kate Middleton--both are 28 and, mercifully, have anti-slackoisie DNA and tendencies--as the next monarchs over his old Dad and his second wife Camilla Parker, 63. For all we know, the Queen, now a healthy 84 and on the throne since 1953, may supervise at the funerals of all four. Some upper class Brits seem to live forever. Toughest and feistiest humans on earth.


The current Prince of Wales headed for school circa 1958.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

November 01, 2010

Make Mine Catholic.

Great Moments in Papal Moxie. In the Western Christian tradition, today is All Saints' Day. It began in 610, when Pope Boniface IV in effect converted the Pantheon--which five centuries earlier had been dedicated to all the gods of ancient Rome--into a Catholic church. Boniface re-dedicated the Pantheon to the the Virgin Mary and all of the Christian martyrs. Talk about sand.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

October 21, 2010

Again, French workers protest cruel Anglo-Saxon work regimes.

We check in on the French work ethic frequently. This week, French citizens in several cities have been marching against proposals--long pushed by President Nicolas Sarkozy--that would raise the retirement (and pension) age from 60 to 62. See Richard Nahem's report at "French Pension Protests" at his I Prefer Paris. However, our friend Richard says not to cancel your trip to Paris. French protesters who want to work less are apparently not dangerous or life-threatening. Just annoying.

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Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (2)

October 09, 2010

Hard Times at Duke.

The Duke Experience. In The Chronicle, the award-winning, muckraking, star-hatching, and these days way-tawdry 105-year-old Duke daily newspaper, visit "Sex List Draws Media to Duke". Here are some excerpts--including two of the offending history-making links, which we have added--to get you started (warning: you may do no work for the rest of the day), to do more research, and in case you missed the buzz on Thursday of last week:

The 42-slide PowerPoint that has drawn widespread attention was meant to be shared between friends.

In it, Karen Owen, Trinity ’10, vividly describes the sexual performance of 13 current and former Duke students, all of them varsity athletes and many of them lacrosse players.

After Owen sent the PowerPoint to a few friends, it eventually made its way across listservs at Duke and then onto sites such as Jezebel, The Huffington Post and CNN.

At one point Thursday night, “Karen Owen Powerpoint” was the second most-searched term in the United States on Google. “Duke Powerpoint” was 10th.

Deadspin, a sports blog, and Jezebel, a blog that covers women’s interests, first posted the PowerPoint last Thursday. The document has since been viewed more than 2 million times on the sites.

And the best quote ever:

“I regret it with all my heart,” Owen told Jezebel. “I would never intentionally hurt the people that are mentioned on that.”


Above: James "Buck" Duke smoking a big one on West Campus.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 20, 2010

For Gen Ys: Yours in the struggle, dudes.

(skip to 4:30)

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (2)

September 19, 2010

French still balking at brutal Anglo-Saxon regimes of Work.

Charles de Gaulle in 1947: "Two more months. And that's it, okay?"

There's just no other way to say it. Sure, wouldn't a long holiday of 65 years (since circa 1945) get even the French rested up? Historically, they are not a lazy or wimpy lot. A bit high-strung, maybe. But as this blog has pointed out repeatedly, the French, after all, are still curators of the best that Western culture, government and traditions have to offer us, and that they have way more artistry for life and class than you and I do, Ernest. Yes, they are. Certainly, they do. Just because our French cousins behave in irritating and superior ways doesn't mean that they are not both.

But c'mon, La Belle France, I mean, like, work much?

It's a fair question.

France has one of the healthiest populations on the planet (young, old, workers and non-workers). They are living longer and longer. So can you guys at least beef up the public treasury with more pension and social welfare funds by working a few years longer--until the ripe age of 62? Do see the unusually sympathetic (by Brit anti-French standards) story run by the BBC News: "French Horror at 'Anglo-Saxon' Welfare Reforms". Excerpts:

The French are scandalised by President Nicolas Sarkozy's determined push to raise the state pension age from 60 to--horror of horrors--62. A modest rise in European terms and in the current economic climate, you might think, not unreasonable.

Yet the French have always expected the state to provide--not only for their short working week, their excellent free schools and hospitals--but also their retirement.

The UMP's [the centre-right Union for a Popular Movement party], Jean-Francois Cope says the state pension age could rise to 63. Most people here do not contribute to private pensions. The vast majority rely on the state pension, and compulsory membership of industry schemes.


The French get more sleep, and then there are those famously long summer holidays. In August, French society heads for the hills, the beaches, the mountains. Anywhere but the office.

To be fair, despite the "down-time" the French are still hugely productive, even in a 35-hour week.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 08, 2010

שנה טובה

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Posted by JD Hull at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

September 05, 2010

Got balls?

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"Friend me?"

Whoa. Life sure got smallish, wimpy and squeaky fast.

"Nice guy/lady--just don't get in a foxhole with him/her". We hope that no one has ever said or thought this about you--but it's likely that they already have. We live in a world where about 98% of the time wimpiness and lack of courage are rationalized, stylized, and sold to us as "smart" or "prudent" and even as a "right".

Americans, too, of course. For all our bluster, many of us get weaker, more insubstantial, and more irrelevant every day. We don't meet and talk. We rarely look anyone in the eye. Instead, we type and text, day in and day out: skittish mini-critters running on shiny little treadmills in cages set behind screens and tubes.


Indeed, Technology has insulated--rather than "unleashed"--many of us. Is this all there is? Dang! Busy but dazed and confused? Whoa. Life sure got small and squeaky fast.

Squeak-squeak, you losers.

"Are we not Men?" Historically, all humans (not just Yanks in de-evolution stages) have routinely sidestepped truth, our real beliefs, and initial urges of loyalty to others. We mean loyalty as automatic and instinctual. Bordering on tribal, almost a pang, and often directed blindly, this "sticking" is the Mere Base Rent you pay for just being here, forming relationships, and taking up space on the planet. It's not "extra credit" or "gravy". You don't get points.

Loyalty can be to true friends based on history--or to virtual strangers out of a sense of justice and quick detection of bs. It is the support and allegiance owing to anyone who we know in a flash, and in our deepest and best selves, deserve our immediate aid and good offices because of fairness, past ties, a promise or an understanding.

It is always situational. You either get it--or you don't.


"Are we not Men?" Welcome to the House of Pain, Mr. Prendick.

Well, hey, at least everyone's doing it--and been doing it for all of recorded history. No shame at all, right? You made average. You're "living small"--but at least you're a true generic. A big relief.

And if you're really and truly in the other 2%, congratulations! But here are two key questions:

1. Do you really know who (a) at work and (b) in your life will "stick" when you need their support?

2. Do you even have to ask them for help--or do they lie in the weeds when you need them the most?

Our advice. Once a week, use your common sense, your passion, or ideally both together, to support someone who deserves it then and there. But do it whether or not it's convenient, or in your interest, to support him or her. (If you can't think of or identify many day-to-day examples of this--at work, in the community, or in the streets--we feel sorry for you. No need for you to ever to read this blog again. You won't get it--not one word.)

You'll not only get scads back. You'll start to learn who you really are.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 04, 2010

There is no God: End times outrage pits Earl against Nantucket.

Sailors and watchers are resting now,
Some on this sandy lea,
And some with the sea-grass round them twined,
Are asleep in the wandering sea.

--from "The House-Top Walk", by Charles L. Thompson

Union Street's Quaker Uncle Billy readies for Earl.

Earl's got jail-house tats, bad genes, and your sister's deb pics.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:35 PM | Comments (0)

August 11, 2010

Eric O'Neill: More home-grown threats in the American 'hood.

Above: Adnan Shukrijumah, possibly the new head of global operations for Al Qaeda. Hear the ensuing Fox News interview last week with lawyer, ex-FBI agent and real life spycatcher Eric O'Neill of The Georgetown Group. Did you ever wonder about that one guy in your Computer Club back in high school?

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 02:27 PM | Comments (0)

August 02, 2010

FT: "The Crisis of Middle-Class America".

See this one in Friday's Financial Times by Edward Luce, and with a thanks for the reminder to a fellow concerned and often-visionary Midwesterner, Mr. John Davidson. Excerpt:

What, then, is the future of the American Dream?

Michael Spence, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, whom the World Bank commissioned to lead a four-year study into the future of global growth, admits to a sense of foreboding. Like a growing number of economists, Spence says he sees the Great Stagnation as a profound crisis of identity for America.

For years, the problem was cushioned and partially hidden by the availability of cheap debt. Middle-class Americans were actively encouraged to withdraw equity from their homes, or leach from their retirement funds, in the confidence that ­property prices and stock markets would permanently defy gravity (a view, among others, promoted by half the world’s Nobel economics prize winners, Spence not included).

That cushion is now gone. Easy money has turned into heavy debt. Baby boomers have postponed retirements. College graduates are moving back in with their parents.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

Rhinebeck: No one throws a party like Wild Bill.

No one. Ever. And Everyone likes him. NYT.

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Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

July 26, 2010

It's Monday AM: You know for sure where your girlfriend/wife is? We might.

It could happen to you. Probably already has. "I AM the backdoor man. Men don't know. But little girls, they understand." --Willie Dixon

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

July 21, 2010

Anonymity on the Net. Play it again, Charon: Charon QC-Hull "Anonymity" interview.

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One fine Saturday last July, London's velvet-voiced politics pundit and broadcaster Charon QC--in his other life a well-regarded law professor and writer--interviewed Dan Hull. And so they took a bit more time to do their 4th radio podcast together. It's more informal than the first three. Both, however, even the Rioja-loving Charon, were sober.

It's right here.

Charon (pronounced "Karen", and after a figure in both the ancient and Dante's world) and Dan first met in person in March 2007, doing their first interview (Charon's No. 5) in a Marble Arch hotel room when Dan was working in London. The topic on July 27, 2009--at least at first--was anonymity on the net in Charon's 150th milestone interview. All four interviews can be accessed on this site on your lower right.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

July 15, 2010

Law School/Slackoisie Comment--and Quote--of the Year [with Badnesses Deleted]

From a WAC/P? mainstay and 100% full-frontal blunt commenter and stand-up Irish guy (note: we are editing, enlarging and/or embellishing only parts that offended us greatly, we didn't agree with, pissed us off, or we did not get):

Law schools can't teach people to be strong, weak, or in between. All "inside jobs". This subject can be discussed with your Mom, your shrink, baby Jesus, and your other abused and damaged [badness deleted] law school buds.

Finally, why the [badness deleted] are we letting Stone Weenies into American law schools in the first place? Why would they even want to go? Is there a new Affirmative Action program for Lames, Looters, Teacups and [several badnesses deleted]?

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Professor Quaalude with Skippy, future Law Review president.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:00 AM | Comments (2)

July 03, 2010

Birthday No. 234: But is America still in its Terrible Twos?

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

The Economist: Even Ancient Sumo Needs a Good Cleaning.

Gambling with an old, multi-layered and heavyweight sport. See "Japan's Sumo Scandal: Caught Off-Balance". Exceprt:

The scandal says a lot about modern Japan, a country undergoing a sweeping transition from informal, implicit rules to formal, explicit ones. Institutions long closed to public scrutiny are becoming more accountable.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 01:50 PM | Comments (0)

June 25, 2010

Happy weekend, Teacups.

Bang bang. Any warriors out there? Ambition? Heart? Gospel?

"Who's the hunter, who's the game?" Half the people you meet live from one day to the next in a state of such fear and uncertainty that about half the time they doubt their own sanity. Their boats are rocking so badly that all they want to do is get level long enough to think straight and avoid the next nightmare. --HST, Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

June 23, 2010

Another reason to only interview workers age 40 and over.

The Lawyerist asks "Are Unpaid Interns and Law Clerks Illegal?" Rather than sweating this issue, or doing any related non-billable research, we suggest that your firm spend a few hours researching and writing a comprehensive white paper on a possible movement to restore ordeal by water to the trial courts.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

June 20, 2010

Real Brit execs race powerboats.

Man of Kent screws pooch on yacht. “He is having some rare private time with his son”. This morning the New York Times and several thousand other media outlets want to know what Tony Hayward was doing yesterday in a yacht race off England's clear southern blue coast. So do we. More to the point, in a world-wide recession, yachts are out anyway, Tony. Get down with us, bubba.

The Greaseman

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

June 11, 2010

Overheard in San Francisco: The Man With No Enemies.

At the Clift on Geary Street, in the famous Redwood Room, three people are going over candidates for a high salary lateral hire to join their business.

The Boss, in his sixties, listens for a long while to a glowing report about one candidate, and then says about that candidate in a short monologue:

He's a person with no enemies in the industry?! Really? None?

Sorry, but that's not very good news. "No enemies" means we can trust him with small things, and he'll be loyal. But we can never give him anything risky or important to do. He seeks only to please. More I think about it, I don't want to even meet him.

So, who else do you have?


"Beware of the lily white."

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

May 28, 2010

Troutbeck, Windermere, Cumbria, England

(from June 18, 2006 post)

We live in a world that never sleeps--and now it combines the ancient with the digital. Technology brings us in and out of the remote and brooding parts of Europe of old standing stones. Not sure I like it--even while it certainly helps me to work.

I left Manchester three days ago to attend the wedding of a London lawyer up here in the Lake District. My hotel for the first night, the Queen’s Head, in Troutbeck, near Windermere, is about 400 years old and looks out over a very narrow winding road, green valleys, daffodils, sheep, cattle, the ruins of old stone houses and hundreds of miles of grey stone fences in the shadows of fells (mountains). All of the fences--and some of the older houses--are done by dry stone.

No mortar at all, and they meander up and down the fells and the valleys and around the lakes for hundreds of miles, like multiple Hadrian's walls stitching everything together. These are the same fences the Lake poets like Wordsworth walked along 200 years ago. Prince Charles has declared dry stone a lost art, and he wants people to re-learn it to keep the fences in repair.

There is no telephone in any room at the Queen’s Head, a rustic inn even around here, in the quiet Troutbeck Valley, not far from the old Roman Road. No internet connections. Just one pay phone near the dining room off the pub, and also a fax, they claim. But it doesn't matter--a Sony Ericsson cell phone and the T-Mobile service allow better wireless connections to talk to clients and my office than I get in the U.S. A Treo or a BlackBerry work just fine here. Clients have no idea where I am unless I tell them.

In a way, it's a shame.

This morning I saw a farmer in one of the rolling fields way down below me in a scene of timeless pastoral beauty and, yes, he had to his ear a silvery cell phone as he paced around between the sheep, their still-nursing lambs and the old stone walls designed to keep them from getting lost or hurt on his neighbor's property. Otherwise, the year was 1730, or earlier.

One great thing if you need to keep working while you travel out here is this: in Europe, I am always at least 5 or 6 hours ahead of North America, which means that I can do "immovable" weekly conferences on ongoing projects in the early afternoon rather than 5:30 to 8:30 AM. I am ahead of the game--that's never true when I am in, say, California. In the western U.S., when I call it a day and go to sleep, workers in the UK, Germany and the rest of Europe are checking their e-mail accounts and just starting their day.

Posted by JD Hull at 08:03 PM | Comments (0)

May 03, 2010

Renewal, rebirth, tool sharpening.

Spring ushers in important observances by most cultures and religions.

Nearly everyone--Pagans, atheists, druids, Scots, Picts, regular people, animals, your oddest relatives, city people, and the most pale indoor white collars you know--notice the natural world more. Even plain honest fleshy folk we grew up with in the American Midwest: they do a move, a dance, a jig, or an inspired stylish waddle to celebrate.

It's only primal. We all refuse to ignore rebirth, renewal, new life cycles, being here now--and the possibilities of bold fresh starts.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

April 29, 2010

Smaller, Nimbler and Excellent Goes Global.

Maybe you need to get out more? We estimate that worldwide there are now at least 400 international law groups and alliances which count law or accounting firms as members. Some cover or focus on regions (e.g. Latin American, Western Europe, Greater Asia); some specialize (IP and IP enforcement); many take on the whole world (remember the goofy term "full service"), with members in as many as 100 different cities worldwide.

Some, of course, are older, better organized and staffed, or more tightly-knit, than than others. Hull McGuire has participated actively in and used two such groups since 1998, including the IBLC, an alliance based in Salzburg, Austria. IBLC has 100 firms (most of them longstanding) and 1500 professionals.

International groups are nothing new. But they grow in number and usefulness as two things occur: (1) technology continues to level the playing field in the competition for the best clients, and (2) higher-end lawyers form boutiques, boutique "clusters", and firms between 5 and 250 (read: smaller) lawyers to service those clients, often at rates comparable to "large-firm" rates.

No matter what billing regime or model is used--hourly, flat or hybrid--the idea is value. The best thing? As firms "unbundle" their best practice areas to the global markets, sophisticated clients are offered the ultimate menu.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 03:50 AM | Comments (0)

April 28, 2010

The three most significant news items (so far) of April 2010.

1. ABA's Law Practice Management Section rolls out special "diversity strategies" edition of Law Practice Today webzine for April 2010.

2. Matt Damon, Wife Expecting Another Baby. People magazine

3. Vermont Man Reunited with Turtle. NBC

Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

April 20, 2010

The Other Easters.

Old Roman and Pagan versions of Easter are rowdy, have just as many fairy tales, and are probably lots more fun. Rebirth and renewal. Does it matter how you get there? We suggest services here.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 07, 2010

Special Anglo-Nantucket-Bow Tie Alert.

The waning of WASPs: that troublesome Stevens void. NPR's Nina Totenberg notes that Supreme Court May Soon Lack Protestant Justices. Excerpt:

In fact, six of the nine justices on the current court are Roman Catholic. That's half of the 12 Catholics who have ever served on the court. Only seven Jews have ever served, and two of them are there now.

Depending on the Stevens replacement, there may be no Protestants left on the court at all in a majority Protestant nation where, for decades and generations, all of the justices were Protestant.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 06, 2010

O Rare Duke: Hated Hoops Tribe Triumphs in Hostile Hoosier Heartland.

Duke 61, Butler 59. Win or lose, Butler is one classy school and team. And I will never escape my own family Indy ties and Indiana memories. But blood is blood. Anyone who went to Duke babbles happily about it for several eternities, and for good reason. I'm no exception. It's some place. See AP article: "Duke Ends Butler’s Dream, Claims 4th Title".

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Like its other students, Duke's cheerleaders are often mega-smart, civilized, and tough-minded. Another complaint of the non-Duke public is they are too well-bred, thus lacking the all-important "C&W/chubby hooker look" that other U.S. universities prize and carefully cultivate.

Above: Duke's wonderful Lauren Cooper (by Bruce Yeung)

Posted by JD Hull at 12:44 AM | Comments (2)

April 02, 2010

The Other Easters.

You started out as a work of great art; please don't die a copy of something mundane. Old Roman and Pagan versions of Easter are a bit rowdy, have just as many fairy tales, and are probably lots more fun. Rebirth and renewal. Does it matter how you get there? We suggest services here.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 30, 2010

Slackoisie Dream Killer #1

Contrary to what anyone will tell you, clients are not particularly concerned with your personal happiness, free time and relaxation.

Nor is any other kind of customer or buyer of products or services. See Scott Greenfield's "Love the One You're With" inspired by Mark Britton's "Law is a Jealous Mistress" and Britton's longer piece on communication at Law.com.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 16, 2010

Real Winter: He makes a blind man see.

Put some bleachers out in the sun
And have it out on Highway 61.

--R. Zimmerman

John Dawson Winter III, b. Beaumont, Texas (1944- ). Note to "no guts no gospel" weenies born after 1965: Johnny Winter is a straight-up Boomer Hero. Listening to him could make you tougher. Make you ready to compete. Make you work harder. Make you stop whining. Make you stop settling for mediocre.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:30 PM | Comments (0)

March 05, 2010

ChatRoulette. Chat hags. Come again?

We have questions. If 87% of players are male, could this be one of those "confused young men" things? Like a post-modern digital Village People community? And the players have names like Chadwick, Raphael, and Little Sammy? Do people somehow sit in circles? Is there a competition? Are Ritz crackers involved? Can you really get nexted if you went to Duke?

Another thing. Kash Hill, a new ChatRoulette player, is a Vision. A babe. A total Betty. What's in it for her? What's she doing with all these, well, losers? Do they have Chat Hags in Manhattan?

Look, if you must play ChatRoulette, please check in first with Kashmir Hill, and read "A weekend of ChatRoulette (Or: I play ChatRoulette so you don’t have to)" at her blog, The Not-So Private Parts. Excerpt:

I lost my ChatRoulette virginity on Friday night. After drinks at Burp Castle in the East Village and a big bowl of ginger-scallion noodles and fatty pork buns at Momofuku’s noodle bar, I came home full and not yet ready for bed. So I decided to give the site — that I had already written about — a try.

I donned red over-sized, goofy sunglasses with stars on them. Both because the site of first impressions rewards gimmicks to start conversations, and because I wanted to browse incognito. Even knowing I would be paired with anonymous strangers, I felt slightly uneasy and the glasses provided protection.


A Contributor and blogger at True/Slant,
Hill is also an Editor at Above the Law.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 04, 2010

And some talented.

All heiresses are beautiful.

--John Dryden (1631-1700)


Dylan Lauren (1974- ) (Rabbani & Solimene)

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

February 11, 2010

Dupont Circle 2-6-10

The best coverage is Sunday's Washington Post (..."a flash mob with cabin fever...") and Sunday's Huffington Post. The Dupont Circle snow battle was a structured free-for-all. The Washington Post notes that pre-skirmish legal disclaimers were circulated.

(Photo: Huffington Post)

Posted by JD Hull at 01:24 PM | Comments (0)

January 13, 2010

More Plural Life

Whether you're a Baptist, Neo-Platonist, property law professor, or average philanderer struggling to get by, forget about HBO's "Big Love" and learn something. Brooke Adams, a Salt Lake Tribune reporter, tells us almost daily about The Plural Life. Start with her piece yesterday on "Young’s Plan":

Sally Denton, in her book “Faith and Betrayal,” observes that Brigham Young “launched the most ambitious communal socialist society” in America’s history.

She could have been describing the community in Short Creek, now known as Hildale and Colorado City, and the United Effort Plan Trust when she writes about Brigham Young’s plan. This is how the UEP Trust, at least in its inception, was designed to function — and also sheds light on why the states’ efforts to reform and reorganize it have alienated FLDS residents. From Denton:

“Young decreed that there would be no private ownership of land, since it belonged to God. The harvest would be placed in communal storage for distribution according to individual needs.” And:

“. . . There would be no private ownership of property in what one of [Brigham] Young’s clerks described as this ‘place where the land is acknolwedged to belong to the Lord.’ and each man would be assigned two plots, one for a home and one for a farm. . . ."


Posted by JD Hull at 03:00 PM | Comments (0)

January 05, 2010

Our New Male Writers: Not much to talk about in the locker room?

(BBC Television)

"Justin, honey, your editor at Knopf called. He wants you to read more Henry Miller. Roth, Mailer, Bukowski, and Cleland, too. So do I." And here is some must reading for those who must employ (or date, or already married) post-Boomer adult males, or New Age guys. See Katie Roiphe's December 31 essay in the New York Times, "The Naked and the Conflicted".

Note that the handful of younger novelists she discusses are between 38 and 50 years old, American, successful and celebrated. One Pulitzer. But what Roiphe is suggesting about the emerging U.S. male, and our new PC culture, is both instructive and eerie. Moreover, Roiphe, a respected non-fiction author, novelist and NYU prof, is writing about male peers here. She was born in 1968. Three excerpts:

Our new batch of young or youngish male novelists are not dreaming up Portnoys or Rabbits. The current sexual style is more childlike; innocence is more fashionable than virility, the cuddle preferable to sex.

The younger writers are so self-­conscious, so steeped in a certain kind of liberal education, that their characters can’t condone even their own sexual impulses; they are, in short, too cool for sex. Even the mildest display of male aggression is a sign of being overly hopeful, overly earnest or politically un­toward.

Passivity, a paralyzed sweetness, a deep ambivalence about sexual appetite, are somehow taken as signs of a complex and admirable inner life.

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Remedial virility lessons? If it comes to that, Roth, now 76, might lend a teaching hand.

Posted by JD Hull at 10:17 PM | Comments (0)

December 31, 2009

Scotland's Hogmanay: Staggeringly Cold.

Wear that rabbit fur-lined Somerled helmet Aunt Mordag gave you last year at the Burning of the Clavie. However you go--Druid priest, celebrated Celtic warrior, or just a rank-and-file Viking fighter--do dress and dress warmly if you're in Scotland today and tomorrow for Hogmanay, the Scottish New Year's celebration that sometimes goes on until January 3. Sub-zero temperatures are expected. See the Herald Scotland and The Guardian.

hogmanay-460_1213497c (1).jpg

Last year's Hogmanay in Edinburgh got way out of hand.

(Photo: Daily Telegraph UK)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:26 PM | Comments (0)

December 30, 2009

The Economist: Working U.S. Women Officially Rule.

Robert Palmer once sang, persuasively and with brio, that "the women are smarter". We'd add braver, and more motivated. It's bracing to hear we may have new heroes and leaders. Just stay focused on merit. Some worry that the frightened U.S. male worker is steadily losing Moxie, Mojo, and the Ability to Think and Act on His Own. So this is good news. See at this week's The Economist the cover piece "We did it!":

At a time the world is short of causes for celebration, here is a candidate: within the next few months women will cross the 50% threshold and become the majority of the American workforce.

Women already make up the majority of university graduates in the OECD countries and the majority of professional workers in several rich countries, including the United States. Women run many of the world’s great companies, from PepsiCo in America to Areva in France.


Rosie the Riveter, now in her eighties, has arrived.

Image: The Economist (from J. Howard Miller's WWII poster "We Can Do It!")

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (3)

Charon QC's Christmas Art

CQC aims to add paintings through New Year's Eve.

We don't understand the Art or the Context, but it did put us in a holly jolly mood. But the "F**kART" series? We'll noodle that awhile.

Never law cattle, always original, CQC makes us like the state of being alive, curious and thinking, and to want more of it.


Christmas ‘09 (2009)
Oil on canvas

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 15, 2009

Is French Television still hiring up all the good Anchorettes?

From earlier this year, see La Mom via The Paris Blog. We still admire 43-year-old Laurence Ferrari, the Sorbonne-educated anchor at French channel TF1. She also has world-class looks. We don't know if it's true or not, but for a brief time after her divorce, Ferrari was romantically linked in the European press to Nicolas Sarkozy, France's president.

This is hard for us to believe for a number of reasons. One reason is rational. After all, Sarkozy has never been mistaken for Paul Newman, Warren Beatty or Johnny Depp. But WAC? is famously shallow on non-lawyering issues. We don't know how two such oddly-matched humans could be attracted to one other. We steadfastly believe in looks. Don't trust us.

More importantly, did La Mom need to call Ferrari "the French Katie Couric--minus the aging cheerleader look"? Look, Jacques, you're talking about America's Sweetheart. We'll always defend D.C. native Katie, even if she is at times cranky, and was once mean to one of our writers at The Monocle, and for absolutely no reason at all.


Ferrari: Smart. Tough. But she flirted for France? We doubt it.

(Note: WAC? alumni Oliver is on loan to this blog through the end of the holidays, or until his wife learns of it, which ever happens first.)

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

November 30, 2009

Southeast Asia: Hari Raya Puasa

At Richard D. Lewis's fine Cross-Culture, see "Malaysia: An 'Open House' Tradition", by Martin Králik, on the Eid al Fitr holiday as practiced in Malay culture. Eid is a three-day celebration that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Excerpts:

Thanks to the staggering growth in Malaysia’s prosperity over the past thirty years, however, the core festival alone has evolved into a lavish, week-long celebration. The follow-up social activities fill up everyone’s calendar for several weeks.

In the morning of the first day of Hari Raya, people ask forgiveness of their parents and siblings for any slights they may have committed or harsh words uttered in the past year.

The Malay psyche is marked by humility and being closely in touch with one’s emotions: the sight of adults kneeling on the floor in front of a parent and weeping openly is not uncommon even among Westernized, UK- and Australia-educated professionals.

Posted by JD Hull at 08:54 AM | Comments (0)

November 16, 2009

"Hello, my name is Amy Walker."

Dialect. Here's a bit of talent, some fine digital self-promotion and--best of all--a quick trip through the English-speaking West.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:14 PM | Comments (1)

October 19, 2009

What one admired Brit says about Yanks.

The world, unfortunately, is much like a playground at a third-rate junior high school in a mixed neighborhood.

"Unbounded confidence and undeniable resilience of the American psyche." Many non-US nations--and their citizens in all walks of life--"resent" the United States. We saw that sentiment rise again in mid-2003, when America invaded Iraq. Talent, verve and energy, wrong-headed or not, is threatening to those with less of it. These qualities make people way nervous. But Americans, too, "resent" one another. We are hardly immune from the small-mindedness that often colors our world.

Human nature, I guess. No one wants to feel uncomfortable around the force, energy, talent, resources and self-confidence of those that have it, and often flaunt it in subtle ways.

It's worse if you sense, imagine or observe that the World's Alpha Entities--nations or individuals--are constantly in your face. Hey, if you're of the paranoid persuasion, it's like they are even laughing at you. At you, and at all your friends and family, Jack. The Romans were feared and hated in every country they commandeered. The problem (gulp) was that they were very good for several centuries at what they were doing. You had to give them credit for that.

Think about American towns and cities where people routinely deride outsiders who have accomplished much in "bigger ponds". Note the traditional irrational "fear" of New York City, America's hands-down best town, and New Yorkers. The fact that many New Yorkers are aggressive and often overbearing can't defeat the truth that the city is brimming over talent and ideas. Same with LA and DC.

There have been petty jealously-fests everywhere since the beginning of history. Talent, truth and quality--especially when served up with energy--makes people nervous. Better to surround yourself with "like-minded" people than be made to feel nervous about the fact that you will not or cannot grow to a higher plane. Yes, be comfortable at all costs.

The world, unfortunately, is much like a playground at a third-rate junior high school in a mixed neighborhood. And Americans--ranging from (a) the quietly great to (b) the mouthy mediocre--are still part of all that. Re: the latter group, which is legion, America--for all its greatness and promise--indeed has its moments as a world headquarters for sour grapes, insecurity and moral pretension.

These days, we are drowning in all manner of jack-asses who need to be right 100% of the time on everything from the primacy of Jesus to whether an airline employee is a stewardess, stew, flight attendant, flying waitress or in-flight server. (Some lawyers even freak out over "Chinese wall"--a useful term more quickly understood than Asian wall.)


Lawyers--supposedly seekers and guardians of truth, the architects of business and officers of the court--lie to clients, courts and each other out of habit.

Manners, professionalism and "appearances" are Everything.

Directness, facts, honesty and efficiency are Besides The Point.

Consider lawyers who proclaim loudly and self-righteously that profanity is "unprofessional". Yours truly loves to swear, and forcefully, at the right times. I am heavily involved in the "let's restore real people-speak to the workplace" movement because not using your real speech, especially among lawyers, is phony, prissy, a hypocrisy. Sue me, folks. I am ready for you.

But spoliation of evidence, compromising clients with half-assed work, lying to clients about the true status and quality of projects and positions taken, and making "Eddie Haskell" overtures with adversaries and courts--a sad if amusing "lawyers club" standard--is just biz as usual.

Clients, not adversaries, to many of us, are the enemy; clients are scammed more than anyone, and routinely. My take: lawyers spend as much time hiding their mistakes from their clients, and fighting with them, as they do serving them. Most of us should have never entered the profession. We are not up to it. It is too hard.

Lots of lawyers--maybe a majority--never get it. The law is not a club for white guys who are smart enough to do personal injury cases, walk and chew gum at the same time, and wear decent suits at lunch. It's a service industry, Jack. Most lawyers--in America, we are a dime a dozen--aren't that important. Get used to it.

And it's not of course just Western Law Cattle that's the problem. Consider America's often-intolerant and increasingly shrill Extreme Religious Right. Consider our often-mindless Overly-PC Left (i.e., many blue state residents who are supposedly better educated than the religious right and should know better) that has apparently abandoned the First Amendment in an effort to make people think and talk just like them.

A nation of phonies? A culture that ignores complexity and nuance? A people who fear quality--and even fight it?

You want to see insecurity, irony and hypocrisy out the Wazoo? Look to America. Look to lawyers. Look to other white collar execs and pros. Yes, look to all the world. But take a hard look at you and yours. And get some standards. Keep revisiting your integrity. Demand something better of yourselves and others.

Are you seeing and telling the truth?

Brit Richard Lewis at Cross-Culture tells the truth--whether it is popular on his own tribal playground or not. He does not shy way from tackling and sorting out complexity and ambiguity. He does not preach. He is a man who was "global" before global was cool. He is an exception to the "talent + energy makes me nervous" pattern.

Lewis knows who he is, knows the world in all its wonderful variety, and knows--and admires--us Yanks, warts and all. You see it again and again in his writings.

Read "A Country that Can".

Posted by JD Hull at 12:12 PM | Comments (2)

October 13, 2009

Why not Global in place of Patriotic?

A wise man's country is the world.

--Aristippus (435-360 BC), as quoted by Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosphers


"There is hope. I see traces of men."

Aristippus was shipwrecked on the island of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. He and his fellow survivors did not know where they were or if the island was inhabited. But he sees geometric figures drawn on the sand.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (1)

October 07, 2009

Your Antler Dance: Real life, Real Courage, Ray Ward.

Got something holistic, holy and global for you right here. WAC? is about happy corporate clients--and how hard it is to get client service right. It's also about happy lawyers, a prerequisite to great service: family, friends, rest, food, exercise, health, and renewal. And a spiritual life, even if it's a druid-like Antler Dance you and Nadine made up on your own after being over-served one spotty evening at Kelly's Irish Times on F Street, NW. Something eternal, infinite. You need it all, all right, and rightly mixed.

But WAC?, the "blog", has serious limitations. Note re: "blogs"...we're still getting used to the overly-effeminate new age low-testosterone (unless anonymous--then it's way manly) digital neighborhood and the goofy glossaries. "Blogs". Arguably no one with a real job has time to read "blogs". Like, dude, "blogs", who cares?

Anyway, Real Life, which happens to us and those we love, is cruelly shortchanged by this "blog". Most "blogs" don't tell you how to live. We fall short there, too. Consider the lawyers, generic dweebs, wuss-breeds, Weenies, the law cattle who should just moo-out and leave the profession (so they can work in quiet bookstores, and be better metro-sexuals), white-collar slaves, other peasants-by-choice, Gen-Y Looters, and even the next lowest-of-the-low--spineless no-name bloggers and commenters sans Club Ned exceptions--WAC? makes fun of and would like to liberate from bondage.

All these unfortunates need the restorative powers of a wise universe. And WAC? needs it, too. A lot.

So if we were going to read just one overall blog to meet all our life-and-lawyer needs, it would be Ray Ward's Minor Wisdom, a blog which first grabbed us by the lapels 4 years ago.

It is what a blog should be: brave, personal, well-written and damn interesting. A gifted and well-rounded human and lawyer, perhaps put here on Earth to make up for some of the rest of us, Ray writes on everything from excellence in lawyering, writing and appellate advocacy to Christian mystics, politics, music (well, real music), Darfur, Chad, human rights, and human rites. Ray knows we are all just here for a cup of coffee--so make the best of it, and help others whether you are rich or not. He has a sense of humour. He never moralizes. He's curious. And fear seems truly to have been replaced by faith. You ready for that? Would it help you? We know it would.


Ray Ward
, The main Rain Man

Posted by JD Hull at 04:11 PM | Comments (1)

September 15, 2009

The Economist: Is Atlanticism striking out in Eastern Europe?

For nearly twenty years, ex-communist regions of Europe were high on America. The U.S. had been viewed as an unfailing cheerleader, and consistent source of support, throughout the Cold War. These days, however, Eastern Europe is clearly not as hopeful or as enthusiastic about that political and emotional tie. To learn why, see a piece we almost missed in last week's The Economist, "The Atlantic Alliance is Waning in Europe’s East". Excerpt:

The ascent of Barack Obama has boosted America’s image in most countries, but only modestly in places like Poland and Romania. Among policymakers in the east, the dismay is tangible. In July, 22 senior figures from the region, including Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa, wrote a public letter bemoaning the decline in transatlantic ties.

One reason is that the Obama administration is rethinking a planned missile-defence system, which would have placed ten interceptor rockets in Poland and a radar station in the Czech Republic, in order to guard against Iranian missile attacks on America and much of Europe. That infuriated Russia, which saw the bases as a blatant push into its front yard. Changing the scheme—probably using seaborne interceptors—risks looking like a climb-down to suit Russian interests.

Bucharest, Romania

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 10, 2009

Extreme ambitions suddenly seize Russia.

Maybe master shape-shifting first, Comrades? See Newsweek: "Medvedev's Anti-Alcohol Campaign Tries to Make Russia Sober Up". The idea is to cut the country's per capita intake of booze by 25% by 2012. Seriously, sirs, good luck with this one: a hard problem that is likely beyond cultural.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 03, 2009

The Duke Experience

From yesterday's edition of The Chronicle, the enduring and well-regarded Duke student daily:


A North Carolina appeals court ruled Tuesday that former men's lacrosse coach Mike Pressler can continue with a lawsuit against the University.

Pressler--who signed a settlement in 2007 with the University after he was fired following the false rape allegations in 2006--charges that John Burness, former Duke senior vice president for public affairs and government relations, made slanderous remarks about him after and in violation of the settlement, which included a clause precluding defamatory comments.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:30 PM | Comments (0)

August 03, 2009

Original Complaint

Ah, but it is hard to find this track of the divine in the midst of this life we lead...

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf (1927)


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

July 29, 2009

In America, we call that a scoop: Charon QC interviews Lord Falconer.

Has the Blogosphere in the West finally arrived? Yesterday, London's silver tongued Charon QC--in his other life a well-regarded legal educator and journalist--interviewed Lord Falconer (Charles Leslie Falconer), the Lord Chancellor of Great Britain between 2003 and 2007. Jack Straw, in Gordon Brown's administration, now has the position. Among the other powers and duties assigned to him, the Lord Chancellor is a member of the Prime Minister's Cabinet and responsible for the operation and ensuring the independence of the British court system. Charon's podcast interview is here.

Lord Falconer

Posted by Rob Bodine at 03:23 PM | Comments (1)

July 11, 2009

...and on Bastille Day.


And the moral of the story is never lean on the weird. Or they will chop your head off. Take my word for it, Bubba. I am an expert on these things. I have been there.

--HST, 1994

How the Marquis de Sade was finally forced into politics. Bastille Day is Tuesday, July 14, the French day of independence, which occurred 220 years ago. During the workweek, of course, we are not likely to write about Revolution. Or The Marquis. WAC? has big ones--but we have a decent respect for those who are straight-laced, clean-living and just trying to avoid the next nightmare. They are our people. We come from that; we lived among them for many years.

Besides, no matter what the mainstream press tells you, there's a "riot goin' on" (i.e., the late-2008 Recession). No use in further aggravating our well-educated readers, many with serious resources to conserve and protect. Yet it is Saturday. This is What About Paris? Bear with us.

According to Dr. Thompson in "Better Than Sex" (a 1994 book about U.S. politics), and some other sources, the Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), the Parisian artist and French nobleman, played a role in this opening drama of the French Revolution. It is true that the Marquis, a serious artist, was out-front different, wild, and independent; he didn't care what people thought or said about him.


Thompson writes that on occasion The Marquis would run amok on booze and laudanum in the streets of Paris, just to blow off steam. The mainstream French aristocracy, and clergy, were never happy with the Marquis. They "not only hated his art, they hated him".

The Bastille

By 1788, the Paris police routinely harassed him, and jailed him a few times. The Bastille itself, and later an insane asylum, were his homes in the days leading up to July 14.

In turn, Thompson continues, the Marquis began to hate cops--and the government. Well, by the summer of 1789, Paris, in its oppressive July heat, was about to explode, anyway, and according to Thompson:

The mood of the city was so ugly that even the Marquis de Sade became a hero of the people. On July 14, 1789, he led a mob of crazed rabble in overrunning a battalion of doomed military police defending the infamous Bastille Prison, and they swarmed in to "free all political prisoners"....

It was the beginning of the French Revolution, and de Sade himself was said to have stabbed five or six soldiers to death as his mob stormed the prison and seized the keys to the Arsenal. The mob found only eight "political prisoners" to free, and four of those were killed by nightfall in the savage melee over looting rights for the guns and ammunition.

Posted by Rob Bodine at 01:59 AM | Comments (0)

July 10, 2009

Jordan Furlong at Law21: Everything will change. Get used to it.

A slow-moving but relentless development that in time will have vast economic, social and political consequences.

--The Economist, June 26, 2009

No, you won't need to sell the condo in Marco Island. But yes, in the Americas or Europe, everything--especially if you are a corporate lawyer--is about to change. Inspired by a piece two weeks ago in The Economist on the demographics of aging in the West, Canada's Jordan Furlong at Law 21 just gave us "Time Bomb".

Law21--launched 18 months ago and subtitled "Dispatches From a Legal Profession on the Brink"--has already been right about many things. Furlong's article discusses the end of retirement. Unfunded pension rights. The waning of big incomes, and of many law schools. Sobering. And everyone will work longer in multi-generational places and modes of work? This blog? We would settle for just starting to work again--and without apology to fashionable consultants. We can get finally off our knees.

And finally one very bright spot. It's the passing reminder in Furlong's piece that Gen Y is done hatching--as if all those gooey little pods in the "Alien" movies were blown up and scattered into Deep Space. We will now meet "Gen Z". So pleased to meet y'all. Really mean that. But ah, Gen Y: The Millennials. We will perhaps miss that aggressive and cheerful Reverse-Moxie.

To their credit, since the early 1600s in the Americas, no generation--in the twenty that started out in Virginia and Massachusetts--has been able to do what they have done. Who else has had the gumption and foresight to grab Mediocrity and Work-Life Balance by the lapels, shove it all up against the wall, look it straight in the eye--and then call it "excellent" without laughing?

Jordan Furlong

Posted by JD Hull at 12:38 PM | Comments (1)

July 08, 2009

Tea, sympathy, and a grooming tip for "Club Ned" members.

Honey, just wear a black turtleneck. Even Ned Beatty looks good in a black turtleneck.

--Overheard last year in Brentwood

10m ned.jpg

Ned in repose, planning Georgia fishing trip with buddies.

Just like a hog, eh? We are receiving many strong if not terribly classy "anonymous comments"--not to be published until we receive court records, affidavits and confidential photos--in nameless response to our strong but classy anti-anonymity piece earlier this week: "Play Time" on the Internet is Over. Wanted: A Few Good Rules". Apparently, there are way more people, presumably male lawyers, and many fire-breathing Above The Law regulars, than we had thought who unfortunately once received Ned's brutal and unsavory treatment in the woods that is the key prerequisite for Club Ned status. We think only about .05% of the population qualify. But that could still be a lot of victims.

The legacy of a bad weekend in Aintry. Our sympathies. Having to think about that kind of personal violation--or something similar--must make for a very damn tough train or car commute every day from New Canaan or Chevy Chase to work. The partners can't know. Your staff can't know. Your friends can't know. It's lonely, we are sure, even though we don't feel your pain. So we will be offering survival tips for you guys, as anonymity on The Net becomes a narrow and pitied exception to fair participation--and you painfully gather all those unspeakable files and send them to us so we can certify your CN membership.

Here's one. Club Ned of course is based on "Bobby" played by the great character actor Ned Beatty in Deliverance. If you are in Club Ned, you are by definition a victim of something horrible. And frankly you also may be a little hard on the eyes, anyway, at least by this point, if you catch our meaning, and get our drift. Sure, CN members are often physically unattractive. So here's a grooming tip, and two words: black turtleneck. It hides more of the bruises, too.


Posted by Rob Bodine at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

July 07, 2009

London law students: scholars, critics, lovers.


We send you the complete text of this circa-1595 comedy by Shakespeare, here, and on one page. The play was first performed before Queen Elizabeth, at her Court in 1597.

"Loues Labors Loſt"--note the obsolete spelling of 'love', showing the strong hangover of the French language in England--was also likely written for early performances before culturally-literate law students and barristers-in-training at the Inns of Court in Legal London. The idea was that the students would appreciate its sophistication and wit. Law students apparently were once like that in the West.

Do read Love's Labour's Lost when it's quiet. Maybe next weekend after the weenie roast, or when Uncle Seamus from Albany sleeps it off in the room with the happy bunny rabbits-motif wallpaper and curtains you never took down. Interestingly, and not to embarrass you about Uncle Seamus again, the play itself begins with a vow by several men to forswear pleasures of the flesh and the company of fast women during a three-year period of study and reflection.

And to "train our intellects to vain delight".

(From a 9/1/08 Dan Hull post written at Bayswater, West London)

Posted by Rob Bodine at 12:58 AM | Comments (0)

June 30, 2009

Bosphorus Law

See this one by Phil Hodgen at Hodgen Law Group PC, an international tax boutique.


"New" by Ottoman Empire standards, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul was built in the early 1600s. It's one of several mosques in Europe and the Near East known as "Blue Mosque" due to the blue interior tiling.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (1)

June 29, 2009

Brains on purpose. Change on purpose.

And mediocrity as a choice. People will sigh and tell you "well, people just don't change." Well, they are wrong--and that entire notion is a design for (1) failure, (2) mediocrity, (3) settling and (4) otherwise failing to grow.

All of my life I have seen people change. And change in extraordinary ways. They choose it.

The catch: you must do it yourself. The wonder: you are always doing it anyway. So make it work for you.

Stephanie West Allen floored me in a conference call two months ago when she reminded the group and me that science has us changing our brains on an ongoing basis, whether we like it, or are aware of it, or not. She has two sites: Brains on Purpose and Idealawg. These are both must reads, even for people with limited time.

Any Tom Edisons or Ben Franklins in the house? Another reason to read West Allen is that she is one of the few lawyer-consultants who had steadfastly refused to align herself with the "work-life balance" movement*, now in its death throes amongst those with a modicum of self-respect and ambition. In that regard, see West Allen's enduring article, "Hot Worms and Workaholics: Let the Workers Be!", and this later piece "Hot, Cool and Cold Worms: A Contrarian Look at Work-life Balance and So-called 'Workaholism'".

24 Oedipus-ColonusFulchran-Jean Harriet.jpg

Even ill-fated Oedipus knew that there are a lot of things you can change. Above: "Oedipus At Colonus", 1798, Fulchran-Jean Harriet (1776-1805), Cleveland Museum of Art.

*Historical Note: Also known as the "work-wank" balance movement" (circa 2003 - May 2009), and seemingly out of an Ayn Rand novel, WWB was devised and promoted primarily by self-loathing American workers who were so depressed about their perceived lack of talent, achievements and future prospects that it became necessary for them to create "work environments" in which they would no longer feel inadequate, underachieving and threatened by those with more energy and moxie. How to accomplish that? According to members of the heroic pro-work, anti-wank Resistance, which had infiltrated secret work-wank cells (operating weekdays 9 to 5), the Movement had planned to make U.S. Doers, Drivers, Inventors, Creators and Producers feel unwelcome and anachronistic in the workplace. The WWB ruse, fortunately, failed, when at the last minute many Yanks--with a timely boost from a lingering late-2008 Recession--woke up and remembered who they really are.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

June 15, 2009

The Economy: Europe moving right-ward--for now.

See "A United Europe?" by Michael Gates at Richard Lewis's Cross-Culture. Excerpts:

The recent European elections saw a significant lurch to the far right, which took many by surprise.

From a cultural perspective this was entirely predictable.

In difficult times like ours, when people have lost their jobs, feel political power is out of their control (Brussels), and that the cultural landscape of their own country is changing (immigration), it is easy to cling to what we first learned – our national values and beliefs – and to reject violently anything ‘other’ which threatens that.


Posted by Rob Bodine at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

May 28, 2009


Ah, but it is hard to find this track of the divine in the midst of this life we lead...

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf (1927)


Posted by JD Hull at 03:47 PM | Comments (0)

May 27, 2009

The Greatest American Lawyer: Out With His Posse.

A glimpse into Traverse City's small but colorful underground. See "I Could Be an Idiot, but You Would Never Know It Because I Look Good In a Suit" at GAL.


South Union Street, Traverse City, Michigan

Posted by JD Hull at 12:00 AM | Comments (3)

May 26, 2009

La Vie Parisienne: Spring 2009 in the U.S.

In the middle of a recession, Americans live in a nation where work slowly goes out of style, European statism is at least a short-term reality, and many of our citizens are now ample enough to have their own Zip Codes.

What's the Deal? Where's the Moxie? Whither goest our self-respect?


Posted by JD Hull at 09:46 PM | Comments (0)

April 20, 2009

Don't bogart that TIME Magazine, my friend.

Bong Hits for Henry Luce? You and I cannot write this kind of thing, Ernest. TIME columnist and novelist Joe Klein, who is different than us, can. See his "Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense" in the current TIME issue. I was in San Francisco yesterday with old reporter friends; someone wondered if "blunt" and "joint" might be replaced by "Henry" or "Luce" or, better yet, "Hadden", to name it after Henry's way more fun--and likely more talented--Hotchkiss-Yale pal and co-founder, Briton, who died quite young. Well, maybe not. But all of a sudden I'm really really hungry.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

April 17, 2009


Posted by JD Hull at 11:32 PM | Comments (0)

April 11, 2009

Breaking news: $90 is too much for pay for torn jeans.

News of the Revolution. And $300 and hour is too much to pay for a first year associate to read documents--if not fraud. MSNBC: "How Abercrombie & Fitch is losing its cool".


"Liberty Leading The People" by Eugene Delcroix, 1830, The Louvre

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

April 09, 2009

Comrade Kim gets re-elected.

New York Times: "Unopposed, Kim Jong-Il Takes Third Term".


Taking measure of running-dog lackeys of imperialist West.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:56 PM | Comments (0)

April 02, 2009

The G-20 summit: Venus considers Mars.

It's no surprise that European caution versus U.S. drive toward stimulus strategies is the main theme of President Obama's eight-day trip. The Associated Press notes that "Europeans look to welfare, not stimulus, in crisis". Excerpts:

Across a continent long accustomed to big government and high taxes, many Europeans are counting on generous welfare benefits to shield them from the worst of the meltdown. Others worry that loosening interest rates would lead to devastating inflation.

In the American view, the economic house is on fire, and only quick and decisive action will put out the flames. Europe is not quite as ready to pull the alarm.

For all their talk of coming together at this week's summit of the G-20 economic powers in London, European leaders have been openly skeptical of corporate bailouts and massive U.S.-style stimulus spending.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 02:13 AM | Comments (2)

March 25, 2009

Does this mean we're not invited to Eastern Europe's 67th annual Chronic Bad Mood Festival held in Prague this summer?

Deposed Czech leader kicks out the jams; U.S. on fiscal Highway to Hell. Finally, at least, we meet a European--and an EU leader to boot--who speaks American English. AP via MSNBC. Usually, it's hard to get anyone but the French to tell you what they really think:

STRASBOURG, France--The head of the European Union slammed President Barack Obama’s plan to spend nearly $2 trillion to push the U.S. economy out of recession as “the road to hell” that EU governments must avoid.

The blunt comments by Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek to the European Parliament on Wednesday highlighted simmering European differences with Washington ahead of a key summit next week on fixing the world economy.

It was the strongest pushback yet from a European leader as the 27-nation bloc bristles from U.S. criticism that it is not spending enough to stimulate demand. [more]

Hey Mirek, how's that Czech Republic economy going for you?

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:50 AM | Comments (0)

March 21, 2009

A Cambridge degree. An Oxford education.

More Celtic and Brit quirk. For all you godless, dancing and (according to National Geographic yesterday) flesh-eating druids out there in America and western Europe, March 21 is the traditional date of the vernal equinox (this year it fell yesterday, the 20th). Spring and re-birth begins. Time to do the Antler Dance, hit Stonehenge, make oaths, worship Oak trees, fight naked, eat, that kind of thing. But it's also the date on which Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Cambridge-educated scholar, clergyman and Reformation leader, was burned at the stake at Oxford in 1556 after Catholic Queen Mary came to power.

Reviews on Cranmer, part-politician and part-preacher, are mixed. On the 21st, and after already being sentenced to death, he "withdrew" previous "recantations" of his anti-papal positions that might have saved his life. He was a devout Anglican, after all. He had wavered, except on that final day. Forget about doctrine, and Europe's holy wars, silly and sad in retrospect. Not the point. In the end, Cranmer had serious sand.


Posted by JD Hull at 10:11 PM | Comments (0)

February 26, 2009

Recession survival tip (advanced).

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

--HST (1937-2005)


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:14 PM | Comments (0)

February 25, 2009

Above The Law has been covering the Recession.

And lately they've been doing it on purpose. To us, Above The Law always has been more than white shoe gossip, or notes from an underground (i.e., The Comments) of hard-working and often frustrated associates beginning to realize that down markets affect them, too. It also reveals attitudes about practicing law, and how younger lawyers are trained (or not trained). Further, over the last few months, we've all seen something else that is both instructive and poignant. Directly or indirectly, and every day, Lat, Mystal, Hill & Co. cover the recession, and employment markets, very well--and with a feel-your-pain empathy laced with humor.

Here's another, and new, reason to visit ATL on markets: "Notes from the Breadline: You Can't Go Back, and You Can't Stand Still", part 4, by "Roxana St. Thomas", a young New York City lawyer who was "terminated" (a phrase she discusses). The first three installments are here. The series began February 10. Query: You live in NYC. How do you feel about Buffalo?

My mother sent me a listing for a job in Buffalo; when I told her that I did not want to think about relocating just yet, and especially not to Buffalo, she seemed hurt. "You wouldn't have to relocate," she said impatiently.

"Buffalo is seven hours away," I told her. "What would I do? Commute?" She looked at me as though I had just declined a piece of homemade pie. "Hmphf," she sniffed. "You know, it pays a lot more than unemployment."


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:43 AM | Comments (0)

February 24, 2009

More cross-culture. More writing well.

“The teacher’s son’s classroom” may lack elegance, but is surely better than the roundabout “La salle de classe du fils du professeur.” Similarly “John’s sister’s programme” is more succinct than “El programa de la hermana de Juan”.

Pragmatic German and Nordic languages simply add ‘s’ to denote the genitive: Deutschlands Wetter; Danmarks kong; Sveriges huvudstad; while Romance languages have to resort to a variety of forms...

Heartless marauding northern European cultures may have certain advantages with words: economy, for example. See Richard D. Lewis's article "The Possessive Apostrophe" at his Cross-Culture. Don't get the elegant Mr. Lewis wrong, though. Read the whole thing. It starts with the Birmingham (England) City Council's removal of the possessive apostrophe from street signs. No kidding. Them Brummies.


Birmingham, above, is like Pittsburgh USA--just more pretentious.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

February 16, 2009

Several EU nations compete for worst recession.

Sort of. In "The European Countdown to Poverty", Joerg Wolf at the Atlantic Review is collecting "downer" economy stories by economist Edward Hugh at A Fistful of Euros, another site reporting on European business, government and politics. This past week, Spain was clearly in the lead--but at WAC? we have our money on Estonia.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 01:00 AM | Comments (0)

February 14, 2009

The unused perk.

Law is the ultimate backstage pass. There are more students in law schools than there are lawyers walking the Earth.

--John Milton/Satan/Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate (L’Associé du Diable) (1997)

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 10:59 AM | Comments (0)

February 12, 2009

British firm spurns Moscow-based Yank lawyer and "sex" writer.

My good man, what were you thinking? We're betting she'll sue Allen & Overy, a large but functional British firm WAC? likes. Deidre Dare obviously has the Moxie to lob one in there. This was all knowable. See Legal Blog Watch: "Muzzled Lawyer Gets the Boot, Threatens Suit". Let's noodle this, shall we? An American lawyer you hire moves to Moscow. She's impetuous. She writes this steamy stuff. Her last name is Dare. You fire her. Your 79-year-old Magic Circle firm attracts unwanted press coverage easily. It makes money. What result?

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:00 PM | Comments (0)

Is England getting wimpy?

Militarily? We don't think so. But our friend Joerg Wolf at the Berlin-based Atlantic Review asks "Are Americans Concerned that Britain is Becoming Europeanised?". The concern is that the UK--America's ally in the Mideast, and admired for its special fighting units--is going the way of the "peacekeeper nations" on the European continent. Forty-seven comments to this one.

Posted by JD Hull at 10:50 PM | Comments (0)

February 07, 2009

Germany's Alien, UFO and Daily Strangeness Problem.

And you thought it was just that they've had all these American soldiers around all the time for the last 64 years (which would put the zap on anyone's brain). Examine Berlin's Hermann the German for space news. He's Sirius, too. "They’re breeding like rats."

Posted by JD Hull at 11:27 PM | Comments (0)

February 06, 2009

Dang, 250 leads.

See Scott "Bob Redford" Greenfield's "My 250th Call Through Avvo!" at his Simple Justice. Nothing much gets by Scott, and we've learned much from him. He's introduced us to the rich and powerful people he runs with in NYC. He loves children. He dances with his wife. He returned our phone call, once. But, dude, it beats the yellow pages.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

"What About Paris?" We begin early this week.

Via Holden Oliver, the aging law student who thinks all music stopped in 1977, we begin our weekend alter ego What About Paris? a bit early this week.

And why not? We had a tough week--and maybe you did, too. Besides, the world no longer begins and ends with the United States. We at WAC? and Hull McGuire want to be in and stay in that larger world: as humans, lawyers and business people with clients who are "all over" it. If you have any non-U.S. ideas or notions--new news, old news, old verities, commercial tidbits, new art, very auld art, anything at all--send them in. What news of the job markets in Europe? What trade show did you attend in Mainz? What are those arty dudes you know doing this weekend in Aldeburgh? What of Snapes Maltings? You been to Tangier yet?

And what about Paris these days?

Posted by JD Hull at 11:35 PM | Comments (0)

February 03, 2009

Like him or not, Bill Clinton is a U.S. asset.


Even our controlled Commander-in-Chief gets excited, starstruck and a little weird around WJC. What's the deal with his wrist?

We vote "R", "D" and "Other" at WAC?--but all of us here like Wild Bill. We can't think of anyone we'd rather have with us abroad. The guy always comes to play. If you're reading this, WJC, you might reconsider. You've had three years to decide, and Hull McGuire still does lots of work in western Europe. We'll pay you to sit in the room. Or to stop in and say hello. Or phone in. Whatever. Ring us.

See Salon, where Joe Conason is watching Bill Clinton work his magic in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum:

What roused the global elitists from their glum torpor was the opportunity to lay blame for the economic catastrophe that has befallen the world. There was one obvious target: the United States of America, whose stupid and criminal bankers have inflicted so much harm on the whole of humanity. It is an undeniable fact that the Russian and Chinese leaders explored with great relish at every opportunity.

Into this hostile territory rode Bill Clinton, the lone American to whom anyone at Davos might actually listen as he attempted to uphold the name of his country.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:54 AM | Comments (0)

February 02, 2009

Keep your Beginner's Mind.

naughty child–
instead of his chores
a snow Buddha

“Gimme that moon!”
cries the crying

--by Kobayashi Issa, translated by David G. Lanoue (and our heartfelt thanks to DG).

The ability "to think like a lawyer" is about 10% of what you need to be an effective lawyer. Lots of people finally acquire it. Some are famously better and faster at it than others. A revered Skadden M&A partner wrote years ago that, at a minimum, it requires thinking about something that is "inextricably attached" to something--but without thinking about that something to which it's attached.

Legal reasoning is critical--but it's never enough by itself to become an outstanding lawyer. The rest is frame of mind: energy, ambition, organization, logistics-sense, re-thinking everything all the time, a take-charge orientation, genuine people skills, and an urgent passion to solve tough problems. If you think you want to be a litigator or trial lawyer, you will also need Very Tough Hide--something which you can learn the hard way.

Finally, no matter what, you need Will, and Big Ones.

Almost all of students we have interviewed in the last five years made law review, and will graduate at the top of their class. Again, not enough. Lawyers need to learn to think and act on their own from the first day. You need the traits listed above. Think of it as an inside job.

If you are new, "steal our clients", please. Be that good. That will take a while. While you are learning, please understand that you are getting more than you are giving. You don't know much. So it's not unreasonable for us to ask you to try to do perfect research, editing and proofreading.

But we love your ideas, your first impressions, and the trick is to be confident enough to ask dumb questions and make comments. Often, your first impressions or "reactions" to a problem or project are very good--but we don't always hear them right away.

So maybe read Alan Watts. Or at least read a lot of David Giacalone at f/k/a..., an HLS grad who really gets it. Think of David as your spiritual leader and technical adviser in one person. Read, for example, his "Phoenixes and Beginner’s Mind". Keep reading him.

You may not know at first very much law, or how to apply it to facts for a fee, and then give the "right advice". But you have instincts evolving all the time--they have little to do with law school--that may surprise you. You had them all along.


Posted by JD Hull at 02:31 PM | Comments (1)

Baby, We Were Born To Eat.

Super Bowl Halftime: Can we have the Kinks, Sting, Bono or B.B. King next year? Despite the hopelessness and self-pity in much of his lyrics--even in the unique rock anthem "Born To Run"--Bruce Springsteen is and always been an inspiring man, with a fine and authentic band. He inspired a whole generation of kids from certain New Jersey counties to eat, drink, watch MTV and totally give up on life with his "hey, there's nobility in being a turd and a loser" message.

We're kidding, well, a little. We do love seeing Clarence, and multi-talented Little Stevie. We admire the New Jersey spirit. But could a Super Bowl halftime show be worse? Nothing sounded very inspiring to us. And Bruce, you're pushing sixty but you're still a rock star. So, dude, get on a program. Ask Mick Jagger. Eat some carrots or something. Try 24-Hour-Fitness. And make Stevie sign up, too. We've seen the future and it's a slimmed down E Street Band.

Hey Stevie, easy on the canoles, dude.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

January 29, 2009

Bolivia: The new deal or a race war?

Here's one we missed in The Economist earlier this week: "A Question of Rights". Bolivia's president, Evo Morales, is an Amerindian and socialist who is now in his fourth year. Last week voters passed a referendum he pushed for a new Bolivian constitution that give the majority indigenous population special land, mineral and petroleum rights. The new constitution has further polarized Bolivians along class and racial lines.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 06:19 PM | Comments (0)

January 21, 2009

It may be one for the ages: the inauguration address.

To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West — know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy.

The text as delivered is here. But forget about the reaction of the crowd, and the sound of Obama's voice, if you saw or heard it. Forget about Justice Roberts' muffed lines just before it happened. It should be read, whether you voted for the 44th President or, like me, you did not. Ted Sorensen writes in UK's The Guardian that he was moved by the speech and the event--and that is indeed praise. If you're an American lawyer and don't know who the 80-year-old Sorensen is, stop eating and watching television for five minutes, and find out. Finally, consider at Legal History Blog the notion that The District of Columbia is "the window through which the world looks into our house".


(Photo: Paul Schutzer)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:52 PM | Comments (0)

January 16, 2009

Beavis, can you spare a dime?

Breaking: Twenty-somethings, reality collide. MSNBC: "Generation Y job-seekers hit hard". Excerpt:

Younger workers are finding out the hard way that they have to hustle to land their dream job, says Debra Condren, business psychologist and author of “Ambition Is Not A Dirty Word.”

“These young adults don’t know how to jump in and be aggressive,” she says.

Query: If they're not proactive and aggressive, would you want these workers at your shop even in "good times"?


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 04:13 AM | Comments (3)

December 14, 2008

The Mother of All Florsheims

"Hey, he might be a right-wing nut--but that's our right-wing nut you're aiming your wingtips at, Jack."

See Reuters: Bush on Farewell Visit to Iraq Dodges Flying Shoes. And "dog"? "Dog?" Bi-partisan WAC? notes that this stubborn Connecticut-born old money scion, ex-Texas governor and current commander-in-chief has issues--but he's still one of us:

BAGHDAD (Reuters, Dec. 14) - An Iraqi reporter called President George W. Bush a "dog" and threw his shoes at him on Sunday, sullying a farewell visit to Baghdad meant to mark greater security in Iraq after years of bloodshed.

Just weeks before he bequeaths the unpopular Iraq war to President-elect Barack Obama, Bush sought to underline improved security by landing in daylight and venturing out beyond the city's heavily fortified international Green Zone. [more]


Take that, running dog oil-swilling imperialist.

(USA Today/APTN)

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

So when will we see Ruthie's new blog?

The return of the much-stalked Law Bird of London? Is it just a rumour? Six months is a long time.

Ruthie 2.jpg

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:14 PM | Comments (0)

December 13, 2008

Small, Sluggish, Insular.

And self-pitying. Coming soon: "A Passion for Mediocrity". It will be at least one post--but possibly a series, a new blog, or a new think tank on the scale of Brookings, Heritage or AEI.

"SSI" will cover in vivid detail how some "team members" of car rental companies (okay, Alamo is one), airlines, grocery stores, gas stations, IT consultant, health care providers and law firms often regard "work" during the current recession in one "flyover" American city. And these people often have children; they instruct them on work and life.

No wonder Americans can't make and sell anything that anyone wants to buy. Can we bail them out with counseling? With appeals to self-respect? And teach them not to ever say to a customer, client or patient the words: "I'm on my break"?

Stay tune. WAC? takes back everything it ever said about the Gen Y Slackoeisie (well, not everything).

We found a new nadir. And it's a disease: "Post-union daze".


(M. Judge/MTV)

Posted by JD Hull at 11:29 PM | Comments (0)

Morocco's Maryam: Heads South.

No one should meet a woman on a laptop. No one sane should bring a laptop to Paris. And no human should watch over an angel with a Dell Inspiron. The first two are easy. I don't like computers; it's no way to be fully in the world. But after I discovered via an odd route fellow Yank traveler Maryam during a trip to Paris in 2005, the Dell was all there was, given her life, mine. We've not met, probably a good fact. At her My Marrakesh, see more of her beguiling photographs, playful prose: "Mauritanian men, also known as a tale of tempting turbans.....". How many American women have this gig?


Posted by JD Hull at 09:07 PM | Comments (1)

December 11, 2008

New Trends in UK Collections Practice?

And introducing the new Albion-style Mass Dine-and-Ditch. See "Geeklawyer Revenge Award 2008: Low-life punter won’t pay bill?" and this related story at The Daily Telegraph. Allegedly a London law firm

reacted to a client's failure to pay its fees by taking a large group of junior lawyers to a bar owned by the client? Having drunk the bar dry, they left without paying the bill.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:25 PM | Comments (0)

December 09, 2008

Russia, the Caucasus, and language.

See "Georgian on their Mind" by Richard D. Lewis at Cross-Culture. Ten years ago, Lewis wrote, and keeps writing, the book on cross-cultural "collisions" that business people can use in practical and immediate ways. We only wish he'd write more at Cross-Culture when he is between larger projects. The above piece begins:

US, French and other western political leaders who have expressed sympathy or support for Georgia in its recent conflict with Russia may not be aware of certain linguistic factors which complicate the dispute. Language is often a root of strife in the Caucasus – an area home to 40-50 indigenous tongues.


Posted by JD Hull at 10:24 PM | Comments (0)

November 22, 2008

U.S. News & World Report: "The best schools in the world"?


'Hyperbole' means what? Should Dartmouth College (no. 54), just behind University of Wisconsin-Madison (no. 55), wish to lodge an appeal, we're available for a song. Call us, James Wright. According to USN&WR, of the 200 "best" colleges and universities "in the world", the "Top 25" are:

1. Harvard (U.S.)
2. Yale (U.S.)
3. Cambridge (U.K.)
4. Oxford (U.K.)
5. Cal Tech (U.S.)
6. Imperial College London (U.K.)
7. University College London (U.K.)
8. Chicago (U.S.)
9. MIT (U.S.)
10. Columbia (U.S.)
11. Penn (U.S.)
12. Princeton (U.S.)
13. Duke (U.S.)
14. Johns Hopkins (U.S.)
15. Cornell (U.S.)

16. Australian National University (Australia)
17. Stanford (U.S.)
18. Michigan (U.S.)
19. Tokyo (Japan)
20. McGill (Canada)
21. Carnegie Mellon (U.S.)
22. King's College London (U.K.)
23. Edinburgh (U.K.)
24. ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
25. Kyoto (Japan)

(Photo: Universal Studios)

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 10:29 PM | Comments (0)

November 07, 2008

America to Germany: "We'll show you something green".

Hermann the German reports that Germans are mad at the U.S. again. After Germany's brief honeymoon with the two-day old Obama-Biden new America, foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed serious misgivings about President-elect Obama’s sincerity on environmental issues, "thus gently ushering in the next era of Germany’s unfortunate but necessary disillusionment with America."

According to Hermann, the Obama camp's response was very Yank-like:

An unofficial spokesman for the President-elect said the new administration will most certainly examine Herr Steinmeier’s suggestion very thoroughly and quite intensely but for the moment “We got your new green deal for you right here, pal.”


Germans, tree-loving pagans and wariors of the woods, have a thing about "green". Armnius, hero of Germany, led a coalition of Germanic tribes to victory in 9 AD over a Roman army of Augustus in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. Centuries later, Martin Luther, legend has it, got tipsy and nicknamed Armnius "Hermann the German".

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

October 31, 2008

This Week: All Europe Watches Yanks.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 10:47 PM | Comments (0)

October 29, 2008

Blawg Review #183: California gets serious.

If you work back Back East, some partners actually want you to shy away from Ninth Circuit or California cases in your research. California, America's chief social and cultural laboratory, often gets dissed for being cutting edge about, well, everything--and in the law, "good" change is supposed to come slowly. A "hard law" blog called The UCL Practitioner hosts this week's Blawg Review. No. 183 does an exemplary, serious, studious and way-Back East job of covering last week's best law posts, with a special and sensitive spotlight on California bloggers.

However, one Kevin Underhill post featured reports that a Scranton, Pennsylvania woman who swore in her own bathroom (at a fixture there) using the "F-word" last year was cleared by the City of Scranton, with some help from the ACLU. WAC?'s warning: Pennsylvania men and women swear wonderfully, and it's a birthright. Californians cannot, and never could, swear worth a good golly darn--and certainly shouldn't try the "F-word" anywhere, at any time, under any circumstances, including at home, without expecting to pull a hamstring, or at least harshing their mellows.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 10:19 PM | Comments (0)

October 25, 2008

What about inspiration in The Desert?

WAC?'s been working hard in Steel City this week, but now needs either The Desert or The City of Lights for a new idea or two. Paris, a 2000-year-old center of Western civilization many Americans know to be in western Europe, is our favorite city. For many more centuries, however, mankind has also picked its opposite, The Desert, as a place of definitions, and new beginnings. So we chose that for the next few days--for the quiet and the solitude, and due to the fact it's all we can afford. We'll ready ourselves for the new order of things monetary and commercial: The New Scheme. We'll prepare.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

October 22, 2008

You're kidding. Our client is a "Waishang Duzi Qiye"?

"One of the other partners suspected it was a "Youxian Zeren Gongsi" form of business. Guess she was wrong. Asian, right? China, maybe? And, Justin, what is that strange German symbol-thing I keep seeing in the due diligence--GmbH, that's it--and what does that mean? Your Professor Bloor at dear old Siwash didn't cover these in Corporations, I guess. How about S.A.? Oy? Hevra Pratit? Cyfyngedig? What about those, smart guy?"

Increasingly, and obviously, U.S. lawyers are helping clients do business with foreign companies and in foreign jurisdictions, guiding them as they set up shops and entities abroad, and representing non-U.S. companies in the U.S. If you are starting to do that, and need to take a first step, visit the International Directory of Corporate Symbols and Terms. It was first published in 2002 by member firms of the Salzburg, Austria-based International Business Law Consortium. A prescient American law prof, writer and businessman, Dennis Campbell, is the IBLC's founder and director. Campbell also founded, in 1976, the well-known Center for International Legal Studies, also headquartered in Salzburg.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

The Bush Years: Never too early for revisionist history.

"It is often said that journalists take the first cut at history." See "W. as History" by USC's Mary D. Dudziak at the always-excellent Legal History Blog. If you're in a very good mood today, you might also read Dan Hull's February 3 op-ed piece, "One of us", in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about the meaning of George W. Bush. Dan argues that W. is, after all, simply the "American" president the world's been expecting for the last 200 years.


A.C.H.C. de Tocqueville, who may have predicted W.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

October 06, 2008

"Women good, men bad."

Ah, the utter tragedy, and injustice, of Nature, of biology--and of the girl and boy thing. Where will it all end? "Where Are All the Female Law Bloggers?" has been getting lots of press--but we can't figure out why. The best, brightest and strongest bloggers--and writers, speakers, corporate lawyers, business owners, actors, humans, etc.--we know are "females" and regularly trounce us "dudes" in most endeavors in work and life. And there's a lot of these creatures. The author of the piece, obviously talented and well-meaning but trying to set the women's movement back about 40 years, is invited to impress us all in the future with a better choice of topics.

UPDATE: Some serious and comprehensive coverage by our betters and friends: Simple Justice, Legal Blog Watch, Diane Levin (all with links to dames who blog).


Ms. Gish is one of many "females" in the WAC? Pantheon. Gish is said to avoid whiners and weenies.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (6)

September 29, 2008

All IP, All Week: Blawg Review #179

See Blawg Review #179 at Securing Innovation. One of the better BRs this year. Query: Did the U.S. Constitution's framers regard patents as “property” or a "monopoly privilege"? WAC? thinks it was both.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

September 22, 2008

American Crime: 316 years of getting it right?

Today is the autumnal equinox. And September 22, 1692 was the date the last people were hanged for witchcraft in North America. Whatever happened to Ordeal by Water, an old civil procedure mentioned in the first 20 pages of the casebook, anyway? "The accused, tied hand and foot, was cast into cold water, and if he/she did not sink, the accused was deemed innocent."


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:40 PM | Comments (0)

September 20, 2008

Muslim Arbitration Tribunal sets up 5 Sharia courts in UK.

New world, new England. See "Sharia Courts in the UK", by Temple Law prof Jaya Ramji-Nogales, at IntLawGrrls. Excerpt: "The Sharia courts have been classified as arbitration tribunals under the same provision of the 1996 Arbitration Act used by Jewish Beth Din courts, which have resolved civil cases in Britain for over 100 years."


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:51 PM | Comments (0)

August 30, 2008

Bravo, Charon QC

The July 8 podcast interview that many WAC? visitors liked: London's Charon QC interviews Dan Hull of What About Clients?


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

August 24, 2008

France: Sofia Coppola sightings; mandatory nudity; zip codes.


August has gone from dog days to a still-hot holiday lull. The U.S. remains grumpy and dysfunctional. Europe is happy and non-functional. The China games no longer thrill us. The 2008 Obama-McCain race right now is a big yawn. Even litigation seems to take a break.

But Paris, and French beaches, are still exciting. The group site The Paris Blog reports that (a) re-invented, talented director-producer Sofia Coppola is "walking around" (see La Coquette) the City (that's enough for us), and (b) in the famous French Mediterranean clothing-optional town of Cap d'Agde, there's a beach where you can't wear Speedos--which by itself is always a good thing--or anything else, for that matter. See Why Travel to France. Bored WAC? looks forward to our trip to Europe next week. But we've taken a hard American stand against this kind of immorality, despite our multicultural leanings.

Multicultural note: There are no nude "river beaches" in Western Pennsylvania. And that is a good thing. This summer I worked in Pittsburgh, where huge quantities of any kind of food, and non-stop television-watching, are popular. People aggressively avoided gyms, and were often ample enough to have their own zip codes.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:50 PM | Comments (0)

August 19, 2008

Sailing in Qingdao

Only at China Law Blog. Harris & Moure's Steve Dickinson is in Qingdao, an ancient but ultra-modern city in the Shandong province with over 7 million people living in the metro area:

...Qingdao has worked hard to ensure that the entire coastline within the city is open to the public. The Olympic Sailing Center opens up the last closed stretch of waterfront, which will greatly benefit the public....the intense fear of foreigners and the problems they might bring has resulted in a lack of foreign visitors to Qingdao in connection with the event. Spectators for the events seem to be almost exclusively from within China....the heightened security has made it even more difficult to get around town than usual. For the foreigners who actually made it to Qingdao, who would want to return to a place where your dancing companion in the local night club is a 50 year old policeman?


Posted by JD Hull at 01:39 AM | Comments (0)

August 17, 2008

Action, speed, color, violence: Gen Y discussion has legs.

Maynard G. Krebs (circa 1962), Hero of The Slackoeisie.

Re: Hi, I'm Justin, and am very happy going through life as a turd--which, by the way, is your fault. Speaking of inspiration, it's August 18, and our May 20 post Who cares what makes Gen Y tick? keeps delivering strong comments, some remarkably angry, on both sides of the issue. Some of the language is eerily reminiscent of Bob Dylan's soul-sick closing lines of his song "Masters of War".* Our take is still: Gen Y gets points for turning unhappiness into a philosophy, we like your moxie, maybe it's our fault--but we're burning daylight here. Do something. You have formidable energies--if not a wit of discipline. Write a novel, maybe? (Nah, too hard.)

Hey, don't quit before the miracle happens.

*And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:15 PM | Comments (0)

August 16, 2008

Bush warns Russia re: South Ossetia and Abkhazia

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) — President Bush sent a stern warning to Russia on Saturday that it cannot lay claim to two regions in U.S.-backed Georgia even though their sympathies lie with Moscow. "There is no room for debate on this matter," the president said.

Searching for signs of progress, Bush told reporters at his Texas ranch that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's signing Saturday of a cease-fire plan was an important development — "a hopeful step."

"Now, Russia needs to honor the agreement and withdraw its forces and, of course, end military operations," in Georgia, a small former Soviet state on Russia's southwest border. [more]

Posted by JD Hull at 11:24 AM | Comments (0)

August 09, 2008

Olympics 2008: Beijing

Ricardo Mazalan/AP

Posted by Brooke Powell at 11:33 PM | Comments (0)

August 02, 2008

Korean family values

At Sam Crane's The Useless Tree, Ancient Chinese Thought in Modern American Life, see Modernization and Family Breakdown in Korea. "Why have Confucian family values declined in Korea?"

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 06:28 PM | Comments (0)

July 25, 2008

Harvard on Mexico: Weather, relocation, "nutty" ideas.

The Harvard International Review has this one: "Nutty? Mexico’s noisy passion for population relocation". The idea is to "move populations away from coasts and river banks, and toward urban areas".

Posted by JD Hull at 11:49 AM | Comments (0)

July 24, 2008

And don't give me any lip about it, because it's someone else's fault.

Hi, I'm Justin. And I am very happy going through life as a turd. For more insights on both sides of The Slackoisie Thing, many of them quite good/funny, see this post and related links at Simple Justice by Scott Greenfield, one of the few non-PC voices in a New Age wilderness of mediocrity-coddling and accommodating-the-lame. So the "issue" gets defined a bit more. We hard-driving boomers, subtly brutalized by our Depression Era Greatest Generation parents, have helped create this new batch of semiliterate lightweights and wimps who give up at the least sign of adversity. So what do we do about it?

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (3)

July 20, 2008

Equal time: Gen Ys fight back.


Below in full is one of the several comments we received to the May 20 post "Who cares what makes Generation Y tick?".

The boomer's [sic] have systematically destroyed all that once made life bearable: marriage, traditional faith, the hope of financial security. In place of what used to be the societal superstructure, our generation has been force fed the consumer culture. We still feel empty. The money you pay is not worth it. When I pay off my loans (twenty years from now) you can kiss my ass.

And after you are dead, which unfortunately will take a while and cripple our generation financially, we can correct the gervious [sic] injuries that your generation inflicted on humanity. If the present election is any indication, boomer's [sic] are incompetent leaders who's [sic] malignant narcissism is only exceeded, at times, by their myopia. Take your second trophy wives, McMansions, and blinding self love with you when you shuffle off this mortal coil.

Dang. This guy let boomers do that to him? Here's help from a great boomer band that refused to give up.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (3)

Dog days: Hot, with increasing Chaos later this week.

And the dogs grew mad. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, and usually feel a little weird this time of year, don't worry. The 6 weeks between July 1 and mid-August were named by the Romans after Sirius the dog star, the brightest star in the sky, save the sun. "Dog days" were linked to Chaos: "the seas boiled, wine turned sour, dogs grew mad and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics and phrensies". Brady's Clavis Calendarium, 1813.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 09:03 PM | Comments (0)

July 15, 2008

Hermann the German: The "new" American Embassy

"Alcatraz reopens in Berlin". The Embassy Germans love to hate.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:00 PM | Comments (0)

The New Yorker is different from you and me, Ernest.

Even though I'm a native of Washington, D.C., which I love, I know The Truth: New York City is the coolest place in the world. And The New Yorker magazine, now in its 64th year, is The Program you should pick up for the show, even if you do have to pay for it. An instruction manual for the Hip-eoisie, it's still funny--but only if you're haughty-cool. Or WAC?'s astral twin Scott Greenfield. See at Simple Justice his "New Yorker: Only for Really Cool People".



Caption: Obama giving either his wife or Angela Davis the Revolutionary-Drug-Brothers/Mod Squad/New Yorker Official Handshake to show their Manhattan-ness and Solidarity with The Hip Cosmos.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

July 13, 2008

Minor Wisdom

Ray Ward, of Minor Wisdom and the (new) legal writer

What About Paris? is the weekend edition of WAC? It lets us get away from subjects which occupy us during the week--like Law and Business. If you're going to have a "blog", there's no reason not to have fun with it. Besides, back in the day, many generations ago, lawyers were not just semi-literate technicians and mechanics. We were a little more. Educated, informed and curious, many lawyers could tell you the difference between Coltrane, Colbert and Voltaire. So we appreciate Ray Ward, a client-centric practitioner, lawyer's lawyer, writer, thinker, blues/jazz enthusiast and Renaissance man who lives in mystic New Orleans. Ray writes Minor Wisdom, our favorite blog. That's right, our favorite. We visit him frequently for inspiration.

And, oh yes, we thank Ray for this link--even if it is about the U.S. Supreme Court:

Supreme Court Rules Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass'

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (2)

"Reading is sexier in Paris"

See The Paris Blog which is running some of the series "Why Paris?" by Laura Elkin at her Maitresse:

I hereby call for a end to clichéd articles about literary Paris, all those which invoke the names of the deities (”Sartre” and “Beauvoir”) in an incantation to raise from the dead the spirit of a Paris that never existed.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

July 11, 2008

London's Charon QC interviews What About Clients?

On Tuesday, Charon QC, London's velvet-voiced legal toastmaster, interviewed an early-rising Dan Hull in California for Charon's podcast series. Dan drank coffee, allegedly. Charon drank something, perhaps Rioja. Their first encounter, one of Charon's first shows, was live at Dan's hotel in the Mayfair section of London in 2007. Hear Tuesday's program here. Charon's posted summary:

"We talk about the meaning of client service--the difference in attitude between Babyboomers and Generation X/Generation Y to law--Legalese or 'Lawyer-speak'--review GeekLawyer’s Blawg Review 166--and if Dan is coming to [the second annual] UK LawBlog 2008 in September 2008."


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

July 10, 2008

The law: pasts and prologues.

Law profs Mary Dudziak and and Richard Ross co-author Legal History Blog, "Scholarship, News and New Ideas in Legal History". WAC? is especially interested in "Ross on The Career of Puritan Jurisprudence". Were Puritan judges appointed on a merit system--or elected? Did they throw fundraisers around New England? We're only half-kidding--but we'll try to find out. Seriously, LHB is an elegant--and seriously interesting--site. If you are interested in the great Judge Jerome Frank, see "Legal Realism and International Law, 1938".


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:30 AM | Comments (0)

July 04, 2008


Still a young country, America. And July 4th means reflection as well as celebration. When does America square realities with its fine but unmet principles? See at Scott Greenfield's Simple Justice "Our 232nd Year and It Doesn't Look Promising".

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

Thinking well.

No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness.

Aristotle (384–322 BC), fragment

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:58 PM | Comments (0)

July 03, 2008


WAC? considers Utah a republic unto itself. We even considered adding Utah sites to our Directory of Non-U.S. Blogs, on your lower left. Let us be vague here. You'd need to spend time in Utah to begin to understand. Hull McGuire has worked much in the Salt Lake area, both courts and transactions, for out-of-state clients. And we always have hired local counsel in Utah, if only as a cultural resource. Our reasons

for viewing Utah as insular and different are chiefly professional; our clients need to know that Utah is different. But lots of talented lawyers live here, including the best pretrial mediator we ever worked with. We also think ex-trial lawyer (a fact he doesn't advertise) Sen. Orrin Hatch is a trip, charitably put, and we follow his doings. But here is something Utah does right other than Sundance and skiing, at least this weekend: a few good people in Park City.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 04:32 PM | Comments (0)

June 22, 2008

Language legislation?

Lauren Elkin at The Paris Blog and Maitresse has this one from June 20:

Controversy is brewing in France this week over a proposed amendment to the Constitution declaring regional languages to be part of France’s patrimony. The amendment, which was proposed on May 22nd, was suppressed by the Senate on June 18th, two-thirds of whom agreed that it threatened the unity of French national identity, invoking legislature from 1539 and 1794 (God, I love France) as precedent.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:51 PM | Comments (0)

June 08, 2008

Germany makes politically-correct bombs.

Yes, environmentally-friendly bombs. America's liberal but respected The New Republic magazine noticed this one, too. But Hermann the German, our well-read man in Berlin, doesn't think it's that big a deal: "Well all the people that get bombed are biodegradable, aren’t they?"

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 08:17 PM | Comments (0)

June 07, 2008

Americans as half full of it?

Americans all think they are going to make it big, don't they?

"Half empty or half full? Test your optimism" by Diane Levin at her MediationChannel.com got me thinking. Running a business does require a bit of realism, and a pessimistic streak can help. You can discipline yourself to get that in your make-up, even if your Mom growing up was the Midwestern version of Pollyanna. Still, I'll take optimism as a "default" position for the kind of people I want in my orbit. Some western Europeans seem genuinely alarmed but intrigued when they utter the following, which is said to me frequently and out of the blue: "Americans all think they are going to make it big, don't they?!"* The idea, I gather, is that the great expectations generated by the free-for-all and break-neck culture of American life is a design for failure, disappointment and humiliation. They have a point. According to the Boston Globe, and as Diane points out, as many as 80% of us Yanks, have the sunny-side thing going--and it can work against us. But that is who we are.

*Brits who say this will then throw in, for effect, a loud and somewhat dismissive guffaw.

Posted by JD Hull at 08:13 AM | Comments (0)

June 04, 2008

Lawyer hubris?

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

Romans 1:22

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 08:54 PM | Comments (0)

June 01, 2008


Today June 1 is the Festival of Carna. She is the Roman goddess of the heart--and also of hinges and locks. Ovid said that she “opens what is closed, and closes what is open.” Another Roman goddess named Carna--from which "carnal" is derived"--is linked romantically with Janus, the better known god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings, and endings. Of Crossroads. Maybe your girlfriend or wife just left you, you finished a good FY quarter and are looking ahead, or it's time to quit wasting time.

I went down to the crossroads, tried to flag a ride.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

Not a luxury.

He who neglects the arts when young has lost the past and is dead to the future.

--Sophocles (496-406 BC)

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 04:15 PM | Comments (0)

May 25, 2008

Saturday and Sunday's Charon

London's Charon QC, a man with a velvet voice, was kind enough to interview a Paris-bound WAC? last year in London near the Marble Arch, aided by his stunning 26-year-old sound assistant, and we've been intimate friends ever since. I've grown close to Charon as well. The lawyer-prof-writer does take time away from interviews and lengthy stays at The Bollo and The Swan to write his well-known blog. He generally writes a review of the past week in his Weekend Review and recently introduced Charon after dark... Tonight he nods to London's new eccentric young mayor, Boris Johnson, an Etonian*, and muses on "The Thirteen Horsemen from Eton".

*An Etonian is a person who attended Eton, which is a boarding school for young men in Britain and has produced English statesmen for nearly 600 years. Eton is a bit like the fine American private boarding schools, Phillips Andover, Deerfield or The Hill School, except it's "public"--and with far more extensive and imaginative cross-dressing. (The new London mayor, in that respect at least, is normal.)

Posted by JD Hull at 02:32 PM | Comments (0)

May 24, 2008

Is txt msgng the new threat to France?

The Economist asks: "Parlez-vous SMS?" France's American-like President Nicolas Sarkozy is worried about what "text-messaging is doing to the French language". Please aim higher, sir.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:10 PM | Comments (1)

May 13, 2008

China's earthquake: How you can help.

See China Law Blog and the UN's ReliefWeb. Yesterday's earthquake, China's worst in 30 years, has left at least 10,000 dead. Countless more are trapped, isolated or homeless.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

May 10, 2008

Hermann the German: Germany as "Americanization Nation".

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 05, 2008

Was Europe ever in love with America?

No, but we Yanks could spruce up our image a bit. See the Berlin-based press digest Atlantic Review, its piece "European Love for the US and American Isolationism", and anything else these young German Fulbright alumni are writing.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 04, 2008

Changes: Is your medium dying?

Via one Andrew Johnston, a real journalist in Chicago. WAC? values people who can put sentences together and walk at the same time.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

April 03, 2008

Law Birds of London

Bird pron. "beud" (London); "burd" (Scotland) n. woman. See The English-to-American Dictionary. They include Law Minx, Legally Blonde in London, Law Girl and the pioneering uplander and biker-solicitor Ruthie of Ruthie's Law, who is now London-bound. Keep your hands away from the cages.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (7)

April 01, 2008

Holden H. Oliver (1968-2008)

WAC? co-writer and third year law student Holden Oliver died in Palo Alto Monday while visiting his girlfriend, an undergraduate student at Stanford University. A Boston native and former reporter for the Kansas City Star, Holden worked many years for the London and Aldeburgh bureaus of the New York Times, and later entered Stanford Law School. Last year, he was elected to an editorial position on the Stanford Law Review. He joined WAC? as a law student in the summer of 2006, when he also worked for Hull McGuire's D.C. office. Death was the result of a kiln explosion in which his companion, a Stanford freshman less than half his age, was not injured. If you wish to help us honor Holden, his irreverent uber-WASP prose style, and his philandering, amoral lifestyle, donations can be made in his name to the Nantucket Preservation Trust, the The Cosmos Club or Kelly's Irish Times in Washington, D.C.

Posted by Brooke Powell at 02:22 PM | Comments (4)

March 28, 2008

BBC reporter loses it on air.

Our London mentor Charon QC so reports. Journalists, like trial lawyers can be, well, a little high-strung. But we can't blame Charlotte Green. Listen.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

March 26, 2008

"Do childless women make the most productive lawyers?"

Dang. Salon and its new Broadsheet--see the first-rate above piece by Catherine Price--are on a workplace roll. But, uh, "Broadsheet"? Is someone (a woman or two?) at Salon bringing back the expression "broad" to refer to dames? We do like 1930s jive. Or will the American Thought-Speech-and-Correct-Lifestyles squad nix that one quick? Stay tune...


"Answer it. You used the word 'broad', didn't you, Miss?"

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:39 PM | Comments (0)

March 25, 2008

Should we leave workaholics the hell alone?

WAC? believes that workaholism is not a major disease. If it is, we just love being around sick people. Such unfortunates build and invent things--and change the world. So-inflicted employment candidates with the right credentials may contact our firm. While all the silly hype about working hard has you wondering whether you're sick, do see this Salon piece which asks: Are women to blame for workaholism? It was partly inspired by a recent Boston Globe feature, "Working women, where did we go so wrong?", by Monique Doyle Spencer.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 14, 2008

Beyond borders, guns and money: A new global elite?

Do Rupert Murdoch, the Pope, Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden form part of a new international class that replaces traditional governments? See Laura Miller's article "The rise of the superclass", and her review of David Rothkopf's book Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making, in today's Salon.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (4)

"Name's Oliver, Holden Oliver, just got back from Île Saint-Louis..."

Via Ed. of Blawg Review, and by Hugh MacLeod of gapingvoid.com, below is new non-business calling card for rogues (or roués), cads and philanderers on business travel of all ages with a classical education, or pretending to have one. If any of you guys need the Cliff's Notes on Women in Love, we've got it around here somewhere.


Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (2)

March 11, 2008

IBA report: Kenya after the storm.

From the International Bar Association's Legalbrief Africa:

After weeks of deadlocked negotiations and bloodshed on the streets of Kenya, the recent political breakthrough has switched the spotlight to Parliament where MPs are being called on to support the accord signed by President Mwai Kibaki and ODM chairman Raila Odinga. The country has opened a new political era, during which power and responsibilities of the government will be shared through a grand coalition.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

Great hubris-laden men's club names down through the ages.

Cosmos Club, University Club, Skull and Bones, Duke Tara, HYP Club, the Boom-Boom Room at the Latrobe Holiday Inn, and now...


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

March 04, 2008

Do you feel smart?

Well, do you, punk?*

This World is run by self-involved creatures (yours truly included) prone and programmed, for at least optimism's sake, to think that a success means "I am smart". And why not? We all like to think that hard work pays off. Certainly, work done right helps your odds. But for years (since 8th grade at Indian Hill Jr. High School in Cincinnati, to be exact) I've wondered why things, especially certain strategies, do work out--or don't--and if I should take credit for them when they do. Is it really me "making things happen"? Is it generally the talent of the doer(s)? If so, is there a formula?

Or is it something else? Luck, odds, Irish fairies, Fergus the Great, maybe?

I started thinking about it again reading Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in the Markets and in Life, an earlier book of Black Swann author Nassim Nicholas Taleb. This is a humbling and wonderful book. Luck or "not-smart" factors, it seems, may create success. However, if you are not 99% accurate in your view of your true abilities (most of us, of course, are not), do not give this book as a gift to your immediate boss who made you rich. It will shatter you both. It also concludes: Yes, Virginia, smarts are out there--but they are probably not yours. Oh, well. Dang.

And if the company you work for ever figures that out, it might try to get the stock options back. Read the book--but keep it to yourself.

*With a nod to Inspectors Callahan, and Dan Harris of China Law Blog.

Posted by JD Hull at 01:16 PM | Comments (0)

February 29, 2008

Leap year: one tradition, hurt clients, remedies.

In the English-speaking world, women may propose marriage on this day. One tale is that a 1288 law by girl-Queen Margaret of Scotland required that a penalty be imposed if a man refused the proposal: a kiss, £1 or a silk gown, to soften the blow of the rejection.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

AP: 1 in 100 Americans is locked up.

Prison or jail. So now it's okay to ask that cute but austere candidate from Choate, Williams and Stanford Law: "So, and we gotta ask this, done any time? Well, let me rephrase that...anything over a year?"

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 02:10 AM | Comments (0)

Never completely drink your own Kool-Aid.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

February 21, 2008

The Wages of Consumerism

The crude commercialism of America, its materializing spirit, its indifference to the poetical side of things, and its lack of imagination and of high unattainable ideals....

--Oscar Wilde, who liked Americans, in "The Decay of Lying" (1889), featuring George Washington.

WAC? takes back what it said some time ago about Western lawyers having no capacity for original thought. Well, not really, but we do take note of the beloved 1% exception. See at his Simple Justice a thoughtful piece by NYC trial lawyer-pundit Scott Greenfield entitled "The Measure of Prosperity, And Why People Steal", inspired in part by a recent NYT op-ed piece by Michael Cox and Richard Alm called "You Are What You Spend". They ask: does measuring prosperity by spending--rather than by earnings--make more sense? Scott responds.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:15 PM | Comments (0)

February 18, 2008

Kosovo declares independence from Serbia.

U.S. supports it, Russia loudly condemns it. Gobs of coverage, e.g., Bloomberg, Los Angeles Times, Reuters, International Herald Tribune.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:22 AM | Comments (0)

February 17, 2008

New French "American-esque" president sinking in polls.

From the February 7 edition of The Economist, here's one we missed: "The Unpopular President". Excerpt: "Mr Sarkozy ran for election last May on a promise to restore faith in politics, to rebuild French confidence and to get France back on track. Instead, nearly nine months into his presidency, a majority (55%) of the French have “a negative opinion” of him, according to LH2, a polling agency". Some of the complaints are policy-related; some are the "jet-set" thing.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 05:23 PM | Comments (0)

February 10, 2008

Gates of Vienna

Home to "Counter-Jihad", and one of the most read blogs ever.


Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:29 PM | Comments (0)

February 01, 2008

So...what are you wearing?

See Carolyn Elefant's post "Must Lawyers Dress for Success?" at Legal Blog Watch. Our 2 humble cents. First, nearly all of our clients are out of town, and we can generally predict when we will see them. So we care more about your phone game. And your work and responsiveness to clients. Second, we love associates who love to work long hours so we can make money and they can learn. So wear what you want--but

look very presentable and by that we mean classy. We prefer suits in the East and at least blazers in the West--but you can always bend the rules. Finally, for you guys, who have less fashion sense: no Grateful Dead Ts or bolos during the week. And socks (two) are nice. If you are a straight up clothes horse, try bow-ties, and maybe spats. Such attire has this bonus: it makes senior lawyers who supervise you realize you don't give a damn about what they think. Red pocket squares are way studly, but only if they barely show. Also, avoid the FBI agent/Nazi youth cheap dark suit and crew-cut look, popular among insurance defense lawyers in Midwestern towns stuck in the 1950s. If you wear suits, buy good ones. Clients, juries and our moms all hate creepy-looking "cookie-cutter" males with law degrees and really close-cropped military haircuts in third-rate suits, white shirts and boring ties and shoes. Dudes, please shine your shoes. The ladies look there right away.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (1)

January 30, 2008

Breaking: Getting older is sad for some.

British-US study.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

January 19, 2008

Sicily's governor sentenced to prison.

ROME (AP, Jan. 18) - A court in Palermo convicted Sicily's governor Friday of helping a Mafia boss and sentenced him to five years in prison.

Gov. Salvatore Cuffaro said he would appeal and continue serving as governor of the island while the case was in progress. [more]

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 02:23 AM | Comments (0)

January 18, 2008

US Airways Club, too?

Sex in Restroom Stalls is Private, ACLU Says

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (AP) - In a legal effort to help a U.S. senator, the American Civil Liberties Union is arguing that people who have sex in public bathrooms have an expectation of privacy.

Republican Senator Larry Craig is asking the Minnesota Court of Appeals to let him withdraw his guilty plea to disorderly conduct related to a bathroom sex sting at the Minneapolis airport last year. [more]

Thanks for clearing that up.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

January 11, 2008

The Economist on the 2008 election

"Up in the Air" is how this London-based magazine--these days enjoying a role as the Newsweek or Time for the entire West--decribes the post-Iowa and New Hampshire cosmos:

Everything is up in the air. That is not just because this is the most open election in America since 1928 (the last time that no incumbent president or vice-president was in the race); it is because Americans don't really know what they want.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 05:31 AM | Comments (0)

December 30, 2007

Perfect New England

AP: 34.5 Million Watch Patriots' Historic Win. 16-0 in the regular season. Everyone watched.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 29, 2007

Renaissance Institute hosts 27th New Year's weekend

Each year it turns Charleston, South Carolina into a productive combination of Hollywood, Harvard and The Hague. For four days, King and Meeting streets are full of famous faces. You see big name tags highlighting first names. There are four weekends a year--but this is the big traditional one which attracts both big name achievers and confident lesser-knowns with big ideas. Motto: "light not heat". See this by a North Carolina tech publisher-editor who didn't get invited--but perhaps should have been.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 28, 2007

Pakistan opposition leader Bhutto is assassinated.

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (AP)- Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Thursday by an attacker who shot her after a campaign rally and then blew himself up. Her death stoked new chaos across the nuclear-armed nation, an important U.S. ally in the war on terrorism. [more]

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:59 AM | Comments (0)

December 21, 2007

A Texas trial lawyer in Paris

See "I'm Back" at Mark Bennett's Defending People: The Art and Science of Criminal Defense Trial Lawyering. Like us, Mark has noticed that the "French do exceedingly well" the following:

* Food and drink.
* Subterranean transport.
* Historic preservation.
* Clothing.

And we could happily add to that list. But we concur that what the French and WAC?'s favorite European cousins "do less well" for business travelers is "Technology".

While the hotel at which we stayed in the 7th Arrondissement provided, in theory, a high-speed internet connection, that mostly-theoretical connection didn't work well enough to stay online for long enough to do more than just check email...[more]

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:50 PM | Comments (0)

December 19, 2007

A new and different Germany?

See "Arrogant Germans See Their Country as a World Power" and related links at The Atlantic Review, the fine news digest on German-U.S. relations published and edited by German Fulbright alumni. Excerpt: "The just released international Bertelsmann survey [PDF in German] indicates that Germans' views of themselves as a world power increased from the 2005 study by 8 percent to 49 percent in 2007." Also see "Germany To Play Larger Role In The World" at Berlin-based Observing Hermann.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

December 02, 2007

Any funny scab TV writers out there?

So Mitt Romney walks into a doctor's office with a frog on his head. The receptionist asks him what's wrong. The frog speaks up, and says "hey, can you guys get this wart off my ass?". Despite the ongoing writers' strike, Carson Daly has crossed the picket line to tape his show. See the Louisville Courier-Journal and Defamer. WAC? may apply.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:47 PM | Comments (0)

November 07, 2007

"Uh, there's no pot here, Beavis--just monkeys."

Two Stolen Monkeys Are Returned To Owner

EIGHTY FOUR, Pa. (AP) - Two exotic monkeys were returned yesterday to a private wildlife compound in Western Pennsylvania, where they apparently had been stolen from a greenhouse in which teenagers believed marijuana was being grown. [read more]

See also "Pot-Smokin' Monkeys On The Lam" (Lehigh Valley News).

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:55 AM | Comments (0)

September 28, 2007

Lawyer resilience: Two tough Brits weigh in.

As a follow up to our recent post on lawyers' lack of stiff-upper-lipped-ness, see a January 2006 GeekLawyer piece called "The Personality Type of a Lawyer" and, from earlier this week at Ruthie's Law, "Are You Tough Enough?". And SRV, of course.

I would walk ten miles on my hands and knees--
Ain't no doubt about it, baby, it's you I aim to please.
I'd wrestle with a lion, and a grizzly bear
It's my life, baby, but I don't care.

Ain't that tough enough?

--SRV/Fabulous Thunderbirds

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:48 PM | Comments (0)

September 25, 2007

California: "My vibe guy is E.F. Hutton, and he says..."

WAC?, still north of Los Angeles, called last night to report that he may have to move back East sooner and not later. "Guess I'm not a California guy", he concluded. Apparently, his ears had perked up in a restaurant when a stunning and articulate professional woman spoke glowingly of her "energy advisor". He inquired, and it turns out she was not talking about: fossil-fuel consultants, brokers specializing in utility stocks, or promoters of deals to sell shares in peat farms.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 12:00 AM | Comments (0)

September 21, 2007

"But it's still not okay in Toronto to ask your mom to haul your free weights from the basement up to your old room."

In Canada, too, "Employment Booming for Older Workers", particularly for women, Borden Ladner's Michael Fitzgibbon notes in his Thoughts from a Management Lawyer. Based on August figures in The Daily, a report of Statistics Canada, a Canadian national agency.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 12, 2007

W-L balance as a non-issue: first, choose the life you want.

I should be catching up on lawyering this morning, but a fine thinker-lawyer-blogger just sent me an enlightening article. Work-life balance is an issue we've made fun of a lot at this blog; don't worry, we'll continue to do that. To me, W-L balance is a "concept" (1) stifling verve, passion, creativity and achievement, (2) ignoring that good and great things are hard-won and (3) advanced by people who really don't like what they do all day. Still, our blog, What About Clients? likely failed to pick up on the better threads of the "issue":

For me, the point is and always has been making my/your life a work of art. That's it. If you think there is something selfish or grandiose about that, fine. Art is intended to make sense of our world and our selves. First, though, what life--indeed, what world?--do you want? Have you even made that choice? Choose your life. That's the hard part, especially if you need to change it (it's not supposed to be easy).

And then fill in the blanks. Blood, family and relationships for most of us will be the priority, and a major complexity, in the life canvas. Whoa, you don't even choose all those people. You struggle, you grow,

you compromise where you must, you try to surround yourself with people who stretch you. You work, you give and you increase love. Hopefully, people in your life want you to chase a dream or two. It makes you happy.

This stuff blends together--and needs to blend so we can be happy. For many of us, "life" and "work" are not capable of a bright-line separation--especially if you love your existence, the people in it and what you do. And, hey, communication technologies, and the lemming-like madness often surrounding it all, are no cure-all--but technologies do make work-life "blurring" possible, easier on others and often fun. Someone just said this all a lot better than I can or have here, and thanks to Stephanie West Allen of Idealawg, I just read it. See Marci Alboher's piece in the New York Times small business section, "Blurring by Choice and Passion".

Posted by JD Hull at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

September 05, 2007

USA workers most productive--but Asian numbers are impressive.

As announced earlier this week by UN agency the International Labour Organization, American workers are the most productive, even while not always putting in the longest hours. As Boston-based employment lawyer (management side) Jay Shepherd points out in "US Workers Most Gruntled?", value, not long hours, is the point. Still, note that seven Asian states averaged 2200 hours per worker in 2006 compared with the US average of 1800. Whoa. Sign those dudes up.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:45 AM | Comments (0)

June 19, 2007

China: Next Big Cities for IT Outsourcing

"...why is Dalian on the list...?" Only old China hand Dan Harris of China Law Blog is both knowledgeable and sophisticated enough to spot a recent list of the "next" top 10 cities for IT outsourcing in China, post it for us, and then take serious issue with it. See China's "Next" Top Ten Cities for IT Outsourcing.

Posted by Holden Oliver (Kitzbühel Desk) at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)

August 28, 2006

Out There: Does Pluto Have Standing?


Posted by JD Hull at 11:09 PM | Comments (0)

March 12, 2006

The Evil Bookstore Conspiracy Against Us All: "Think and Grow Rich", "Fish!", "The Road Less Traveled", "Good To Great", "The 7 Habits of..."

I'm back East for 2 weeks in my real stomping grounds of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland and DC, where the earth is starting to show signs of Spring: re-birth, renewal, energy, hope. And in the bookstores as usual there are writings on growing your business, self-improvement, and how to succeed at something--even if it's just Life Itself. The titles alone give you clues--about some key or "secret" that everyone knows but you. So everyone else reads them, gets rich and buys a second home in Nantucket next to Jack Welch's, marries a modern-day Julie Andrews or Alan Alda, has fine, healthy kids headed for Dartmouth, MIT or Tufts, and then they all do a victory lap around you by appearing on CNN with Larry King. You, however, just keep worrying that your retirement funds will somehow vaporize, that your eldest son's resume reads too much like a police blotter, that your best clients will leave you tomorrow morning and that you will peak in life when you get a guest shot on "Small Business Horizons" on the local PBS channel.

Meanwhile, there's all these, well, "titles", programs and signposts: Dale Carnegie's "How to Make Friends and Influence People", Napolean Hill's "Think and Grow Rich", great stuff by Norman Vincent Peale, Deming's 14 points, "Fish!", "What Clients Love", "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", "The Road Less Traveled", John 14:17, The Upanishads, The Prophet, "Who Victimized My Cheese?" and "The 7 Common Sense Habits of Highly Thought-Of People Who Know Things You Don't and You Better Read This or You Will Fail".

But, seriously, I know what they all mean now. Two things:

(1) It is ALL inside you right now, and

(2) If you visualize it, plan it and work for it, you get it.

Period. So if you don't think you are successful right this minute-- in your worst or best moment--you may never be. The way you think and feel is everything and indeed must be made into a habit. Make it a good one.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:09 AM | Comments (0)

March 06, 2006

"Do Short-Term Victories Mean We're Smart and Our Business is Strong?"

And, more importantly, do those successes keep you from seeing entrenched fallacies and faulty assumptions in your thinking that will bite you in the wazoo when you aren't looking. See "Never Mistake a Bull Market For Brains..." at Adam Smith, where lately there has been post after post of sober thoughts about thinking and planning for the long term.

Posted by JD Hull at 10:39 AM | Comments (0)

February 24, 2006

Tag, You're It..."4 things".

Ernie The Attorney (Ernest Svenson) "tagged" me for a chain-mail "4 Things" series of questions. And I'm supposed to "tag" 4 people at the end. So:

4 jobs I've had:

Keebler Co. Cookie Packer
Manager of a Krogers Meat Department
Tennis Teacher in Michigan and North Carolina
Waiter at Hugh Kelly's The Irish Times Bar

4 movies I can watch over and over:

Once Upon a Time in America
The Last Seduction
Blue Velvet
The Ladies' Man

4 TV shows I love to watch:

Any show with Ellen Bry in it
The Sopranos
Boston Legal
Re-runs of St. Elsewhere

4 places I've been on vacation:

Kitzbuhel, Austria
Pointe Aux Barques, Michigan
Uncharted Fishing Camp Near Island of Coiba, Pananma
Hugh Kelly's The Irish Times Bar

4 tunes that play through my head:

The Telephone Song
Voodoo Child
Gimme Shelter
Crossroads (Cream's live version)

4 favorite dishes:

Filet Mignon
Lobster Anything
Anything with peanuts or peanut butter in it.
Adriana Linares

Four websites I visit daily:

WSJ Law Blog
In Search of Perfect Client Service
Stark County Law Library Blog

Four books I'd grab in an earthquake:

Sam Hazo's Stills
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
The Adventure of English
Flaubert's Parrot or The Art of Travel

Four places I'd rather be:

Cluny Abbey, Roman baths level, Left Bank, Paris
Kent or Suffolk, England
Pointe Aux Barques, Michigan
Kelly's Irish Times in Washington, D.C.

Four Bloggers I'm Tagging

Chris Abraham
Patrick Lamb
Michelle Golden
Tom Kane

Posted by JD Hull at 07:21 AM | Comments (0)

February 16, 2006


He's right. In our profession, we've lost our mojo--if we ever had one--and we need to get it back. Or maybe get one for the first time. Jon Stein at The Practice just wrote back-to back posts (here and here) on negativity in the profession, from three sources: bloggers, lawyers and non-lawyers. Jon concludes the first post by challenging bloggers to write 2 positive posts the rest of this week. His two are worth reading. Here's a small excerpt, an eloquent one:

And then I go out and read legal blogs. And the negativity comes flowing out like a New York City fire hydrant opened by kids on a hot summer day. There are blogs, which shall remain nameless, which are 99% negative. Post after post after post is negative. There are other blogs which are 50% negative. Why?

You can't write about addressing negativity without getting a little negative. But here goes. On bloggers, I don't see that many negative blogs--in fact, with some glaring exceptions, I think we are an "up" and optimistic lot. We are first and foremost people who feel strongly about something good we have discovered, and want to share that with others. "Hopeful" comes to mind, too. The goals of gaining stature and more clients through blogging is secondary; many of us will blog whether there's money in it or not.

But I agree with Jon that lawyers and non-lawyers alike are negative about the profession, if for different reasons. We lawyers do whine a lot and forget to count our blessings. It's a privilege to work, and a privilege to practice law. Yet our profession is full of (1) ungrateful boomer weenies my vintage with first-rate educations our parents often paid for and who just a few years out of law school started "phoning it in" and treating even the best clients like troublesome peasants, and (2) younger lawyers with marginal work ethics who were told all their lives by their parents that everything they did and would do in life was "just great" and, sorry, dudes, it just wasn't and isn't that great. Practicing law is hard. You have to pay dues. And then you still have to do it right, every day, for years. You do it when you are tired, are sick, just heard the Second Circuit ruled against your client, were dumped two days ago by your girlfriend, had your BMW stolen, just learned a parent is suddenly gravely ill, or are in the middle of an endless divorce--that's the price of the privilege. But all this is obviously my beef and part of why I launched this blog last year. And I'm getting negative.

Non-lawyers? Sorry, everyone, and see above. Generally, I whole-heartedly agree with non-lawyers that we lawyers are clueless and out-to-lunch. In fact, I'd go further. Shoddy client service, cavalier disregard for clients as a necessary evil and outright contempt for our customers are far worse problems than non-lawyers and clients (even GC's) even know. At BigLaw, solos, and everything in between, we don't get it yet. We can get much, much better--but only with a revolution in the lawyer mind. Clients and lawyers can have true partnerships which can make both well-served and even rich.

Anyway, Jon, nice posts. And my first positive contribution for Jon is this: Clients are everything--so start there. If you can think and plan it, you can do it. And attitude is more important than facts. Sweetness, light, and truth, folks.

Posted by JD Hull at 12:32 PM | Comments (0)

February 09, 2006

Law School Applications Trend: Way Down

Interesting, surprising and probably very good news in the WSJ Law Blog from a New York Times piece today on the decline in law school admission applications--and possible reasons. There's a great zen-like quote from David E. Kelley, lawyer-turned-writer and producer of shows like Boston Legal, on why it's actually useful to have more lawyers out there to keep the applications down.

Posted by JD Hull at 09:01 AM | Comments (0)

January 21, 2006

Dial 'H' For 'Human': "Thank you for the opportunity to offer you excellent customer service. Please listen carefully to the following options as our menu has changed...."

Here's a sign of the service times. It's a Newsweek blurb from the upcoming January 23 issue on getting "live" customer service. A guy who apparently just wouldn't take it any more did something as productive as anyone could. I'll bet that several young couples name their next born son after a Winchester, Mass. man named Paul English.

Posted by JD Hull at 11:15 PM | Comments (0)

December 14, 2005

$1,000 An Hour--Benjamin Civiletti Is Likely Worth It, But Clients Can Decide for Themselves

There were news reports yesterday that former U.S. Attorney General and Baltimore Venable partner Benjamin Civiletti, 70, is now charging $1,000 an hour for litigation and Sarbanes-Oxley investigations. Before lawyers, pundits and late-night comics weigh in on this with jealousy, outrage and humor--and they will--let me say this: the guy has had an exemplary career, and has enjoyed a first-rate reputation. Venable's clients and the market can decide the issue. He may very well be worth it.

In another sense, it's good for there to be wide ranges in hourly rates. Experienced clients, the sophisticated users of legal services, realize that lawyering is not "fungible," i.e., there are lawyers, and then there are lawyers. There are many, many degrees of quality between "just average" and "unquestionably great." I think recognition or acknowledgment of those gradations is a good thing.

Practicing law is rewarding--but demanding and difficult. Few of us, in my opinion, really get it right and keep it that way. More power to Ben Civiletti.

Posted by JD Hull at 06:34 PM | Comments (0)

November 14, 2005

Good News For Corporate Law Boutiques

See "Law Firm National Reach Overated" by Tom Collins in morepartnerincome re: Martindale-Hubbell's annual survey of GCs. Query: To take it a step further, for the 29% of the GCs interviewed who do want a national firm, can't a boutique have a national reach, too?

Posted by JD Hull at 11:17 AM | Comments (0)